This article examines the main stages of the history of high-rise construction, describes the periods of evolution of the architecture of skyscrapers and structural systems. The analysis of modern high-rise housing construction is carried out, on the basis of which prospects are identified and trends in the development of this area are outlined. The General Plan of the city of Moscow and the housing renovation program have been studied. An assessment is given and information is provided on the expansion of the Moscow City project. Projects on the construction of residential skyscraper complexes have been studied. High-rise construction projects in the cities of St. Petersburg, Yekaterinburg, Vladivostok are considered. The achievements in the field of high-rise housing construction using the latest materials and equipment are shown. The trends of housing development of different heights in comparison by region are revealed. It is concluded that only after studying the history of high-rise construction we can begin to implement the design. The study provides an opportunity to get acquainted with the achievements in the fields of high-rise housing construction, the use of innovative technologies, materials and equipment in different regions of Russia.
Keywords: high-rise buildings, skyscrapers, residential real estate, renovation, multifunctional complex, design and construction, construction of high-rise buildings, construction history, Moscow City, Yekaterinburg City, building materials
The article examines the influence of environmental factors on the formation of residential development in Yemen. The climatic and geographical conditions of the region are analyzed. Traditional and modern architectural approaches adapted to the region's extreme natural conditions are considered. Particular attention is paid to sustainable design focused on the rational use of natural resources. The study highlights the importance of integrating "green" technologies and environmentally sustainable construction methods into urban planning.
Keywords: Yemen, residential development, environmental factors, sustainable development, climatic conditions, architecture, urban planning
The emergence of the city was associated with the need to organize water use, organize irrigation works, create its facilities, which in turn required the management of the organization of these works and the creation of facilities for the exploitation of water in agriculture. Finding an average balance between demand and availability of resources was a priority, especially for areas experiencing water shortages. Then, the reliability of available resources in conditions of drought or shortage became a key issue in order to cope with climate variability. In parallel, climate change will affect the spatial distribution and timing of water availability. As a result, in the future, water shortage in cities may become a much more serious problem, which may jeopardize the achievement of the UN Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs), especially "Sustainable Cities and Communities". Historically, since settlements were located some distance from water sources, a variety of sources and technologies for collection, transportation, treatment and waste collection emerged. Population growth and technological developments have led to the emergence of new forms of alternative resources capable of meeting the needs and specific requirements of water-related activities.
Keywords: sustainability of water resources, Syrian Arab Republic, rehabilitation, water-sensitive urban planning, building density, land use distribution
Based on statistical data, the article presents a solution to the problem of finding an empirical function that establishes a link between the tourist flow and the proportion of the area of specially protected areas from the total territory of the island. For the analysis, data was collected on 14 islands with a developed tourism industry. Power functions are obtained for two groups of islands with different areas. The obtained dependencies make it possible, at the stage of urban planning analysis of the territory, to determine the permissible value of the tourist flow, which ensures tourist activity based on the principles of sustainable tourism. Using this function, the maximum value of the allowable tourist flow for the island of Socotra has been set, the development of which is focused on the tourism industry.
Keywords: urban development analysis, tourist flow, specially protected natural areas, correlation dependence, approximation, sustainable tourism
The article examines the principles of developing micro-districts and settlements for individual housing construction. It emphasizes the integration of environmental, innovative, and social aspects into the design and planning processes of such areas. These measures not only enhance the comfort and safety of living but also significantly reduce operational costs, thereby making projects more economically viable. The focus is on the necessity of a comprehensive and interdisciplinary approach to the planning and development of infrastructure in areas designated for individual housing construction. The article also addresses issues related to the infrastructure of micro-districts designed for individual residential development. By analyzing existing practices, it has been found that contemporary urban planning approaches are increasingly oriented toward creating sustainable and comfortable urban environments. A comprehensive analysis of the problem has enabled the identification of the essential components of infrastructure for areas intended for individual housing development. The article underscores that achieving sustainable development in such territories can only be attained through clear regulation of various indicators characterizing these areas.
Keywords: water supply and sanitation systems, Syrian Arab Republic (SAR), reconstruction, consequences of military operations, urban planning
The presented article analyzes modern ways of qualitative assessment of agricultural territories in order to identify the existing principles to order and assess the prospects of development of such territories within the projected boundaries of rural network structure (rural agglomeration). The hypothesis about the key principles to which the ways of qualitative assessment of territories for the purposes of its urban development within the rural agglomeration should be prepared is presented.
Keywords: rural network structure, rural agglomeration, qualimetric landscape method, functional belonging criterion
The organization and management of infrastructure construction has a direct impact on the level of comfort of residents, safety in the city, and the efficiency of the functioning of the city economy. In this article, based on an integrated approach, various features of the development of road and transport infrastructure in large cities are studied under the condition of their expansion in the process of urbanization, where roads play a connecting role between individual areas of the city and neighboring settlements in the common single space of the agglomeration.
