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  • Construction lending covenant

    Construction lending risks define a special operations procedure for lender. The most important measure to construction lending risk minimization are the covenants (information and financial). The information covenants are used for minimization the hidden information (pre-contractual opportunism), and financial covenants (positive and negative) – for minimization the hidden action (post-contractual opportunism). Institutionalization of covenants as a relevant control and supervision procedure allow to reduce information asymmetry and make the construction lending process less risky and more predictable for concerned parties (agent and principal).

    Keywords: real estate financing, default risk, construction loans, credit capacity, debt, financial covenant

      The study provides an overview of transformations in the forest sector in Russia, performed by scientists at Petrozavodsk State University, discussed their proposed classification of the historical stages of forest transformation and directions for further research. 

    Keywords: research, history, classification, forest sector transformation

      The importance of domestic competitive machinery market entry is shown in the paper. It is shown that the domestic competitive machinery, which provides complex harvesting of round and fuel wood, market entry is the important direction in solving the problem of wood consumers market development in the capacity of biological fuel. 

    Keywords: wood fuel, preparation, consumers, market

  • Development of the automobile transportation market in Russia

    The role of automobile transportation in Russia in 2011 is studied. Advantages of automobile transportation are given. The perspectives of the automobile transportation market development as a result of Russia's access to the World Trade Organization are foreseen

    Keywords: Freight traffic, automobile transportation, the World Trade Organization (WTO), Goods turnover.

  • Assessment of impact of construction production on environment

    "Construction production is connected with emergence of a number of negative impacts on environment. In article main types of the construction works, being accompanied the main are considered by loads of ecology. The special attention is given to a problem of construction garbage, options of a solution with a dump. Versions of the solution of a question of utilization of construction garbage - sorting, processing. Economic aspects of a solution with utilization of construction garbage: Ekonolmiya of materials, decrease in quantity of a waste. "

    Keywords: environment, negative impact, construction production, ulilizatsiya, construction garbage,processing of materials

  • The emprovement of the control-analytical maintenance of the management of quality in the organizations jf the sphere jf services

    The expediency of the improvement of the control-analytical maintenance of the management of quality in the organizations of the sphere of services is based in this article. Evolution jf forms and methods jf management of quality is given here.

    Keywords: diversification of management, production diversification, financial and economic purposes of a diversification, technological purposes of ensuring flexibility of production

  • Ecological assessment at a choice of construction materials for new construction, reconstruction and restoration

    "Assessment of ecological safety of construction materials at all stages of their existence from a pit before utilization. Drawing up of ecological passports on materials, details, products. Need of the analysis of ecological safety of existing construction and finishing materials for forecasting of possible ecological risks. "

    Keywords: environment, negative impact, construction materials, ecological passport, ecological safety, reconstruction, new construction

  • Criteria of ecological-economic efficiency of environmental activities in the urban environment

    The effectiveness of environmental protection measures depends on the complex of ecological, economic and social factors. Estimating ekologo-economic efficiency of nature protection activity it is necessary to consider specificity of the enterprises being on the city territory, existing ecological conditions, and developed system of an accomplishment of city landscapes.

    Keywords: efficiency, enterprise, assessment, costs, ecology, economy, benefits, activities, analysis, result

      We show that the sharp increase in the number of businesses, due to the disintegration processes in transformational economy of Russia, can disrupt their reproduction, which creates conditions for large-scale integration.

    Keywords: disintegration, integration, enterprise transformation, economy

  • Clustering of regional economic activity in the conditions of economy globalization

      Modern problems of reproduction processes at regional level taking into account globalization requirements are considered in article. The main attention is given to the analysis of preconditions of cluster development of regional economy which in the conditions of globalization become the major reproduction factor.

    Keywords: regional economics, total regional economics, global economics, basic fund, regional cluster

    The article considers the problems of institutionalization of the consumer market of Russia. A scientific assessment by the author of the resulting vector of modern evolution of the institutional structure of supply chains in the consumer market is based on the determination of how much the forming composition of the commodity distribution network meets the rational understanding from the point of view of logistics of optimality arising in this process and institutional isolation of certain groups of operations. 

    Keywords: consumer market, commodity distribution network, the supply chain

  • Research of features of influence of transport factors on ekologo-economic safety of the country

    Article is devoted to justification of approaches to research of influence of transport factors on ekologo-economic safety of the country on an example of railway transport. A basis of research is the system approach. The environmental management system on railway transport is offered for considering as set of the objects of railway transport interconnected and mutually influencing at each other and environment elements. Approaches to development of strategy of development of system of environmental management on railway transport and the directions of protection and improvement of a state of environment for service conditions of objects of a regional subsystem of railway transport are proved.

    Keywords: ekologo-economic safety, railway transport, model, strategy, environment, system approach

  • Evaluation of the effectiveness rational organization and use of urban territories

    Analyses basic indicators for optimal utilization of urban territories. Examines the factors influencing demand and to assess the effectiveness of the use of urban territories. Types of urban land valuation: bulk and single objects.

    Keywords: urban, territory, to use, rational, evaluation

      The article considers the basic problems of modern development of Russian ports in the Black sea-Azov sea basin, there are substantiated directions and ways of increasing the effectiveness of their work in the conditions of active development of the Sea main routes of International transport corridor TRACECA. As an important factor of modernization of existing and construction of new port capacities of Russia in the Black sea-Azov sea it is marked an index of predictability of dynamics of growth of the domestic economy and the prospects for the further increase of transit of hydrocarbon stock from minefields of the Caspian sea and the Caspian sea countries through the North Caucasus and South regions.

