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  • Organization of data transmission over the communication network, taking into account the subscription fee for the use of communication channels

    The task of planning the sending of messages of known volumes from source points to destinations with known needs. At the same time, it is assumed that the costs of transmitting information on the one hand are proportional to the transmitted volumes and the cost of transmitting a unit of information over the selected communication channels, and on the other hand are associated with a fixed subscription fee for the use of channels that does not depend on the volume of transmitted information. An indicator of the quality of the plan with such a statement is the total cost of sending the entire planned volume of messages. A comparative characteristic of the effectiveness of methods for obtaining optimal plans using a linearized objective function and an exact solution by one of the combinatorial methods is carried out.

    Keywords: message transmission, transport task, criterion of minimum total costs, computational complexity of the algorithm, linearization of the objective function

  • Development of a method for optimizing the trajectory of a obstacle-free environment based on Bezier curves with a Pythagorean hodograph

    The article describes a way to optimize the trajectory optimization process by replacing the edges of the trajectory with spatial Bezier curves with a Pythagorean hodograph.

    Keywords: Algorithms for generating trajectories, methods for constructing the formation of UAV groups, mathematical models of UAVs, multi-agent systems, Bezier curves, Pythagorean hodograph

  • Optimizing Quantum Espresso for Nvidia GPUs with CUDA Technology

    This article explores how to optimize Quantum Espresso for efficient use of Nvidia's graphics processing unit (GPU) using CUDA technology. Quantum Espresso is a powerful tool for quantum mechanical simulation and calculation of material properties. However, the original version of the package was not designed for GPU use, so optimization is required to achieve the best performance.

    Keywords: Quantum Espresso, GPU, CUDA, compute acceleration

  • Automation of the competitive selection process for filling vacant positions of the University teaching staff

    The procedure for filling positions of teaching staff of universities belonging to the teaching staff is regulated by federal laws and local regulations. At the same time, it becomes necessary to store and exchange a large number of documents between various participants of competitive events. The aim of the work was to automate the process of holding competitive events and use a common data warehouse, with the help of which it is possible to speed up paperwork, save time and consumables, ensure the safety of storing, transmitting and processing information. The article reflects the obtained results of automation of the competitive selection process at the St. Petersburg State University of Architecture and Civil Engineering.

    Keywords: higher education institutions, competitive election, teaching staff, automation

  • Increasing the accuracy of metalworking of oil and gas engineering parts by choosing a rational wear-resistant coating for cutting tools

    The oil and gas engineering industry is undergoing changes that are associated with the introduction of innovative technologies, methods and tools to improve production processes and systems. All changes make it possible to achieve an increase in the average resource, durability and profit of the enterprise as a whole. Processing parts of the oil and gas complex and reducing all types of wear on the cutting part of the tool currently remains the most pressing topic. The continuous operation of a cutting tool is influenced by many factors. The relationship between cutting speed and tool life allows you to select the optimal speed. The work identifies the main directions of research on the selection of wear-resistant coatings for cutters to improve the accuracy of metalworking. The research was carried out using modern computer programs, which made it possible to draw certain conclusions, derive dependencies and determine the range of tasks for further research. Application of the main results will improve the processing efficiency and surface quality of parts in the oil and gas sector.

    Keywords: durability, cutting mode, cutter, optimization, experiment, methodology, accuracy, processing, coatings, deformation

  • Numerical experiments to investigate the relationship between Poisson's ratio and cohesion

    This study is a pilot one. The purpose of the study is to identify the nature of the relationship between Poisson's ratio and cohesion, on the example of a soil mass. The main objective of the study is to identify the dependence of Poisson's ratio and cohesion coefficient to obtain the fracture limit of the material (in this study of soil massif) - plastic flows in the material. The study is conducted by methods of mathematical modeling. In order to achieve the objective, it is necessary to justify the possibility of performing this experiment by means of boundary value problem, and to perform the ranking of the number of numerical experiments by experiment planning method to obtain the extrema. Next, it is necessary to perform the numerical experiment itself to reveal the relationship between Poisson's ratio and cohesion. The obtained data will be used to compose the inverse problem when testing a new Russian software product in the field of geotechnical and geomechanical modeling.

    Keywords: Poisson's ratio, cohesion, soil massif, numerical experiment, finite element method, mathematical modelling, plastic flow, deformation, stress

  • Influence of the outline of the culvert in the embankment of the roadbed on the distribution of forces, taking into account constructive nonlinearity

    he article considers a plane problem of calculating the interaction of a culvert of different outlines with a soil embarckment, taking into account the constructive nonlinearity. Due to the impossibility of the soil to work in tension, the interaction of the pipe and soil is assumed to be uniulateral. In the problem, the outline of the pipe is changed, other parameters being equal. As the results of the calculation, the area of contact / separation and adhesion / slippage of the pipe with the soil is considered. Based on the results of calculations, recommendations are given for choosing the outline of culverts.

