Promising directions of making the environmentally sound shipping packages for spent nuclear fuel transportation and storage are considered.
Keywords: shipping package, spent nuclear fuel, transportation and storage
An experience of Petrozavodsk State University’s integration with machine building enterprise «Petrozavodskmash» in the frame of complex project «Resource-saving production’s establishment of environmentally friendly shipping package for spent nuclear fuel transportation and storage» implementation is analyzed.
Keywords: high-tech production, innovation, integration, shipping package, spent nuclear fuel
The study provides an overview of transformations in the forest sector in Russia, performed by scientists at Petrozavodsk State University, discussed their proposed classification of the historical stages of forest transformation and directions for further research.
Keywords: research, history, classification, forest sector transformation
The importance of domestic competitive machinery market entry is shown in the paper. It is shown that the domestic competitive machinery, which provides complex harvesting of round and fuel wood, market entry is the important direction in solving the problem of wood consumers market development in the capacity of biological fuel.
Keywords: wood fuel, preparation, consumers, market
A method of constructing two-level game-theoretic model of the tender. The problem is solved from the viewpoint of the organizers. A comprehensive criterion, including rating and probability of execution of the proposal.
Keywords: game-theoretical optimization, matrix games, game-theoretic tender’s model
Prospects are discussed of interorbital transportation vehicles based on reusable space tugs with nuclear electric rocket propulsion for spacecraft delivering to the high orbits. The potential advantages of this kind of tugs are demonstrated comparing with the traditional spacecraft launch technologies. The issues of the nuclear interorbital tugs development are examined with the special attention towards the baseline information uncertainty, as well as of the nuclear space tugs ground processing considering requirements of the nuclear and radiation safety.
Keywords: Geostationary orbit, spacecraft, interorbital space tug, parametric optimization, radiation safety, upper stage, interorbital transportation means, nuclear electric rocket propulsion, power and propulsion system.
The proposed approach to the study of social engineering systems to meet all their basic features. Blurred structure of social engineering system reflects the fuzzy cognitive model; Fuzzy connection effectively evaluated using weights Fishburne; "blur" element values system and its functioning is overcome by introducing linguistic variables and their term-set fuzzy classifiers.
Keywords: system analysis, poorly structured and poorly formalizable processes, sociotechnical systems, fuzzy cognitive modeling
The paper presents the results of modeling and measuring the characteristics of a prototype flat spiral antenna designed for reception of signals in the GPS station. The proposed design consists of a combination of Archimedean and logarithmic spirals, and provides working frequencies of 1.2 GHz and 1.6 GHz, and the reception of signals with any kind of linear polarization. The basic characteristics of the antenna, modeled in the microwave CAD package HFSS v.10, and the characteristics obtained in the measurement of the antenna prototype. Modeling results were confirmed by the measurements of the experimental model of the antenna.
Keywords: antenna, GPS, GLONASS, spiral antennas, antennas GPS station, antennas of circular polarization
The article deals with development of augmentations for global navigation space systems within special ground, created in Rostov region. These technologies have been designed by JSC “Russian Space Systems” as part of Russian System for Differential Correction and Monitoring. In the article determined the tasks and considered the scheme of ground development advanced technologies of coordinate, time and navigation support in Rostov region.
Keywords: global navigation space system, user navigation equipment, ground development, technologies of coordinate, time and navigation support, augmentation system
This article analyzes the condition of the vehicle driver by methods using data RR-interval time series implementing wavelet-transform. The results of the discrete Wavelet-transform with the Daubechies wavelet of the fourth order are considered.
Keywords: wavelet-transform, RR-interval series, interval diagram
The model and the algorithm of short-term forecasting is developed for definition of physical size which characterizes a condition of technical object. The model is based on use of smoothing time numbers. Features of adjustment and model use are defined. The resulted parities and the algorithm of short-term forecasting are focused on data processing in the microcontroller as a part of the microprocessor module. Processing is carried out in real time. Modeling has shown efficiency of the offered approach to forecasting.
Keywords: forecasting, algorithm, a time number, smoothing
The current work considers the problem of arrangement optimization of non-convex polyhedrons into a minimal height parallelepiped container. The no-fit polyhedron based algorithm is proposed to solve described task. The no-fit polyhedrons are used not only for providing conditions of the polyhedrons mutual non-intersection but also for finding the placement points. The current paper provides the block diagrams and the pseudo code of the algorithm. Some examples and computational results are also given for public input data.
Keywords: packing, no-fit polyhedron, non-intersection, optimization, arrangement
Mathematical model is developed, which allows to calculate the equilibrium ionic and colloid composition of ammonium electrolytes for electrodeposition of alloy of zinc-nickel and evaluate the impact on the composition of the electrolyte values of pH and total concentrations of the components.
