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  • Analytical model of the method of variable elasticity parameters for flange beam to column connections

    The article is devoted to the study of flange beam to column connections to analyze their nonlinear behavior. In the course of the study, a simplified analytical model was created using the method of variable elasticity parameters to determine the stress-strain state of these connections. The proposed mechanical model makes it possible to predict the strength, stiffness, ductility of joints, as well as possible types of fracture and deformation mechanisms of the bent elements of flange joints. This model can be useful for engineers and specialists in the field of design and analysis of civil structures. The proposed refined component model is an analogue of the Eurocode 3 model. The paper presents a numerical experiment on modeling the junction of a beam with a column by the finite element method. A comparative analysis of the results obtained with the results of tests of flange connections of steel building structures performed by the University of Sydney (USYD) is presented.

    Keywords: flange connections, flange plate, stress-strain state, method of variable elasticity parameters, component method, refined component model, finite element method, elastic-plastic state, plastic hinge, modified stiffness, bending model of flange plate

  • Prospects for improving methods for calculating building structures taking into account the level of reliability

    Methods of calculation and design of building structures are considered that make it possible to provide trouble-free operation on time during the service life, and hence the level of reliability. According to the reliability indicator, the following scheme for standardizing the reliability of designed building structures is linked to the assessment of quality indicators of constructed structures. Indicators of design quality that are not related to strength, guaranteed with a given probability of failure-free operation, are introduced: geometric dimensions, modular deformation and elasticity, taking into account the properties of variability and technology. The appropriate safety factors are determined, ensuring mandatory protection of failure-free operation. A scheme for calculating design structures with the required level of reliability during the design, construction and operation of structures is being developed.

    Keywords: method of calculation of structures, reliability, safety factor, strength class, reliability index, improvement of calculation of structures

  • Comprehensive assessment of the deformability of a laminated board frame of a one-story, single-span building

    The article presents the results of a comprehensive assessment of the deformability of a frame one-story, single-span building, the load-bearing structures of which are made of laminated wood. Constant and short-term loads were applied to the frame elements, the duration fraction was identified, the standard value was clarified, and the values of vertical displacements of the structural units were obtained. An assessment was made of the maximum deflections of the circuit elements from the standard load values with the maximum permissible valuese considered - on columns and in floor beams.

    Keywords: one-story single-span building, permanent loads, short-term loads, standard load values, laminated board package, spacer system, boundary conditions, modulus of elasticity, stiffness, stress, displacement, CAD

  • Comparative analysis of the designs of dust settling chambers for steel furnace emissions purification systems

    The main designs of dust settling chambers of metallurgical enterprises are considered, an analysis is given from the point of view of the type of metallurgical furnaces, their power, and schemes for removing gases from them to gas cleaning equipment. The movement of gas flow in chambers of various designs was studied using the SolidWorks software product with the FlowSimulation application, which made it possible to establish the behavior of the gas-air flow depending on the design of the dust settling chamber.

    Keywords: dust settling chambers, steel melting furnace, solid particles, modeling, gas-air flow, bag filter, gas exhaust path

  • The determination of the dispersed composition of the solid ingredients’ particles in the work area air and evaluation of the dust concentration’s meanings at non-stationary sources of emissions into the atmosphere of an electric smelting shop

    At the present stage of increasing competition, the increased level of threats to the economic condition of business entities in any sector of the economy requires special attention. Enterprises of this industry annually emit aerosols of various composition and origin into the atmosphere: iron, vanadium, aluminum oxides, manganese oxides and other heavy metals. One of the components of safety is environmental safety and ensuring safe working conditions. The chemical composition of the dust-gas-air mixture of metallurgy enterprises is considered in the article, and the dispersed composition of aerosol emissions is determined. The data of the results of microscopic analysis of the fractional composition of dust based on the data of integral dependences of the density of distribution by equivalent sizes (diameters) D for the ingredients accepted for the study allowed us to determine the average median values of equivalent dust diameters.

