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  • Estimation of channel noise intensity when transmitting images in JPWL format based on an experimental model

    The problem of transmitting an image in a transmitter-receiver system over a noisy data transmission channel in JPEG 2000 and JPWL format under conditions of a previously unknown and varying intensity of noise is considered. This task is considered for the conditions of the IP network. The article aims to build methods for estimating the intensity of noise by the JPWL decoding results in the receiver and dynamically adapting the parameters of the JPWL transmitter to the current assessment of the noise intensity, ensuring the highest quality of the decoded image with the shortest length of the transmitted encoded stream. An experimental study of the relationship between the parameters of JPWL, the intensity of noise and the quality of the decoded image was carried out. It is shown that for any JPWL parameter there is a region of one-to-one correspondence between the percentage of fully recovered tiles and the probability of losing a network packet. A technique for estimating the intensity of noise by the decoding results of a single image is described. This technique can be expanded to use the results of decoding a series of images.

    Keywords: noisy channel, antinoise coding, noise intensity, decoding result, JPEG 2000, JPWL, experimental model

  • Organization of measures for the protection of atmospheric air at construction sites from the impact of fine dust

    This article discusses the development of measures for the protection of atmospheric air during the construction industry. Particular attention is paid to the development and implementation of MPE projects and their implementation in the construction process. Also an important factor for environmental protection, including atmospheric air is the calculation of the radius of action of the sanitary protection zone of each construction site, depending on the sources of pollution. Particular attention is paid to the allocation of fine dust on the construction site, as well as measures to reduce these emissions. The article presents the results of the implementation of certain technological and organizational measures to reduce the release of PM10 and PM2. 5 fine dust particles on one of the construction sites of Rostov-on-don.

    Keywords: protection of atmospheric air, fine dust, organization of construction

  • On the evaluation of dust characteristics using dispersed analysis of variance of additive-simplex type to reduce particle leakage out from the dust in the dust aspiration’ collectors building industry

    The article is devoted to the issue of improving the environmental safety of the construction industry by improving dust collectors of dust removal systems for the aspiration schemes of the construction industry/ It was proposed use additive-integrated dispersive analysis of variance of dust particles emissions throw out into the atmosphere by aspiration systems. The article proposes the improvement of complex analysis of variance using hydrodynamic criteria in output functions. Modified output data and additive-simplex allows getting approach to evaluate characteristics - equivalent sizes and speeds of sedimentation-soiling of dust particles with a higher degree of accuracy of the results. It makes possibility to determine the ranges of size’s and velocities’ changes with real ability. It is possible to obtain more reliable data of sedimentation rates and equivalent particle sizes for the studied dust samples of building materials using the distributions of the hydrodynamics criteria. Analytical approach to determining the density’ distribution of the numerical values of the hydrodynamics criteria in the output function allowed us to clarify the more real values of sedimentation rates and the equivalent particle sizes and the range of their changes both. This way analysis of variance of dispersed dust particles could call additive-complex or simplex approach. The obtained regressions in processing the research results were used in the development of devices for capturing dust of dispersed building materials from emissions. This way could significantly reduced dust leakage out from aspiration collectors of decreasing dust systems while purifying emissions at the building enterprises. This approach is one of the most effective ways to improve the environmental safety of the building industry.

    Keywords: Dust, building material, dust collector, cleaning, leakage, analysis of variance, velocity, sedimentation, criterion, emission, atmosphere, dust removal, aspiration

  • The use of information technology in higher education institutions

    The article highlights the use of information technologies in modern education. The opinion of modern didacts has been generalized and presented, and the methodology for presenting information allows the most effective presentation of educational material. The economic component of application of information technologies in higher educational institutions is considered. The peculiarities of the realization of the educational process are considered taking into account the impact of computer radiation on human health. The most important indicators of the effectiveness of the use of information technology are revealed.

    Keywords: information technology, distance learning, communication technology, economic component of IT, aim IT, quality

  • Algorithm for recognition of circuit diagrams at the stage of design of information-measuring systems

    The article describes the algorithm of recognition of schematic diagrams in the framework of structural design of complex technical objects. It is specified that at statement of a problem of development of the specialized vectorizer it is necessary to define: software subsystems of the simplest tracer; algorithms of the analysis of images; formats of representation of the end result; initial data (formats) for recognition. As a result, it was concluded that for structural and circuit design, during which the vertex of the final portrait of the graph of the projected system is replaced, obtained after optimization by the criterion of the set of the smallest external stability, it is necessary to recognize images of graphic elements. The proposed algorithm allows for adequate recognition of the elements of electronic circuits, which further makes it possible to automatically replenish the database of elements with new elements in a given format.

    Keywords: vectorization, concept recognition algorithm, structural design, graphic, element, raster image, electronic circuits, semi-graphical display, block-the functional distribution of the tracer

  • Modeling housing ball joint passenger car

    The compare the durability of the existing ball bearings (SHO) with the polymer homogeneous element with the durability of the modified supports, a cell model with the averaged placement of the modifier in SHO substrate and a model for bringing the multilayer sho body to the equivalent single-layer one are constructed; calculations of contact pressure, contact deformations and stresses are performed. The calculation takes into account the rheological and physico-chemical properties of the components of SHO substrate and modifier, the influence of the environment. As a result of calculations, it was found that at all points of the contour the material experiences a biaxial plane two-dimensional stress state, called pure shear with the presence of shear stresses. The most intense point of danger is the point lying in the center of the platform of contact of details.

