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  • Механизмы идентификации точек контакта с клиентом как инструмент повышения степени удовлетворенности качеством предоставляемой услуги

    В данной статье приводятся примеры стандартных и не стандартных точек контакта с потенциальными клиентами, описаны механизмы их выявления, а также приведены примеры из практического опыта работы авторов по данной теме. Дано определение понятию «клиентоориентированнсть» с точки зрения клиента, и предложены варианты, где применима данная стратегия. Поднят вопрос о качестве обслуживания и что стоит за этим пониманием для клиента, чего он ждет от сферы услуг и на что рассчитывает. В статье рассмотрены этапы анализа точек контакта, приведены примеры влияния этих точек на формирование лояльного отношения клиента к качеству услуг. 

    Keywords: услуга, точки контакт, идентификация, стратегия, анализ, клиент, потребитель, контакт, точки взаимодействия, ориентация на клиента

  • Information supporting of the company's development strategy

    Problems of theoretical issues of information supporting of the company's development strategy mechanism forming are considered. Its structure and elements reveals. The theoretical justification for the planning of the information supporting of the development strategy system through the treatment of the parameters of the environment, strategic indicators and areas of strategic decisions interaction is held. Using the principle of activity continuation is considered from the point of view of the forming of the system of accounting, control and analytical supporting for the processes of strategic management, development, implementation and adjustment of the development strategy, evaluation of its performance. Attention is given to the working out and using in strategic accounting, control, analysis and forecasting of derivative balance sheets system. We consider the nature, value and structure of strategic derivative balance sheets, their possible use in information supporting of the company's development strategy.

    Keywords: strategy, strategic management, information supporting of the strategy, strategic accounting, derivative balance sheets, strategic derivative balance sheet, net assets, net sources.

  • Problems of modern higher educational institution and marketing methods of their identification and assessment

    This paper is devoted to research of the main problems of the external and internal environment of the Russian higher educational institutions in a modern economic situation. The methods, allowing to reveal and determine system effectiveness of management by university in aspect of marketing activity of higher educational institution are offered and proved

    Keywords: Competitiveness of higher education institution, marketing environment, external and internal environment of higher educational institution, marketing audit, remote monitoring

  • Ekologo-ekonomichesky criteria of increase of efficiency of agrarian environmental management (on the example of the Voronezh region)

    Key approaches are presented to the organization of effective use of land resources in article in the sphere ekologo-economic at the present stage of development of agro-industrial complex.

    Keywords: profitability; land resources, agrarian environmental management, economic efficiency, ekologo-economic organization.

  • Property of a lag effect in studying of a problem of management by social and economic processes of a labor market

    In article mathematical formalization of concept of a lag effect of system as a whole, and in particular a lag effect of the social and economic system arising at studying of processes and the phenomena of a labor market is considered.This property allows to consider a problem of a temporary gap between operating impact and result of change of system of a labor market on this influence.

    Keywords: Labor market, lap effect, optimizing tasks, economic-mathematical modeling,operating influence, social and economic system

  • Innovative business – the progress engine

    Only innovative activity is able to unite all aspects of science, equipment, economy, business and management. The current state of the innovative sphere of Russia speaks about serious contradictions in its functioning. Considerable scientific and technical capacity of the country was lost in the period of economic reforms. Now often it is impossible to predict precisely succession of events in economic life of the country generally and each organization separately. In modern conditions scientific and technical progress represents innovative development which is defined by the state as the most important priority of economic policy. Innovative potential of any managing subject needs to be estimated as difficult social and institutional system. To encourage managers and the production personnel competently developed motivational strategy is necessary to conduct work on search of innovations. Achievement of the put indicators of innovative development of the Rostov region and the country as a whole has to become result of an offered method of interaction of science, business and authorities.

    Keywords: innovative activity, scientific and technical potential, economy, business, ideas, effect, development

  • Investments in the conditions of risk and uncertainty

    Each investment project is a difficult product and has a set of financial decisions. As the investment program of development of firm can include some investment projects, investment decisions need to be analyzed not only from positions quantitative, but also from a position of quality indicators of the long-term tasks facing the enterprise. Uncertainty is represented the main mechanism of many considerable economic events as is a component of a production activity. Development of different administrative decisions is influenced usually by risk. When at decision-making we don't take into account possible losses, they are unexpected are transferred heavier. The risk reason as uncertainty is instability of social and economic system. Application of an offered method of risk analysis allows to receive useful information about expected values of the discounted income and net earnings, and also to carry out the analysis of their probabilistic distributions.