    Keywords: metallurgy, aerosol, electric steelmaking shop, dust-gas-air mixture, dispersion analysis, average median diameter, dh 50

  • Modeling and calculation of new reinforced concrete slab

    The modeling and calculation of the proposed reinforced concrete slab using modern software systems are described. The description of the proposed reinforcement design is given. The results of the experiment on full-scale samples and the results of the calculation of the 3D model are shown. A comparative analysis of the data obtained during the experiment with the data obtained during modeling is performed.

    Keywords: reinforcement of building constructions, hollow core slab, Experiment, modeling and calculation, comparative data analysis

  • Effective gypsum-free Portland cement binders with low water demand for building materials and structures

    The article shows the possibility of reducing the water demand of clinker binders based on gypsum-free cement with a multicomponent additive of technical lignosulfonate and an aqueous solution of sodium silicate. The possibility of obtaining composites based on modified gypsum-free cement with improved properties for building structures has been demonstrated.

    Keywords: composite, gypsum-free cement, composition, technical lignosulfonate, concrete, Portland cement, sodium silicate, strength

  • Information modeling of a complex-shaped building frame using an Autodesk CFD PC

    The article considers the information modeling of the building frame of a complex shape in the plan. The Dynamo program for Autodesk Revit is used to build the geometry. The main goal was to achieve uniform color pressure maps when blowing a building using simulation modeling in an Autodesk CFD PC. The research method is numerical (finite element method). The LIRA-CAD software package was used. The finite element method was used to select the shape of the building and adjust its design scheme to achieve reliability and efficiency. The analysis of the structural elements of the object on the effect of wind loads, taking into account the pulsation component of the wind load, is carried out in order to improve the design decisions made.

    Keywords: information modeling, finite element method, building frame, node system, modal analysis, waveforms

  • Analysis of the applied methods for calculating the strength of a normal section of multilayer bending structural elements

    The article discusses the existing methods for calculating the strength of a normal section in multilayer bending structures. The experience of Russian and foreign researchers was analyzed, the approaches described in domestic and foreign regulatory documents were compared, and key differences were identified. At the same time, special attention is paid to the mathematical description of the work of concrete as a material. It was concluded that further research is expedient to find the most optimal method for calculating multilayer structures.

    Keywords: concrete, reinforced concrete, multilayer structures, calculation method, bending element, normal section, stresses, high-strength concrete, stress diagram, description of concrete work, bending moment, neutral axis

  • Nodal connection of reinforced cylindrical mesh shell

    The article is devoted to the development of a nodal joint for assessing the level of rigidity of a cylindrical mesh shell. Practical recommendations on the assembly of the tightening unit are proposed and the design of the screw coupling for the adjustable tension process is presented. The rational locations of the nodal joints on the lower belts of the support faces are determined. Numerical studies of possible schemes were carried out and the regularity of changes in the vertical movements of nodes from the end to the center was established. The positive contribution of reinforcing elements was revealed and the rigidity of the shell was determined. It is shown that the introduction of puffs with a developed node increases the level of resistance to operational loads and significantly reduces deformations in characteristic zones.

    Keywords: nodal connection, cylindrical mesh shell, tightening, screw coupling, reinforcement, stiffness

  • Geotechnical monitoring of anti-landslide structures by means of geodetic measurements

    The article discloses the content of geotechnical monitoring, which is an information base for the diagnosis of the condition of the object and the purpose, if necessary, methods for stabilizing the situation, as well as the need for its conduct at linear objects, That is, engineering defences. The analysis of data during the geodetic work on the object «Engineering anti-landslide protection of the northern slope of the Psehako ridge» with the description of the monitoring methodology, which consists of: reconnaissance of the area, development of a network of geodetic points, Taping of the tachemetric passages, taphemeter surveys and subsequent chamber data processing, which results in a report detailing all stages of work and directly concluding that there is or is not deformation. Based on the results of the field measurements, a list of tachemetric strokes, a list of coordinates of the zero cycle were compiled. The tachemetric moves are drawn in the *dwg format at a scale of 1:500.