    Keywords: ball bearing, durability, modeling, polymer material, granule, modification

  • Geoecological assessment of groundwater in Rostov region

    The paper considers the main factors determining the quality of underground water deposits within the RO, done hydrochemical and geoecological assessment of groundwater RO. The entropy of the groundwater ecosystem is calculated. It was found that most of the deposits have an entropy of less than 30%. that is, the water is clean enough, not experienced external influences. However, the water quality has deviations in individual indicators from the requirements of SanPiN, which can be eliminated by conventional methods of water treatment.

    Keywords: groundwater, hydrogeochemical heterogeneity, classification of groundwater, drinking water

  • Modern Trends in Ensuring Energy Efficiency of Mansard Buildings as Part of Structural Reconstruction

    The paper reports that there currently exist various technologies and methods for achieving energy efficiency of reconstructed buildings and facilities. It highlights the fact that practically all mansard construction technologies conform to the up-to-date requirements for energy efficiency and resource conservation. At the same time, the analysis of a number of foreign and national publications shows that the modern trends in ensuring energy efficiency of buildings and facilities are based on the use of solar, thermal and biocincrete panels, which also prove to be environmentally friendly.

    Keywords: mezzanine, solar panels, thermal panels, biocincrete panels, efficiency ratio of solar energy generating panels, energy efficiency, environmental safety

  • Inaccuracy of branch and bound algorithm

    The aim of the work is to verify the accuracy of the solution of the traveling salesman problem by the method of branches and boundaries with a large difference in the length of the chords of the transport graph. It is considered an NP-hard task. It is proved that the Vig method can not give an optimal result in a transport graph with a large difference in the values of the elements in the cells of the original matrix, when its zero cells will have very different estimates. The reason for the inaccuracy of solving the travelling salesman problem is the inadequacy of the adopted model for the calculation of the original formulation of the problem. It consists in the injustice of the second hypothesis on the evaluation of the zero element in the evaluation matrix included in the optimal route. The hypothesis is accepted without strict proofs and has probabilistic character. The use of the minimum values of the row and column from the matrix is appropriate, as determined by the route of the smallest length. It is doubtful whether it is true that there is always a need to strike out at each stage the zero element with the maximum total score. The reason is that, firstly, it has a random character in General. Secondly, this assessment does not take into account all possible combinations of combinations of branches giving the optimal combination, since their recursion is not carried out. The technique of improving the method of branches and boundaries is proposed, which consists in additional verification of the obtained optimal route by removing the branch with an estimate one step below the maximum at each stage of branching. Numerical experiment is carried out.

    Keywords: salesman, best route, branch and bound method, gaps, hypotheses, algorithm, the inaccuracy of the decision, the reason why numerical experiment, improvement method

  • Conditions of rationalization of identification and search of reserves to improve the efficiency of management of production activities of enterprises

    When identifying reserves of efficiency of management of production activities of enterprises should comply with a number of important principles. First of all, the identification of reserves should be based on knowledge of economic laws, the provisions of the dialectical theory of knowledge, the achievements of science and practice, that is, to be scientific in nature. It is necessary to know the economic nature and nature of economic reserves, the main directions of the search, as well as the technique and methodology of calculation and generalization. The search for reserves should be complex and systematic: complexity implies a comprehensive identification of reserves in all areas of economic activity and their subsequent generalization.

    Keywords: management, production activities, reserves, efficiency, analysis, diagnostics

  • Investigation of partial backup options in the design of fault-tolerant logic blocks in FPGAs

    In this article, we propose methods for designing fault-tolerant structures for Field Programmable Gate Arrays (FPGAs) by forming an internal structure of macro cells (LUTs), with the possibility of correcting single reversible faults in the circuit’s gates. To improve fault tolerance, the failure tolerance of a typical macro cell was assessed, the most vulnerable areas were identified and the most vulnerable parts of the macrocell were protected by means of triple modular redundancy methods. Depending on the expansion of the protected area, various versions of the built-in redundancy were obtained, and various options for minimizing the built-in redundancy were proposed. Experimental work was carried out to form fault-tolerant ISCAS'85 combinational circuit designs in the basis of fault-tolerant FPGAs.