    Keywords: Investments, projects, decision, resources, deviation, uncertainty, risk, probability, discounting

  • Analysis and prevention of the risks of self-regulating construction organizations

    he main reason interfering effective steady activity of the self-regulating organizations (SRO) in construction branch,
    risks are. The risk is closely connected with the concept "uncertainty". Application of innovative approach allows to allocate two approaches to ensuring competitiveness of the construction organizations: marketing and integrated. During research the risks interfering stability of the self-regulating organizations in construction are revealed. The reasons of emergence of these risks are analysed, recommendations about their prevention are made. Minimization of approach of subsidiary responsibility according to obligations of members of the self-regulating organizations is especially considered.

    Keywords: The self-adjustable organizations, construction, risk, uncertainty, the information, the decision, the innovative approach, prevention

  • International experience integration of universities

    Проанализирован опыт интеграции университетов в Финляндии, Германии, Китае и др. странах. Показано, что интеграция университетов в своем большинстве являются результатом целенаправленной политики повышения конкурентоспособности высшего образования и государств, использующих потенциал интеграции университетов для получения конкурентных преимуществ, развития своей экономики и социальной сферы.

    Keywords: public policies, integration, international experience,, university.

  • Basic energy efficiency of heating water boilers and their solutions

    This article addresses the energy efficiency of heating water boilers that produce energy required for heating, ventilation and hot water. We review the main technological and engineering problem-solving tools of energy efficiency. An integrated approach to the selection of the main and auxiliary process equipment described in this article can significantly improve the energy efficiency of the boiler as a whole.

    Keywords: energy efficiency, boiler, thermal circuit, heat, water treatment

  • Formation of organizational and technical building systems, repairs of buildings and structures (for example heat and power companies)

    The article  consider the problem of managing the operational reliability of thermal energy complex enterprises. To improve the efficiency of the organization of repair and reconstruction work will form the organizational and technical building systems. Simulation of complex organizational and technical building systems allows to find effective organizational and technical solutions, as well as to predict their possible development in a variety of situations, the probabilistic nature.

    Keywords: operational reliability, organizational and technical building systems, modeling.

  • Resources of Karelia as the basis of recreational clusters region

    Rationale for the accelerated formation on the basis of recreational resources in the territory of the Republic of Karelia recreational cluster including a sanatorium and tourist subclusters.

    Keywords: Potential resources, recreation cluster, the socio-economic development.

  • Logistic organization of complex development of mass housing low construction

    In our country creation of country housing real estate was slowed down due to the lack of necessary infrastructure, and also high level of cost at its creation. The main factor promoting development of mass low housing, existence of the corresponding infrastructure and necessary communications, and also in certain cases objects of social infrastructure is.
      It is impossible to forget and the problems arising by consideration of potential of development of low housing: infrastructure dilapidation; small number of free land fund; complexity of preparation of infrastructure of the territory; difficulties in search of financial resources; small susceptibility of branch to innovative processes.
      The scientific logistic model of the organization of the mass low housing construction, considering creation of necessary objects of infrastructure for building is offered. Now need of strategically planned coordination of business and the state is the only way to the solution of infrastructure and other tasks connected with development of low housing construction from developers and builders.

    Keywords: housing, innovations, infrastructure, low, model

  • Develop solutions in times of crisis and uncertainty

    In our hard time the main methods of decision-making are axiomatic, heuristic and verbal. Heuristic approach corresponds to the repeating difficult situations which aren't giving in to the direct mathematical analysis. The selection process is modeled as solutions to reproduce the course of human reasoning.
    The emergency situation on separate object is comparable to crisis in economy of the whole state. On the detailed analysis and checks simply there is no time. The most perspective directions here – application of heuristic models and the quantum theory on the basis of system approach to the solution of arising problems. Conscious intervention of managers in development of system is carried out by control of signs of the organization of processes. To reduce novelty and complexity of a problem, it is necessary to receive additional information. Based on this information, the experience and intuition, the head gives to results estimated probability. When costs of collecting additional information are great, it is possible to assume probability of events on the basis of last experience and judgments.
    Achievement of the planned purpose with orientation to the future can be provided at concentration of the main influence on the future analysis (including on the analysis of hypothetical crisis situations), instead of the past.  

    Keywords: сrisis, methods, axiomatic, verbal, heuristic, uncertainty, information, risk, system, chaos

  • Improving financial management of crisis construction company based accounting tools engineering.

    Article is devoted to problems of crisis management, financial diagnostics Russian construction companies. We study the possible ways to improve methods of financial crisis diagnostics organization on the basis of application of accounting tools engineering.

    Keywords: crisis management, financial analysis, financial crisis diagnostics company, accounting engineering tools

  • Different Categories Project Management

    The article consideers approaches of projct categorization, classification inside category, tnumerated main categories.Consided  specific multiproject management,silection of project fnd project riskmanagement, management by subproject.


  • Features of norms of waste production and consumption

    In article questions rationing in the field of the address of waste are reflected, methods of definition of standards of formation of waste are analysed, their quality standard is carried out

    Keywords: waste, the education standard, definition methods, limits on placement, ecological safety

  • Approaches and realization of personnel motivation strategy.