    Keywords: geodetic surveys, geodesy, geotechnical monitoring, desk work, field work, anti-landslide structures

  • Sustainable building construction

    This publication analyzes modern environmental technologies in the field of sustainable construction, discusses the features of the development of modern green construction, current Russian and international trends in the field of sustainable “green” construction, tools for stimulating and supporting projects recognized as meeting sustainability requirements. The importance of integrating environmental aspects into the process of building and managing campuses to create sustainable and healthy environments for the student community.

    Keywords: construction, design, operation, ecology, ecological building, energy resource, energy efficiency, energy saving, building sustainability, building certification

  • Analysis of corrosion damage on underground steel gas pipelines.

    A large number of pipelines are designed and constructed using steel pipes. The article analyzes statistical data on the corrosion damage of underground steel gas pipelines. The main failures occur in the areas where the insulation is damaged. During operation, the main focus is on controlling the condition of the pipelines' corrosion protection. In addition, it is important to inspect the pipeline route to analyze the condition of its surface. The analysis of underground gas pipeline damage revealed that the majority of corrosion malfunctions are found in pipelines that are 35–40 years old. Therefore, special attention should be paid to pipes that have been in operation for a long time when managing underground gas pipelines. Operational experience has shown that the majority of faults occur in gas networks with a pipe diameter of 100 mm. Moreover, the article presents an analysis of damage to underground gas pipelines, which found that the greatest amount of damage occurs on pipes laid at a depth of 1.5–1.8 meters. This is due to the increased soil moisture at the specified depth, which contributes to the occurrence of corrosion.

    Keywords: operation of underground steel gas pipelines, corrosion damage, protection of underground gas pipelines from corrosion

  • Expansion of the raw material base for the production of small-piece materials through the use of steelmaking slags

    As a result of artificial carbonization of slag, construction materials can be obtained. For this purpose, a technology has been developed for producing durable construction products as a result of accelerated carbonization of slag minerals with carbon dioxide (CO2) at elevated pressure (up to 2 MPa) and temperatures (20-60°C). The carbonates formed during the carbonization reaction act as a binder, sticking the slag particles together. Carbonized compacts after autoclave processing have technical properties equivalent to conventional concrete products made on the basis of Portland cement. The technology was developed in laboratory and production conditions by optimizing the parameters of the technological process (pressing force, temperature in the autoclave chamber, carbon dioxide pressure in the autoclave chamber and carbonization time) taking into account the increase in compressive strength and frost resistance of the samples.

    Keywords: small-sized products, binder, preliminary preparation, steel slag, pressing, accelerated carbonization, minerals, carbon dioxide, strength, frost resistance

  • Environmental technologies in the construction of student campuses

    The article presents an analysis of modern environmental technologies used in the construction of student campuses. It explores innovative methods and approaches that enable higher education institutions to create sustainable and environmentally friendly campuses. The application of technologies such as energy-efficient buildings, the use of renewable energy sources, waste management systems, green spaces and much more are also considered. The article evaluates the benefits of these technologies, including reduced environmental impacts, economic benefits, and improved quality of life for students. Emphasizes the importance of integrating environmental considerations into campus construction and management to create sustainable and healthy environments for the student community.

    Keywords: design, student campus, student dormitory, energy efficiency, landscaping, construction, self-sufficiency, materials, architectural solutions

  • Stress-strain state of a three-layer tubular structure under the influence of a uniformly distributed pulse load

    This article discusses the comparative calculation of solid-stage and three-layer tubular structures with an assessment of the reliability of their application. To do this, their stress-strain state is investigated when exposed to a pulsed load on the wall. Pipeline structures currently occupy important positions in the infrastructures of many countries. Every year new safety requirements are added to the reliability indicators of these structures. Such important strategic facilities fulfill the task of providing people with energy, without which it is difficult to imagine modern life. For a solid-stage pipe, displacements in the nodes of the pipe wall, as well as longitudinal stresses (Nx) and annular stresses (Ny) in the elements of the pipe wall are determined. In a three-layer pipe, the displacements are determined at the nodes of the pipe wall.

