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  • Rational design disk cutters for machining slots

    In the article the method of improvement of the design of the disc cutter for machining a wide, deep grooves.

    Keywords: Scheme of cutting of the shear layer, the maximum thickness of the shear layer, free-cutting, cutting width, cutting force, straight grooves, circular grooves, the theorem of cosines.

  • Modern research trends in the field of continuous cutting of trees and shrubs

    This article provides an overview of the technical solutions of equipment to deal with trees and shrubs, conclusions are drawn on the basis of the review and the direction of further improvement of the equipment and technologies to deal with trees and shrubs.

    Keywords: trees and shrubs, mulcher, stump grinder, rotary operating element, lighting, reforestation

  • Determination of Environmental Safety class of Volgograd vehicles

    According to statistics with each passing year nubmer of vehicles increased so much, that for safety reasons we need to determine the extent of environmental pollution from vehicles on the example of a particular city. Class of environmental safety Volgograd's transport infrastructure in terms of biospheric compatibility urban area is defined on the basis of the book Il'ichev V.A. "The principles of transformation of the city in the biospherecompatible and developing human". For determining environmental safety Volgograd's transport infrastructure we can use index of compatibility biospheric urban area which takes into account the balance between the ratio of the actual parameters of the biosphere and the technosphere. In this scientific work we obtain a class of ecological safety of Volgograd vehicles. This classification is important for the determination of the critical indicators of biospheric compatibility territory of transport infrastructure for any city.

    Keywords: biospheric compatibility, balance method, the biosphere, the technosphere, synergistic effect

  • Development of a parametrical model of the ion current signal for driving engines of moving objects

    The article presents the results of approximating of ion current signal of the most appropriate parametrical models in Matlab software. It is shown that in spite of the high accuracy of approximation, parametrical model Gaussian, which chosen early in Matlab, have significant drawbacks. In order to eliminate the identified deficiencies authors was developed parametric model in which the discrete Fourier transform was used to approximate of the ion current signal.

    Keywords: ion current, the internal combustion engine, a parametric model, a discrete Fourier transform, the Gaussian model, the approximation of a signal

  • The pilot complex of full-cycle's of processing natural and petroleum gases into synthetic oil

    The full-cycle pilot complex was developed of conversion of natural and associated gases into synthetic hydrocarbons by the Fischer-Tropsch method. Including all general stages of GTL technology. The experimental studies on the motor fuels synthesis from "model' of the gas composition. Having of pre-reforming step determined of the need for removal of C2+ hydrocarbons, which leads to catalyst deactivation of conversion. Shown that the obtained synthesis-gas from conversion step may be used in the hydrocarbons synthesis by the Fischer-Tropsch method. The developed composite catalyst is allowing to obtain high-quality motor fuels from one-reactor method. The Uniting steps of hydrocracking and hydroisomerization of hydrocarbons from CO and H2.

    Keywords: associated petroleum gas, GTL technology, Fischer-Tropsch synthesis, synthetic liquid hydrocarbons.

  • The main aspects of forming of a human capital in the conditions of formation of economy of knowledge

    The main approaches to forming of a human capital as major factor of economic growth and production resource of economy of knowledge are considered. The main stages of forming of a human capital and the main factors influencing this process are determined

    Keywords: knowledge economy, human capital, competence, intellectual potential, labour potential

  • Trends in the development of alternative energy in the world and Russia

    Abstract: This paper presents an overview of the current situation in the field of alternative energy development countries in the world and Russia. An number of factors influencing the development of renewable energy in the world and Russia. It presents the total investment in alternative energy in the world. The prospects of growth in the Russian and global alternative energy market. The urgency of the problem lies in the energy security and the protection of the interest of the environment

    Keywords: power consumption, energy saving potential, alternative energy sources, energy strategy, energy balance, investment, government support, power supply

  • Additive technology is a dynamically developing production

    This article is dedicated to overview of additive technologies, Russia's place in the modern world of developing technology, a comparative analysis of existing technologies, made predictions about trends in the development of additive technology in our country

    Keywords: additive technology, classification, 3-D-printing, machines, powders for additive technologies, selective laser sintering

  • Development of the device for assessment of parameters of not roundness of details of cars out of the machine

    in work development of the measuring device for assessment of parameters of a deviation of a form of details of cars in cross section is considered. In a basis of this device the principle of contactless measurement, and also a possibility of an exception of errors of installation of details is underlain

    Keywords: device, contactless measurements, otskloyeny forms

  • Taxation implement as a way to sustainable forest management

    Abstract: We consider the importance of taxation instruments on sustainable forest management. The goal is the creation of geographic information systems to efficiently develop leased forest areas in the short and long term to meet the requirements of the forest legislation of the Russian Federation and the minimization of the cost of a unit of harvested timber, in order to increase profits logging companies.

    Keywords: "Keywords: forest taxation, age borer, forest management, forest raw material preparation, geographic information systems , cost reduction"

  • Review and analysis of research in the field of ambient intelligence systems

    The article identifies the main directions of research in the field of ambient intelligence systems, expired at the present stage of world development. The author presented a brief review of the market of "smart technologies", noted trends in application of decision-making systems in the field of agriculture.