Keywords: modeling, colloidal particles, electroplating, zinc-nickel alloy
Management of large flows of people involves the use of automated software and hardware systems. The main aspect of the design of such systems is considered in paper, itt also analyzed family of IDEF methodologies as annotation for building models of their functioning. It identified the key disadvantages andfurtherrefinementof the model.
Keywords: access control system, hierarchical model, IDEF, system analysis methodologies
Regularities of electrode position of zinc-nickel alloy in electrolytes containing colloidal particles electro-besieged metals are studied. Developed by the electrolyte, which allows to reduce concentration of the basic components in 2 times and to increase speed of process in 2,5 times.
Keywords: zinc-nickel alloy, colloidal particles, speed of electrode position
The question of increase of efficiency of the cooling process in the compression refrigerating machines and household refrigerating appliances. Describes a new original method of cooling of the condenser vapour-compression refrigeration machines, which is due to wet the surface of the capacitor with its further blow. Shows the complexity of the theoretical analysis of the proposed method of cooling and substantiated the necessity of experimental studies of the process of cooling of the refrigerant in the capacitor.
Keywords: compression refrigerator, evaporative a capacitor, a new method of cooling refrigerant, energy performance, the efficiency of the cooling
In this article the method of constructing the static characteristics of the jet set, and built its dependence on the distance from the machined surface to the nozzle, recommendations and conclusions.
Keywords: Fluid Technology, static characteristics, surface treatment and nozzle - gate
This article provides an analysis of the existing grinding equipment, is a diagram of the chopper on the basis of dynamic autogenously use in its construction a closed loop mechanism, which allows to reduce power consumption by using energy circulation, which appears in the kinematic mismatch of the upper and lower branch of the circuit, made a preliminary analysis of test performance of the prototype designed machines.
Keywords: grinder, dynamic self-crushing, crushing and grinding equipment, specific energy consumption, mechanisms, closed circuit circulation of energy
The effect of load on vibrodynamic high-speed trains passing on the deformation characteristics of loess-like sandy loam used in the construction of railway track sub grade. The numerical values “of the sensitivity of loess-like sandy loam from a position of influence on the deformation properties at different values”
Keywords: Loess-like sandy loam, the modulus of deformation, vibrodynamic load triaxial compression method
Necessity of creation and development of information support mechanisms for improving energy efficiency and energy saving processes at governmental level is proved in the Article. Legislative base defining creation, functioning and funding conditions for a state information system in the field of energy saving and improving energy efficiency has been analysed in the Article. Main aspects of submitting information for inclusion into the state information system in the field of inproving energy efficiency and energy saving have been analysed. A range of repondents on a federal level, on the level of subordinate entities of the Federation and on municipal level who are to submit such information has been specified. Preconditions for ammending legislation towards creating and using state information resources in the field of energy saving have been pointed out.
Keywords: energy efficiency, energy saving, information system, legislation
Questions contact ruled developable surfaces along their common generator. The properties of such surfaces and their striction for the initial order of contact. The obtained results can be used as a basis for engineering design of complex engineering ruled surfaces, consisting of segments of line, docked on the conditions of contact.
Keywords: ruled surface, the order of contact, the dual vector differences, ruled strips
The paper proposes a technique for modeling the stress-strain state of dumps for further organization of geodetic monitoring their stability. The comparative analysis of simulation results and instrumental observation is shown.
Keywords: stress-strain state, geodetic measurements, strains, subsidence, land surface displacement
When using the prediction in the control of the rotational motion is necessary to construct two smooth trajectories passing through the previously measured its nodal points. As a piecewise polynomial curve that provides the desired smoothness, consider interpolating cubic splines, which are between nodes represent a cubic parabola, continuously connecting the nodes with the smoothness of degree 2. In imposing additional boundary conditions, these splines minimize its total curvature.
Keywords: Interpolation splines, management tasks, prediction algorithms, kinematic characteristics, Hermit splines
The article describes the best ways spline interpolation trajectories of angular movement in the key points for solving motion control rd to the prediction of the external load. As benchmarks we examine the accuracy of the approximation of the drive and the complexity of calculation of coefficients of splines.
Keywords: Trajectory, Lagrange splines, splines Ferguson, interpolation
In this paper the mathematical model of automatic positional hydrodrive of actuators machines with hydraulic control circuit of high efficiency original design. The model is formed with a view of the developed structure of the hydraulic drive and control system comprises three subsystems: a mechanical, hydraulic and control. Using the software package Matlab 2012 investigated position loop is characteristic of the rotary mechanism for the technological equipment according to the criteria of speed and accuracy.
Keywords: mathematical modeling, position hydrodrive, the control of unit, accuracy, high-speed performance