    Keywords: three-layer tubular structure, solid-walled pipe, load-bearing layer, pulse load, filler, displacement, voltage

  • Introduction of green roofs into the urban environment

    Green roofs are of increasing interest as one of the solutions to counteract a number of environmental and socio-economic problems associated with the growth of urban areas. It is necessary to transform the built-up environment by including it in civil engineering, using the existing roof areas of buildings. Eexploitable green roofs need to be integrated into an urbanized urban landscape.

    Keywords: sustainable urban development, transformation of urban spaces, green roofs, criteria for the intensity of use of green roofs

  • Experimental planning for the perpendicular shear test of the embossment

    The article deals with the improvement of structural solutions of steel reinforced concrete slabs with external reinforcement. The possibility of creating an orthotropic steel reinforced concrete slab on a profiled deck with a continuous or discrete puff located perpendicular to the direction of corrugations is determined. This kind of construction works in bending in two directions along the wave and across the wave. This will allow slabs to be supported on three and four sides, which will make it possible to redistribute the pressure on the supports and reduce the stress concentration at the joints between the slab and the support structure. A continuous puff is assumed to have the same cross-section along its entire length, while a discrete puff can have a variable thickness. Two variants of the calculation of this structure are found, as a monolithic rod with a sprengel chain and as a composite rod with an explicit contact zone. When the stiffness of the contact zone is close to absolute, the rod can be considered as a monolithic rod. An experimental study of the characteristics of the contact zone of the profiled deck organised by means of stamping on the inner side of the corrugation is required, taking into account the perpendicular location of the corrugations to the span of the beam and the concrete part of the section. A comparative analysis of the existing techniques has been made and further experimental investigation methodology has been determined. A numerical evaluation of stresses in a steel plate has been carried out.

    Keywords: steel reinforced concrete slabs, orthotropic slabs, calculation methods, contact zone, stamping

  • Long-term exploitation of rigid foundations taking into account the nonlinearity and rheology deformation of the base

    The article proposes a new approach to the method of calculating a rigid foundation on a nonlinear and rheology deformable half-space, taking into account the external load variable in time. It is proposed to take into consideration the nonlinearity and rheology of deformation on the basis of modern phenomenological theory using the integral method of successive iterations, which makes it possible to take into account the time-variable mode of external loading, which is characteristic of the stage of construction and operation of structures. An algorithm for the numerical solution of the problem under the conditions of the regime action of external loads using the method of integral estimates based on the step method and successive approximations is presented.

    Keywords: rigid foundation, foundation deformation, regime loads, deformation rheology, integral method, phenomenological theory

  • Development and implementation of the concrete filled steel tube elements inverse numerical-analytical metod

    The article discusses a method for taking into account the compression of concrete using standard formulas when calculating using an inverse numerical-analytical method, taking into account the actual rigidity of concrete filled steel tube elements. The inverse numerical-analytical method makes it possible to calculate concrete filled steel tube elements for strength and stability under eccentric compression. Dependencies are presented showing the possibility of taking compression into account at various eccentricities and flexibility.

    Keywords: concrete filled steel tube elements, CFST, inverse numerical analytical method, nonlinear deformation model, concrete compression,concrete filled steel tube column, eccentric compression

  • Determination of stability criteria for the round cross-section of polyethylene gas pipelines

    Polyethylene pipes are widely used for the construction of gas distribution networks. The disadvantage of pipes is their low mechanical strength. When crossing various artificial obstacles in pipes, unacceptable stresses may arise, causing destruction along the pipe body. To make a decision on the installation of a casing in such areas, it is necessary to determine the stability criteria for the circular cross-section of polyethylene gas pipelines. The article reveals that of the two equations proposed by SP 42-103-2003 for the critical value of external pressure of polyethylene gas pipelines, in practice only one can be used, for which the criterion value is always minimal.