    Keywords: agriculture, robotics and automation of agricultural production; productivity, competition (competitors), family of AgroMultiBot robots

  • Black sea-Caspian region as the "Great game": the classification system analysis

    The object of system analysis is increasingly becoming a geopolitical constructs. The part of the system analysis is to focus on the classification aspects of the structural elements of such a geopolitical entity as the Black Sea-Caspian region. Classification analysis is focused on actors (players), initiating "the Great game" in the political field of the region. We propose consideration of the morphological (elementwise) of the Black Sea-Caspian region, followed by the ranking of "local" actors and building of the "crystal lattice" on a regional scale. For the study of actors we are propose to use additive and integrative approaches. First is to involve sequential consideration of three geographical sub-regions "Black Sea – Caucasus – Caspian" as sites of "place-action". The second approach comes from the impossibility of a clear definition of natural boundaries "of the Black Sea, Caucasus and Caspian basin", taken separately. The authors propose for the boundaries in a purely geographical sense to understand some of the transition area between environments and/or spaces with qualitatively and quantitatively different properties and parameters. Actually there is "overlay" above three sub-regions, their intersection, fact that "stay" of some States of this zone in several of these subregions.

    Keywords: geopolitics, "the Great game", the Black Sea-Caspian region, system analysis, classification, ranking

  • The structure of an inclusive orientation program for preschool children

    The problem of inclusion of children with disabilities in joint training with their peers, its positive impact on children with impaired and regulatory development. The authors of the structure of an inclusive orientation program for preschool children.

    Keywords: inclusion, children with disabilities, an inclusive club, eco-culture.

  • "On the issue of conflict management in the activity of election officials "

    The article deals with the problem of conflict management in the activity of election officials. The authors present the results of a survey of members of precinct election commissions, conflict-free interaction of students at a polling station in the framework of practical training in psychology. Using My Content-analysis of questionnaires election officials the basic psychological characteristics necessary for constructive engagement in conflict situations during the election.

    Keywords: conflict, conflict management, conflict prediction, conflict prevention, conflict potential, election officials, constructive cooperation.

  • The use of modern educational technologies in the study of mechanics

    The paper presents the modern techniques and methods of system approach to the organization of the learning process mechanics. We consider some examples of the use of educational technologies and forms of management of educational process, allowing largely to optimize the educational and cognitive activity of students. Called active methods of training, aimed at studying self-mastery knowledge and skills in the process of active mental and practical activities.Interactive learning is a special form of organization of educational activity, which is a joint activity of students in mastering of educational material, the exchange of information and knowledge.

    Keywords: effectiveness of learning, active and interactive forms of learning, the education system, improving the efficiency of the educational process

  • "Strategies of self-control and communicative representatives of different professions "

    The theme of self-presentation is particularly relevant in today's world, where a person has to exist in a large number of roles implemented them in different areas of life: in the family, at work, in the company, the political arena, and others. The development of skills of self-presentation, the adjustment of its strategies is important for staff management structure. Methodical toolkit: Methodology S.-ZH. Lee and B. Quigley measurement tactics self (Self-presentation tactics scale, S.-J. Lee et al.); Scale of self-monitoring M. Snyder (Self-monitoring scale, M.Snyder). The reliability of the results obtained in the study was provided by using the methods of mathematical statistics: the criterion U-Mann-Whitney test H Kruskal-Wallis test [3]. We used the program Statistica computer processing data 6.0.Strategii self differently distributed in groups of professions related to the different types of professions. The level of communicative control is different in severity presented in this study, groups of professions.

    Keywords: Self-presentation, self-presentation strategies, self-selection strategies, communicative control artonomichesky type professions signonomichesky type occupations, professions socionomic type

  • Study of production company activity in the market conditions

    the article deals with the attempt to reveal the trends in influencing of technology innovations on the economic growth of companies. The successful activity of a company in the market conditions depends on the development level of its innovation activity. The activity of a production company is studied and the subprocesses of its degradation and positive development are distinguished. The authors introduce the definitions and illustrate the spirals of degradations and system development. It is proposed to ensure the activity of the production company due to improving of organizational management and human recourse development. The key role in breaking of the vicious circle of the company development is played by the knowledge component.

    Keywords: economic growth, innovations, spirals of degradation and development, human resource management

  • Systems analysis of the motivation of workers in state institutions

    The article presents the results of a systems analysis of motivation. The "inputs" and "outputs" of the studied object and its internal structure are examined in this work. The system components of the motivation of state agencies employees distinguishing them from the staff of commercial organizations are discussed.

    Keywords: job motivation, motive, requirement, incentive, motivation management, system, systems analysis.