    Keywords: constructive nonlinearity, frictional contact, unilateral constraints, linear complementarity problem, numerical models, finite element method

  • Approximate mathematical model and finite element simulation of air flow in an expanding truncated cone

    An original approach to describe airflow in the thin conic diffusor is suggested. It is based on approximate analytic solution of continuity equation. In addition simplified model of turbulence is combined. Reliability of derived formula is confirmed by comparison with finite-element solution for designed experimental setup. The elaboration is intended to direct computer simulation of multiphase flow.

    Keywords: dust-air mixture, aspiration systems, turbulence, finite element modeling, separation diffuser, digital twin

  • Evaluation of foundation deformations on heterogeneous soils using the ANSYS WORKBENCH software package

    The article discusses the possibility of using the ANSYS WORKBENCH software package to calculate the uneven settlement of building foundations. The heterogeneity of the physical and mechanical properties of the soil, the difference in the thickness of the bearing layer and other factors lead to uneven development of settlement. This causes the appearance of cracks in the supporting structures, and in the worst case, the destruction of part of the building or the building as a whole. Methods for calculating settlements are very complex, but using the capabilities of modern computers and computer simulation programs makes it possible to obtain a simple and accurate solution to such problems. To evaluate the deformations of the foundation on heterogeneous soils the ANSYS software package was be used. The proposed method can be used to quantify the uneven settlement of the foundations of real buildings and structures.

    Keywords: ANSYS WORKBENCH, foundation, uneven settlement, skew, computer modeling, deformation, finite element method

  • Indirect determination of the dispersity of atomized fuel from the geometry of the wetting spot zone

    A program for computer simulation of atomization of liquid fuels has been developed. A special calibrating experiment was carried out in a gravitational field. Verification of the computer model with experimental data is carried out, the correctness of simulation modeling is determined by the convergence of the results of static generalization. Tests of a model sample of the burner device were carried out, confirming the adequacy of computer simulation.

    Keywords: burner, atomization of liquid fuels, mathematical modeling, fuel jet dispersion dynamics, nozzle

  • Design and modelling of butterfly valves for pipeline systems

    Pipeline fittings, which include butterfly valves, are not unimportant in pipeline systems. The main function of this design element is to prevent emergencies in pipeline systems. The principle of operation is based on closing of the shut-off device in case of change of direction of the transported medium flow. This ensures reliable flow control and prevents backflow of the medium in the pipeline. The rotary check valve provides reliability, tightness and safe operation of systems, as well as durability with regard to safety requirements. The article deals with the design and calculation of rotary check gates. The purpose of development of such a model range is to create a durable and reliable design, which will be able to ensure during the whole service life a safe operation in production with different parameters of the working environment. To confirm the reliability and serviceability parameters of the design, strength calculation of the butterfly valves has been carried out. As a result of numerical modelling of all designed check gates, the calculated parameters allow to give positive assessment to the gates and confirm compliance with technical requirements.

    Keywords: rotary check gate, modelling, mathematical modelling, finite element method, calculation of reliability indices

  • Development of a malware detection method using a system call graph using machine learning

    This article is devoted to solving the problem of research and detection of malware. The method implemented in the work allows you to dynamically detect malware for Android using system call graphs using graph neural networks. The objective of this work is to create a computer model for a method designed to detect and investigate malware. Research on this topic is important in mathematical and software modeling, as well as in the application of system call control algorithms on Android devices. The originality of this direction lies in the constant improvement of approaches in the fight against malware, as well as limited information on the use of computer simulation to study such phenomena and features in the world.

    Keywords: system calls, android, virus, malware, neural networks, artificial intelligence, fuzzy logic

  • Development of valves for hazardous production facilities operating in a wide range of ambient temperatures

    The safety of hazardous production facilities is directly related to the reliable operation of pipeline systems, as a failure occurring in the elements of such systems can lead to serious consequences for production facilities and the environment. Since the greatest number of failures is associated with faults caused by corrosion, to increase reliability it is necessary to increase the corrosion resistance of metal of pipeline elements. The article gives an overview of materials for manufacturing parts, the influence of different climatic conditions on the mechanical properties of steels. The developed rotary gate designed for automatic prevention of reverse flow of working medium is also presented. To confirm the serviceability of the design, strength calculation of the structure was carried out, where its stress-strain state under the given loading conditions is considered. As a result, the values of maximum equivalent stresses, maximum deformations and displacements were obtained, which are lower than the maximum permissible ones.