    Personnel motivation strategy is a part of a strategy of the whole company. It is long-term plan of particular actions, which has an aim to develop personnel’s potential to the full extent. As an impact, this allows the company to have a competitive advantage in strategy.
    There are a few main approaches to strategy development and, as a consequence, a few options of personnel motivation strategy.
    When it comes to development of personnel motivation strategy, there are several stages that shall be competed, as follows: diagnostics of current personnel motivation strategy; development of main strategies, aims and principles of company’s motivation policy, as well as its content and structure;  development of employees’ material monetary and noncash remuneration, and non-financial reward; development of internal white papers in order to establish personnel motivation strategy; implementation and effect monitoring of established personnel motivation strategy.

    Keywords: personnel motivation, motivation strategy, material remuneration, non-financial remuneration, effectiveness of personnel motivation.

  • Application of system of Radio Frequency IDentification (RFID) for automation of work of road transport in port.

    RFID technologies, one of innovative management methods by cargo  road transport is considered in the article. Definition, structure and advantages RFID of system are made. Scopes of system of Radio Frequency IDentification are considered for automation of motor transport.

    Keywords: Freight transport, Radio Frequency IDentification (RFID), RFID-Label, Interaction of road transport and ports.

  • Economic interests of big business in the conditions of a single Eurasian space

    In the context of updating the formation of a common Eurasian space is particularly important to study the problem of realization of economic interests of economic entities operating within the system of relationships. Same interests of big business, in this case, play a special role , as it is large business structures , acting as actors of economic activity, are able to set new trends in the development of the economic environment , having sufficient capacity to be able to influence decision- government authorities of administrative decisions. Formation and development of a common Eurasian economic space requires the definition of " growth points" further relations between the states to set foot on the path of integration, and that the organizational form of big business can become a support for building a new system of economic relations. Integration processes in Eurasia based not only on increasing trade between the member countries of integration, but also on their complementarities , formed naturally as a result of centuries of economic cooperation and based on the economic interests of the largest multinational corporations or associations like them , specifying the vector of development of a single economic space. In turn, this single economic space opens up new possibilities for the realization of the economic interests of economic entities , especially for major actors in national economies. This article discusses the main directions of the interests of big business, represented by transnational corporations in the new economic conditions .

    Keywords: integration, a single Eurasian space, economic interests, foreign direct investment, multinational corporations.

  • Quality management as a factor of success of enterprise in competitive activity

    This article focuses on the analysis of guality class and evaluation of strategies of organizational development. It was determined that the relation of the competitiveness at enterprise depends on product quality and services. It was offered the strategy of quality which permits to achieve a market leader in modern conditions

    Keywords: quality, competitiveness, strategy of quality

  • Features of development of the residential real estate market as the basis of national wealth of Russia

    The paper discusses the peculiarities of the development of the housing market as the basis of national wealth.  Тhe main problems and contradictions of the residential real estate market are disclosed , taking into account the impact of the global financial crisis. Main subjects of the housing market are identifed and the special attention is paid to the role of the state as a regulator of economic relations in the field of housing.Main objectives of the state policy in the housing market are: to ensure the financial sustainability of the institutions;protection of the population and development of market infrastructure. For the effective functioning of the market of residential property in the Russian Federation it is necessary to take into account the peculiarities of its formation and development, as well as to improve mechanisms for coordination of economic interests of its subjects.

    Keywords: features of the residential real estate market, the global financial crisis, housing affordability, public policy, participants of the residential real estate market

  • Modeling of business processes of building company by the ARIS program

    The target of the article consists of explore methodology of the program ARIS and modeling business process of building company. We reviewed how you can visualize and detail any process by the instruments of the ARIS. The most important thing that you can improved performance of your business if you use methodology of modeling business process. This program help to do your activity more understandable for analyzes and future prognoses. By the instruments of the ARIS you can imagine different variants of realization project events

    Keywords: building company, business process; modeling; methodology of the ARIS

  • Current state of a services sector and tendency of its development (on materials of the Rostov region)

    It is noted that the services sector in the Rostov region isn't always accompanied by due quality and availability. Major factors which will affect dynamics of development of a services sector are defined. Dynamics of volume of paid services in subjects of the Southern federal district is analysed. The conclusion is drawn that the greatest possible ensuring requirements of the population of the region of the Rostov region in services of high level demands the unconditional solution of actual tasks which are also presented in work.  

    Keywords: services sector, tendency, development, quality, dynamics.

  • Problems of organizational innovation machine-building enterprises in the conditions of market transformation

    The case of forestry machinery shown promising applications of the theory of industrial organization theory and organizational change management to address the problems of inscribing machine-building enterprises in the market economy  

    Keywords: engineering, organizational change, market transformation.