  • Modeling of distributive processes on the basis of dynamic problems of vector optimization

    The dynamic model of continuous distribution process allowing on the basis of sampling in time to reduce the corresponding generalized dynamic task to a problem of vector conditional optimization is considered. By means of optimization of weight coefficients of the scalar criteria encapsulated in criteria rollup on the basis of the generalized functional ratio expressing understanding of an intercriteria compromise the possibility of establishment of the most acceptable quantitative preferences between alternatives is shown. The offered approach allows to regulyarizirovat algorithms of dynamic planning for single-product distribution systems, having eliminated the developed obvious dependence of optimization process and results of adoption of multicriteria decisions on expert procedures and heuristic factors.

    Keywords: distribution systems, dynamic processes, mathematical modeling, vector optimization, multicriteria decision making, parametrical rollup of criteria, alternatives and compromise

  • The family in forming values of trust among the youth of the modern Russian city

    Family is the most important actor in cultivating values of trust in the youth environment, however, the effectiveness of implementing this feature of the Russian family is limited to the trends occurring on the macro level and marked by a lack of trust in society, both at the macro and micro levels. Very clearly a crisis of confidence manifests itself in the urban environment of Russian society. Eventually, trust transforms into a family value that identifies the microcosm of the family interactions. The reality of the external world to the world of the family, urban youth perceive as socially unjust and full of distrust, determines, in the end, and the low trust rating in the system of values of young Russians.

    Keywords: family, trust, youth, urban youth, urban environment, values, social justice, Russian society

  • Security: destabilization and modelling processes of peace-making of society in gender research field

    This article is devoted to the problems of destabilization, conflict and problem areas in contemporary gender and family relations, mostly in the system of social roles realization. Selected problem areas promote not only destructive forms of relationships within the family unit and cause individual deep sense of dissatisfaction with life, but destabilize society on the whole, destroying peace and tranquillity both locally and globally. It is known that some contemporary types of gender and marital-family problems are very destructive to the existence of the whole social system. Such, in particular, can be called the imbalance of roles and inadequacy of prestige of the spouse/partner. Due to the urgency of the identified problems there increases the need for modeling the processes of peacemaking in the society, where the main actors can certainly become women. Female gender sub-group played a prominent role in peacemaking, in particular, during WW II , performing a variety of social roles.

    Keywords: peacemaking, security, family, gender, gender studies, world war II, "war bride"

  • Object modeling and projecting new forms of cognitive virtual logistics providers

    The article considers the changes in the field of logistics and supply chain management associated with the development of modern information technologies. These changes are associated with the emergence and widespread in the logistics market virtual logistics providers. Analyzes the practice of formation and development virtual logistics providers, methods and tools to create them. Also shows an example object modeling and projection of a new cognitive form of virtual logistics provider. t shows the projected algorithm of its work and discussed its advantages over the project counterparts operating in other sectors of the economy.

    Keywords: logistics, virtual logistics, information technology market of transport and logistics services, supply chain management, virtual logistics providers, object modeling and projecting.

  • Cluster analysis in the automatic identification and accompanied by thunderstorm cells according to the storm  DF network

    Forecast moving thunderstorm cells requires the introduction of modern methods of operational data coming to the workstations in reception centers. For the current forecast weather phenomena emerging need to isolate and analyze the movement of thunderstorm cells according to the lightning detection. For these purposes, developed and improved methods for isolation and maintenance, based on the mathematical apparatus of computer vision.

    Keywords: contour analysis, cluster analysis, hazardous weather phenomena, the current forecast, meteoradiolokatsiya, lightning detection, storm pockets

  • Modern Russian forestry machine-building development trends

    The paper describes and analyzes the main development trends of Russian forestry machine-building in modern conditions. Russian forestry machine-building enterprises do not use presently available perspectives in import substitution in connection with the depreciation of the rouble. Neither do they use the opportunities for producing integrated multifunctional machines. Development and production release of forestry machines for assortment harvesting based on Russian-manufactured tractors fitted with technological equipment of foreign manufacture is the first step on the way of creating domestic vehicles of analogous purpose. These machines will be fully complete with home-produced technological equipment. This will allow reducing the costs on the production of these machines and on their timber-harvesting operations

    Keywords: forest harvesting technology, felling, limbing, cutting into lengths, skidding, forestry machine-building, development

  • A formalized risk assessment model of operation materials handling equipment

    The problem of reducing the costs associated with the performance of work at the construction site, is relevant in view of the ever increasing cost of special equipment and materials used in con-ment, the tightening competition in the construction market. One of the ways to reduce these losses is the search of an optimal variants of the organization of the construction process, in particular for road construction equipment and above all Conveyor (TCP). That this problem is devoted to this work. In the formalized problem of minimizing the losses and costs associated with the delivery with the implementation of various support accompanying PTS use processes. Accounted for a large set of facts which could have a negative impact on the process uses the TCP-tion. These expressions include seven support functions, which in turn depends on a number of constants and simple functions. We studied two of the seven auxiliary functions on demand-built bathrooms in models obtained analytical expressions for calculating the values ​​of these functions.

    Keywords: lifting the vehicle, a mathematical model, the construction area, risks, losses and expenses, minimization, auxiliary functions, the evaluation of the model parameters.