Keywords: road and transport infrastructure, sustainable development, urban space, agglomeration development, urban development
The article analyses the current state of automated control systems for street lighting: advantages and disadvantages, problems faced by manufacturers and operators of such systems. The article describes the basic principles of automated control systems, such as the use of motion sensors, light sensors and communication technology to optimise the operation of street lighting. The article also discusses the features and problems of designing street lighting based on automated lighting control systems, and possible problems associated with their implementation and operation.
Keywords: lighting control, digital twin, automation, sensor, light sources, LED lighting fixture
The presented article analyzes modern ways of qualitative assessment of agricultural territories in the framework of interaction within the boundaries of zones of influence of rural network structure, structural and functional interaction within such phenomenon as rural tourism, taken together and in the context of individual principles and directions of it in the projection of the territories of the reference settlement and the surrounding area.
Keywords: rural network structure, rural agglomeration, rural tourism, ethno-tourism, green (village) tourism, agrotourism, gastronomic tourism
On the basis of the analysis of tourist infrastructure objects location the influence of tourist flow seasonality on the number of temporary population of resort towns is shown. The relationship between the level of urban infrastructure development and seasonality of tourist flows is revealed.
Keywords: urban planning objects, engineering and transportation infrastructure, temporary population, tourist flow, seasonality, types of tourism
The construction of new modern buildings for social purposes, including healthcare facilities, is an important area of urban planning policy. When planning the construction of such buildings, it is important to take into account the territorial and spatial factor. The use of geographic information systems as a tool for spatial analysis and collection of information on the state of social infrastructure makes it possible to visualize data from a comprehensive assessment of the territory and significantly simplify analytical work, which makes it possible to optimize organizational and managerial processes for the long-term development of settlements.
Keywords: construction, social infrastructure, healthcare, comprehensive assessment of the territory, geoinformation technologies
The main maintenance of a diversification of production as activity of subjects of managing is considered. being shown in purchase of the operating enterprises, the organizations of the new enterprises, redistribution of investments in interests of the organization and development of new production on available floor spaces. The most important organizational economic targets of a diversification of management are presented by innovative activity of the industrial enterprise.
Keywords: historical settlement of federal significance, Vyborg, Leningrad region, territorial planning, urban development
The article is dedicated to the study of the planning structure features of small towns in the European part of the Arctic. The relevance of the research is due to the strategic importance of the region for Russia and the need for urban environment modernization. The results showed that the town layouts have a certain deviation from the north-south axis, and the towns themselves are characterized by compactness and efficient land use. These features ensure convenient access to social facilities and reduce operational costs, which is especially important in harsh Arctic conditions.
Keywords: Arctic, planning structure, industrial towns, small towns, compactness, urban planning, Arctic architecture, Arctic urban planning, social infrastructure
Water saturation of soils in the area of foundations is accompanied by a deterioration in their bearing capacity and is often detected only with the appearance of the first signs of deformation. Effective monitoring of soil conditions helps reduce escalating damage. For this purpose, a variant of dynamic penetration was developed and applied, which made it possible to establish a fivefold reduction in the resistance of soils to indenter penetration in the water-saturated zone in comparison with their natural state. The approach provides rapid mapping of the state of the soil mass in areas of expected soaking, for example, in the area of backfilling of foundations. The results are applicable for monitoring soil soaking in technogenic conditions and are of interest to a wide range of specialists in the field of construction.
Keywords: flooding, dynamic penetration, monitoring, mapping, water-saturated soil
This paper deals with the aspects of the ideological content of the architectural and engineering thought of the Shadow Tower Pavilion in Chandigarh, a structure without a definite function. A brief historical background is collected. Examples of similar constructions "without function" are given, principles and purposes of formation of architectural volumes of selected analogs are described. The influence of such structures from the point of view of ideology on the formation of architecture in a hot climate is considered. The significance of small architectural volumes in the context of large ensembles is emphasized.
Keywords: "Tower of Shadows", Capitol, Chandigarh, hot climate, Le Corbusier's "sunbreakers", natural sun protection, natural ventilation, design, artistic effect, climatic grid, functional conditions
The purpose of this paper is to examine the architectural and planning strategies used by universities to expand their campuses to accommodate growing student numbers. It provides a comprehensive analysis of four case studies that highlight successful methods used by universities to expand their campuses. The article focuses on analyzing the practical experience of three types of expansion strategies for existing campuses: vertical campus expansion, underground campus expansion, and horizontal campus expansion. Campus expansion strategies were discussed in terms of advantages and disadvantages and a comparative analysis was carried out. Lessons learned from each strategy have been drawn to benefit and offer solutions to other regions whose universities are suffering from the challenge of increasing university enrollment.