    Keywords: polyethylene gas pipelines, dynamic load, stability of the circular cross-section, external pressure

  • Numerical analysis of residual welding stresses of butt welded joint of plate steel

    Welding is the main method of joining plate steel. Its use leads to significant residual welding stresses. Residual stress can significantly affect the load-bearing capacity of long-span steel bridges. In this work, a finite element calculation of residual welding stresses of steel sheets up to 100 mm thick was carried out, and the distribution of surface residual stresses and the influence of sheet thickness on the residual surface stress were identified.

    Keywords: steel bridge, plate steel, welding residual stresses, finite element method, welded joint, stress distribution

  • Utilisation of wastewater termal energy

    The problem of energy efficiency and rational use of energy resources in housing and utilities sector remains relevant over the past years. In this regard, the reduction of heating and hot water costs remains under continuous review of specialists all over the world. The article discusses the issues of using low potential thermal energy of domestic wastewater for hot water heating. Data on wastewater temperature in various locations are presented. The main designs of wastewater heat recovery units and the features of their application are considered. It is shown that the temperature parameters of residential building wastewaters differ significantly and depend not only on the climatic zone, but also on the regional features of water consumption. It is concluded that in process of wastewater heat recovery it is possible to reduce wastewater temperature at least by 5 ºС, and in hot season ‒ by 10-15 ºС. The analysis of literature data lead to the conclusion that wastewater heat recovery units are more promising and viable at building level as well as sewer or wastewater treatment plant level. For these cases, greater efficiency can be reached by using heat recovery facilities with a heat pumps.

    Keywords: hot water supply, sewage, low potential heat, wastewater temperature, heat pump, heat exchanger, waste water heat recovery, energy saving

  • Numerical Simulation of Wood Beams Strengthened of Composite Materials Based on Carbon Fiber

    The results of numerical modeling of wooden beams strengthened of composite materials based on carbon fiber are considered. Modeling of beams strengthened of composite material was carried out in the ANSYS software using deformation diagrams. The reliability of the modeling methodology was assessed by comparing the results of a numerical study with the results of a physical experiment obtained during testing of models of wooden beams strengthened of composite materials based on carbon fiber.

    Keywords: carbon fiber, carbon composite materials, strengthening of wooden structures, external reinforcement of wooden beams

  • Model of preservation of the architectural and park ensemble of the Peter and Paul Park in Yaroslavl

    The article raises the problems of preserving historical architectural and natural complexes on the example of the Peter and Paul Park in Yaroslavl. In the Introduction to the article, attention is drawn to the importance of the problem of preserving historical monuments of architecture or art not only in the capital cities, but also on the periphery. The following are the main methods used in the work to assess the state of the architectural and park ensemble, to identify its characteristic architectural and landscape features and to develop a theoretical conservation model. In the main part of the article, the historical stages of the formation of the architectural and park ensemble of the Peter and Paul Park, their influence on the final appearance of the ensemble are considered; a comparative analysis with similar architectural and park ensembles is given, common characteristic features are identified and the principles of the formation of the Peter and Paul Park are established. As a result of the conducted research, a model of preservation of the Petropavlovsk architectural and park ensemble of Yaroslavl is proposed, presented in the form of a master plan of the park territory, which contains proposals for the reorganization of the territory, pedestrian park network and restoration of historically significant structures. In the final part of the article, the main conclusions based on the results of the study are formulated.

    Keywords: architectural and park ensemble, Peter and Paul Park, Yaroslavl Big Manufactory, regular layout, theoretical model of conservation