    Keywords: pipeline system, pipeline, shut-off valves, swing back gate, mathematical modelling, finite element method

  • Correction of the trajectory of the robotic object, taking into account the field of repeller sources

    The movement of robotic systems can occur in conditions of interference disturbances, different in quality and power. In this case, the actual task is to correct the initial planned trajectory of the robot's movement in order to evade the latter from the action of these sources in order to maximize some quality functionality. It is advisable to associate the latter with the probability of successful passage of the target trajectory in the field of interference effects. The peculiarity of such an adjustment is the complexity of optimizing the corresponding probability functionals, which leads to the need to develop approximate optimization methods based, however, on a fairly accurate calculation of the probabilities of successful passage for each specific trajectory. In this article, we propose such an approximate correction technique that allows us to effectively bypass interference sources defined by their known areas of action and characteristic probabilistic functions. This technique is based on an iterative procedure of successive approximations to such a trajectory, which has a given probability of successful passage. The developed technique can be effectively integrated into the movement planner of robotic objects moving in conditions of obstacles with fixed boundaries, as well as corresponding repeller sources, information about which allows us to estimate with sufficient accuracy the probability of successful passage of any trajectories in their vicinity at a given speed mode of movement.

    Keywords: robotics complex, repeller sources, motion planning, probability of successful completion, iterative procedure, target functionality

  • Data imputation by statistical modeling methods

    One of the tasks of data preprocessing is the task of eliminating gaps in the data, i.e. imputation task. The paper proposes algorithms for filling gaps in data based on the method of statistical simulation. The proposed gap filling algorithms include the stages of clustering data by a set of features, classifying an object with a gap, constructing a distribution function for a feature that has gaps for each cluster, recovering missing values ​​using the inverse function method. Computational experiments were carried out on the basis of statistical data on socio-economic indicators for the constituent entities of the Russian Federation for 2022. An analysis of the properties of the proposed imputation algorithms is carried out in comparison with known methods. The efficiency of the proposed algorithms is shown.

    Keywords: imputation algorithm, data gaps, statistical modeling, inverse function method, data simulation

  • Graph neural networks and XANES spectroscopy for investigation of the structure of copper centers in Cu-MOR

    In this paper, the possibility of applying graph neural networks (NN) to study the structure of copper centers of zeolites is considered. The dataset used for NN training was prepared using the FDMNES software based on the finite difference method and included more than 2100 Cu K-XANES spectra for Cu-MOR. The performed study demonstrated the capability of graph neural networks to reproduce the Cu K-XANES spectrum corresponding to a particular model of the copper center in the zeolite framework.

    Keywords: zeolite, mordenite, atomic structure, XANES, machine learning, graph neural networks

  • Analysis of methods of construction of power supply systems in Revit

    Based on the experience gained during the use of Autodesk Revit in the design of power supply systems, the authors assess the features of the implementation of the construction of projects in this section that meet domestic regulatory documentation. A comparative analysis of the methods of constructing power supply projects is given, their advantages and disadvantages are revealed, which is important both from a scientific and practical point of view with a small amount of information in this area that does not have an advertising component.

    Keywords: Autodesk Revit, BIM, information model, bilding engineering, power supply system, building technology

  • Information system for forecasting the collection of payments in the post offices of the Russian Post using machine learning

    This article discusses the forecasting of the collection of payments in post offices, taking into account seasonality and the use of machine learning. An algorithm for constructing a calculation model has been developed, which provides an opportunity for analysts of the Russian Post to make a monthly forecast of the collection of payments for each UFPS (Federal Postal Administration), taking into account seasonality. This model allows you to identify deviations from the norm in matters related to the collection of payments and more accurately adjust the increase in tariffs for services. The SSA algorithm is considered, which consists of 4 steps: embedding, singular decomposition, grouping, diagonal averaging. This information system is implemented in the form of a website using a framework ASP.NET Core and libraries for machine learning ML.NET . Then the forecast is evaluated using various methods.

    Keywords: mathematical modeling, seasonally adjusted forecasting, collection of payments, machine learning, neural network

  • Personnel management in a real estate agency

    The dynamic model of personnel management in a real estate agency is investigated. The structure of the management system includes a real estate company as a Leader and a realtor as a Slave. The relations between them are built on the basis of a hierarchy corresponding to the information regulations of the Stackelberg games. Motivation is used as a method of hierarchical management. Algorithms for achieving equilibrium in different information regulations are presented. The numerical implementation of these algorithms is based on simulation modeling, the results are analyzed.