Keywords: urban planning, higher education facilities, vertical development, underground development, horizontal development, university enrollment
The article considers the current state of the residential construction market in the Khabarovsk Territory. The article analyses the volume of housing construction and housing commissioning, provides information on the main developers, and gives a short description of the main state-backed mortgage programmes facilitating the purchase of housing in the Khabarovsk Territory.
Keywords: Khabarovsk Territory, housing construction, problems, prospects, state mortgage lending programme
The presence of a large number of undeveloped areas within the city - now inactive enterprises - creates a negative impact on the urban environment. Since these territories are depressed spaces, the design of new residential areas with characteristic high-rise buildings seems to be a logical path for the development of the city. However, uncontrolled urbanization and dense multi-storey buildings represent a fundamental change in the human environment. The consequences of this approach lead to a deterioration in the air exchange of areas and contributes to the formation of “heat islands” that affect air pollution. This contributes to the deterioration of the environmental and social situation and the emergence of a negative perception of the environment among the population. The worsening of this problem may cause a deterioration in the social climate in large cities. The article analyzes the impact of dense high-rise buildings on the environment located on the territory of non-operating enterprises. Methods for solving this problem are indicated. The results of field observations and studies of the interhouse space are presented, on the basis of which the role of convective flows of thermal origin in the air exchange of urban space is revealed. A comparative analysis of projects for the development of the territory of a former house-building plant with complexes for various functional purposes is presented.
Keywords: urban area, air exchange, convective flows, temperature conditions, standard buildings, renovation, leisure facilities, depressed spaces
The article considers the possibility of using methods of integrated development of the territory in order to solve the problems of dilapidated and dilapidated housing in large cities of the Moscow region on the example of the city of Sergiev Posad.
Keywords: integrated development of the territory, residential areas, dilapidated and dilapidated housing, large cities, Sergiev Posad
The article considers the problem of architectural and spatial formation of the local area of multi-storey residential areas from the point of view of psychophysiological perception. Negative and positive examples of the organization of local areas are given. An analysis of the architectural and spatial organization of the residential environment in specific residential areas of St. Petersburg was carried out. The features of the integration of “internal” and “external” in the formation of space directly at the “border” of street and house are revealed using examples of world architecture. Techniques for the architectural organization of open spaces in the local area, based on examples of foreign and domestic practice, have been identified.
Keywords: living environment, local area, courtyard, architectural space, scale, internal and external space
The article considers domestic, foreign and international experience in the application of information modeling technologies (IMT) and its standardization in the planning of integrated development and information modeling (IM) of territories. The analysis of the world practice of standardization of TIM application in planning of complex development and information modeling of territories has revealed the absence of unified approaches and system representation in the part of development of standards in the subject area. Based on the results of the analysis and generalization of world practice recommendations and proposals for the development and updating of national standards and codes of practice in terms of the application of IMT in the planning of integrated development and information modeling of territories are developed.
Keywords: information modeling, integrated development of territories, technical standards
The authors of the article propose to consider ways of forming a tourist zone based on urban planning approaches, using the example of the territory along Lake Ladoga (Leningrad Region and the Republic of Karelia). The article shows the main ways to form a tourist zone using three main approaches: a cluster approach, a polycentric approach and a landscape approach.
Keywords: Lake Ladoga, formation of a tourist zone, natural and planning frameworks, tourist and recreational zone
The presented article highlights the problems identified during the study of such a new phenomenon in the urban planning sphere as rural agglomerations of the Russian Federation on the example of the Leningrad region, as a set of intermunicipal urban planning relationships within one or more municipal districts of the Leningrad region, as well as the need to take into account these relationships, taking into account the peculiarities of the cultural landscape, as a set of accumulated valuable agricultural territories, combined with the experience of industrial, cultural and urban development operation of these territories.
Keywords: rural agglomeration, cultural landscape, small urban agglomeration, qualimetric landscape method
This article is devoted to the analysis of factors influencing the energy efficiency of high-rise buildings. Using the example of the Aquamarine residential complex in the city of Vladivostok, an analysis of high-rise buildings was carried out, calculations were performed, and the results were presented in the form of graphs that reflect the dynamics of the speed of wind flows and temperature changes in the outside air along the height of the building. Changes in these parameters increase the intensity of heat loss, which must be taken into account when developing a space-planning solution and thermal protection of the facades of high-rise buildings.
Keywords: energy efficiency, aerodynamics, air exchange, heat resistance, high-rise building, microclimate, urban development, energy consumption
The presented article analyzes the urban development of the cities of the Leningrad region of Luga, Kingisepp and Tikhvin, which have the potential to be included in the list of historical cities of regional significance, to identify the features of their urban development through various historical eras, as well as the existing problems of the urban environment.
Keywords: historical settlements, urban planning reform of Catherine II, Leningrad region, urban planning formation of cities