    Keywords: combinational circuit, FPGA, field-programmable gate array, LUT, logic synthesis, increase fault tolerant, computer-aided design (CAD), fault injection, single event transient

  • Interpolation of scattered data of countour lines for production of digital terrain model

    Optimal usage of territories appears as applicable problem at the present time. Its description is hold in geographic information systems (GIS) and may be used for solving ecological, administrative, transport and logistical tasks. We consider to use topographic maps for production GIS. By now algorithms for reconstruction of plan of contour lines are developed. This plan of contour lines appears as matrix of spatial scattered data, which are needed to interpolate for production a digital terrain model. There are some common algorithms for interpolation (linear, cubic spline, natural), but they aren’t fit for good shape reproduction. We consider an algorithm based on 3-class classifier of points. Points of 1st class are between two contour lines and are interpolated by n nearest points of the nearest contour line and the nearest point of another line. Points of 2nd class are inside of one contour line, accord with peaks or depths and are interpolated with similar algorithm and value of extremum which is taken by mark of height is used. Points of 3rd class are between a contour line and boundaries of topographic map; their interpolation may be taken by union of several maps and they become points of 1st class. Processing speed, maximal error and mean-root square error are used as measure of quality. Considered algorithm has shown improvement by comparison with other methods with decrease of errors and nonthreatening increasing of processing time.

    Keywords: interpolation, geographic information system, topographic map, digital terrain model, scattered data

  • Estimation of consequences in case of deviation from regulatory requirements and costs in construction

    Abstract: the necessity of planning and cost adjustment during construction works is substantiated. The article deals with the consequences of non-compliance with rules and building regulations, which lead to additional financial costs for repair and restoration due to the destruction of both individual structures and the object as a whole. System errors in construction technology during Foundation reinforcement and installation are revealed. Made normative calculations for the implementation of the construction project. The article consists of introduction, two parts and conclusion. In the introduction the necessity of monitoring compliance with industry regulatory legislation. In the first part of the article "cost Planning in construction" substantiates the need for business planning based on economic approaches. Options for the implementation of ecological and safe construction materials in the construction of buildings. In the second part of the article "analysis of deviations from standards in construction" a detailed study of the individual stages of design and construction of buildings, which revealed the harmful effects of both gross errors and minor deviations from the established building standards. Clearly confirmed violation of the rigidity and strength of the Foundation of the building due to non-compliance with construction technology during reinforcement and installation. The algorithm of engineering calculations for the construction of the foundations of the building: schemes of works on pouring foundations and the location of formwork elements, costing and schedule of construction works, ensuring the reliability and safety of the building during prolonged use. The conclusion contains the main conclusions of the article and recommendations on cost planning in construction. In work not only consequences of use of fire-dangerous materials at erection of walls of buildings are revealed, but also constructive recommendations based on knowledge of physical properties of the construction materials providing ecological safety are given.

    Keywords: technical justification, planning, regulations, construction, Foundation, costing, heat saving, waterproofing, thermal protection, fire hazard, environmental hazard, vapor permeability

  • Management of industrial enterprises (characteristics and key figures)

    In the article the analysis of KPI of industrial enterprises, considers the various factors limiting the production growth and the development of guidelines for improving production efficiency. Most economists believe that increasing production efficiency, competitiveness of products and services can be achieved on the basis of systematic analysis of economic activities of the enterprise. The analysis of activities provides an opportunity to develop the necessary strategy and tactics of development of the enterprise, which form the basis for the production programme, revealed reserves of increase of production efficiency.

    Keywords: economy, industry, improvement, efficiency, factors, Finance, sustainability, management

  • The study of the quality dependence of the decoded image in the JPEG 2000 format on the JPWL parameters and the packet error rate in the noisy channel

    This article discusses image transfer in JPEG2000 format using JPWL antinoise coding via noisy channel with occurrence of packet errors. The main problem is recovery of received image with minimum deviations from input original. The aim of this work is to study experimentally the capability of JPWL protection to maintain quality of received and decoded image depending on the level of packet loss in data transmission channel. The experimental procedure consists of simulation of multiple transfer of JPWL protected image with the size of 1024×768 pixels and packet loss with the coded image data. Variable parameters of the study are: JPEG2000 coding procedure (irreversible conversion), Reed–Solomon codes used for JPWL protection, per cent of packet loss. Regular variant of JPWL protection is considered as well as combination of regular variant with algorithm of in-frame interleaving. The final experimental results are PSNR similarity extent of received and decoded image and input image, average per cent of completely recovered tiles with respect to tile number in code stream. The article describes the software complex developed for these studies, which includes JPEG2000 coder and decoder, JPWL coder and decoder, means of code stream dividing into RTP packets, simulating means of packet loss, assembling of frames from RTP packets. Operation flowcharts of JPEG2000 coder and decoder are described. It is mentioned that under conditions of packet errors JPEG2000 decoder should be able to process partially damaged or absent tiles. In-frame interleaving of code stream is described aimed at improvement of its stability with regard to packet errors. Three hypotheses are formulated. Hypothesis 1: in the case of packet loss the regular JPWL extension is unable to maintain quality of received and decoded image. Hypothesis 2: in the case of packet loss the regular JPWL extension in combination with algorithm of in-frame interleaving maintains the quality of received and decoded image. Hypothesis 3: in the case of packet loss and with application of algorithm of in-frame interleaving the PSNR value of received and decoded image depends statistically on the number of tiles completely recovered by JPWL decoder. As a result of the experimental study, all the hypotheses were fully confirmed.

    Keywords: JPEG 2000, JPWL, packet errors, noise-immune encoding, decoded image quality