    Keywords: real estate company, hierarchy, simulation, stackelberg's game, stackelberg's game with feedback, motivation, leader, slave, dynamic system

  • Development of a recommendation system for training selection

    The article discusses the methods and approaches developed by the authors for the recommendation system, which are aimed at improving the quality of rehabilitation of the patient during respiratory training. To describe the training, we developed our own language for a specific subject area, as well as its grammar and syntax analyzer. Thanks to this language, it is possible to build a devereve describing a specific patient's training. Two main methods considered in the article are applied to the resulting tree: "A method for analyzing problem areas during training by patients" and "A method for fuzzy search of similar areas in training". With the help of these methods, it is proposed to analyze the problem areas of patients' training during rehabilitation and look for similar difficult areas of the patient to select similar exercises in order to maintain the level of diversity of tasks and involve the patient in the process.

    Keywords: Recommendation system, learning management system, rehabilitation, medicine, respiratory training, marker system, domain-specific language, Levenshtein distance

  • Investigation of thermal conditions at an experimental fuel oil heating plant with a pulsed coolant flow

    The article is devoted to modeling heating of fuel oil using a pulsed fluid flow in the SolidWorks Flow Simulation software module. In the future, the use of this technological solution can be considered by a number of industries in the Russian Federation and abroad. The purpose of this article is to describe the results of a computer model of the technological process under study. The computer calculation of the fuel oil heating model using a pulse flow makes it possible to evaluate the efficiency of the process and determine the optimal parameters to achieve maximum efficiency. This will help to reduce the cost of heating fuel oil and increase the efficiency of industrial equipment of enterprises.

    Keywords: fuel oil, oil, coolant, shock unit, diaphragm pump, pulse flow, turbulent mode, cavitation, solidworks flow simulation

  • Organization of a competition for regression models of unloading wagons on railway transport

    The paper describes the procedure for conducting a competition for regression models based on statistical data for the East Siberian Railway. At the same time, it is assumed to build a set of additive alternative versions of the model with the subsequent choice of the best option based on the involvement of a number of adequacy criteria. The unloading of wagons is singled out as the output variable of the model, and the input variables are: the average gross weight of a freight train, cases of failures of technical means of the 1st – 2nd category of operational nature, the working fleet of freight wagons. The implementation of the model competition allowed us to build over two hundred alternative options, from which the best alternative was selected using multi-criteria selection methods based in this case on a continuous criterion of consistency of behavior.

    Keywords: railway transport, mathematical model, regression analysis, least squares method, model competition, adequacy criteria, multi-criteria selection

  • Analysis of the dynamics of human flows when using escalators in the metro

    In this article, a computer simulation of the movement of passengers on escalators was carried out, taking into account different (four) scenarios for organizing the movement of passengers, the intensity of passenger flow, and also analyzes the influence of social distance on the speed of ascent. The dependences of the change in the time spent by passengers on covering the path from the center of the platform to the moment of ascending the corresponding escalator were constructed. The results of the study make it possible to identify differences in the efficiency and comfort of passenger movement depending on the chosen layout and load. These findings can be useful for optimizing the operation of public transport and metro systems, providing safer and more comfortable travel for passengers in various conditions.

    Keywords: analysis of human flows, ensuring safety in the metro, organizing human flows, computer modeling, optimization of passenger flow

  • Mathematical models for recognizing faces in images using neural networks

    In today's world, facial recognition is becoming an increasingly important and relevant task. With the development of technology and the increasing amount of data, the need for reliable, accurate and efficient face recognition systems increases. Neural networks demonstrate high efficiency in solving computer vision problems and have great potential for improving existing mathematical models of face recognition. This paper is devoted to the study of methods for human face recognition, the Viola-Jones algorithm will be discussed in detail, which, which can be applied in the task of face recognition using neural networks. It will also analyse techniques for training deep learning models using libraries that also use the Viola-Jones algorithm and describe an algorithm for using the trained model in an API that can be used in desktop and mobile applications.

    Keywords: biometric identification, human face recognition, mathematical models, face recognition methods, deep learning, convolutional neural networks, tensorflow

  • Using the detail vector for neural network classification of electrocardiogram signals

    Diseases of the cardiovascular system are the main cause of death in the world. The main way to diagnose diseases of the cardiovascular system is to take an electrocardiogram of the patient. Automatic processing of electrocardiogram signals will allow doctors to quickly identify heart problems in a patient. This article presents a method for calculating the detail vector for neural network processing of a twelve-channel electrocardiogram signal. Adding a detail vector to the electrocardiogram signals improves the classification accuracy to 87.50%. The proposed method can be used to automatically classify two or more channel electrocardiogram signals.

    Keywords: electrocardiogram, recurrent neural network, neural network with long-term short memory, detailing vector, PhysioNet Computing in Cardiology Challenge 2021