    Keywords: Black sea-Azov sea basin, Russian ports, modernization, capacity, competitiveness

  • Formation of an information mechanism of ecological economic land management in the area of territorial

    Information and communication technology is one of the most important factors that influence the formation of society. Inventory of real estate is one of the most important sources of information on indicators of environmental-economic environment as a control object. Policy in the field of information of local government - is aimed of public authorities to create a single information space in a systematic manner and the general principles of administrative, organizational and technical solutions for the effective implementation and use of modern computer technology in the field of municipal administration and economic management.

    Keywords: information society, modern land use, payment for land, electronic map, database

  • Forecasting and diagnostikatehnicheskogo state of municipal infrastructure

    In the article an estimate is given of the state of housing-and-municipal complex of Russia. Considered the primary objectives of the rapid assessment of the technical condition of objects of communal infrastructure. Considered the importance of forecasting the technical status of the site in order to enhance its operational reliability.

    Keywords: municipal infrastructure, prediction, diagnosis, maintenance, methods of diagnosis.

  • Ekologo-economic efficiency of fertility of soils

    For a long time the person when using the earth estimated it first of all from the point of view of ability to make a crop of plants. Ecologically to estimate separate characteristics of soils and a soil cover as a whole concerning fertility for plants follows very circumspectly, as the soil – the complete system interconnected and vzaimoobuslovlenny. Therefore one quality, positive for these or those plants, can be negative for others.

    Keywords: soil, efficiency, fertility, agriculture, humus, intensification

  • Directions of increase the competitiveness of commercial banks in the car loan market in the Rostov region

    This article is devoted to studying the details of getting a car credit. The authors analyzed the current trends of o development in the sphere of car credit, conditions for issuing car credits, offered by the banks – leaders in this field. Then some directions for improvement in the sphere of car credits in Sberbank of Russia were suggested.

    Keywords: Credit, car credit, retail bank services, captive banks, car dealers

  • Methods of organization of small business in formation of the system of interaction of the enterprises

    On the level of development of the enterprises of small and average business in housing construction largely depends on the cost price of construction. Technological equipment and production capacity of these enterprises are not fully meet the needs of builders. Many enterprises are experiencing an acute shortage of, as current assets, and funds for modernization and technical re-equipment. As shows the world experience the basis for the successful functioning and development of small enterprises is the interaction of the enterprises in the sphere of small business. In Russian conditions, this form of interaction is extremely important for the transition of the economy to the innovative way of development, which requires constant contacts of the participants of the innovation process, to adjust the production process.

    Keywords: cluster competitiveness, small business, structure of the interaction, the method of organization

  • Ecological-economic aspects of settlements ground resources rational usage and estimation

    In the article consideres aspects of ground resources rational usage and estimation. There are unique properties of ground resources, division of ground fund on categories. Schematically shown control system of lands rational usage.

    Keywords: Settlement, ground resources, estimation, ecological-economic aspects

  • Application information technologies at the increase mobility and providing a transport safety

    Information technologies play an important role in the increase mobility and providing a transport safety. The examples of the effective use information technologies are resulted for passenger transportations. The analysis possibilities programmatic complex Pikas is conducted. Possibilities and advantages modern information technologies are considered in the field providing a transport safety.

    Keywords: mobility, transport safety, passenger transportations, information technologies

  • The economic importance of the carrying capacity of the environment built up areas, the problems of its implementation

    The article considers the methodological issues of the economic assessment of damage from pollution, the difficulty of obtaining an objective assessment of the damage. Given shape ecosystem resilience to external influences as carrying capacity of the environment to the ejection of matter and energy into the environment as a result of economic activity. Carrying capacity of the environment is considered as a kind of natural resource potential of the rationale for the development of economic evaluation of the carrying capacity of a natural resource. The basic problems of economic evaluation of the implementation of the carrying capacity.

    Keywords: Carrying capacity built-up areas, the economic carrying capacity assessment, the economic damage from pollution, ecosystem, the problem of realization of economic carrying capacity assessment

  • Ivanova N.N., Shvydenko N.V.

    The paper describes the results of a study aimed at solving major problems, providing young people comfortable and affordable housing to all amenities. Developed and the technique of determining the needs and opportunities for improvement of living conditions of young people, which includes the collection, surveys, data processing and database creation of the quantity, dimensions, availability of premises, elements of social infrastructure and to improve the objectivity of decision-making, taking into account socio-economic, market and technical parameters of the project construction of youth housing complexes.

    Keywords: the management mechanism; a youth housing complex; housing construction

  • Formation of the system of production quality assurance based on the use of the process aproach

    This article is dedicated to theoretical issues of development of the production quality improvement system in the small- and middle-sized enterprises. This system is based on the process-based approach. Briefly the theoretical issues of process-based approach and the main concepts are given. The concept of production quality improvement system and the distinctions from well-known process-based quality management are also given. Objectives and principles of this system are defined by the authors. Also the recommendations by selection of method of assessing the effectiveness of the system.

    Keywords: quality production management, process-based management, quality management system, small- and middle-sized enterprises

  • Determining of optimal parameters of coal mines loading facilities

    In this article the issues of determination of optimal parameters of transport and storage facilities are overviewed. It is stated that in some cases the incoming to the storage production volumes and the volumes of transportation vehicles are stochastic. That means that the problem of determination of facilities’ parameters by analysis is impossible without correctness’ losses. In similar cases it is proposed to use the so called “Monte-Carlo” method. In case of impossibility to describe analytically the internal processes, the range of the main phases of complex-system functioning modeling is given. To confirm the advisability of use statistical tests’ method for modeling of transport and storage facilities functioning, the results of coal mines loading facilities functioning researches.

    Keywords: transport and storage facilities, optimal parameters, nondeterministic economic and mathematical model, “Monte-Carlo” method, modeling phases, coal mines loading facilities, process’ mathematical model, modeling algorithm