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  • Materials for collecting of oil product at liquidation oveflows and leaks in urban environment

    In the article authors considered properties of materials, which used for liquidation overflows and leaks of oil product in urban environment. Authors analyzed regulatory and technical documentation. It was determined basic disadvantages of materials (sand, sawdust). It was delivered the task of developing criteria to properties of sorbents for collecting oil products in urban environment and search sorbents in according to developed criteria.

    Keywords: material, sand, sawdust, sorbent, collecting, oil product, overflow, leak, urban environment

  • Microbiological research of fine dust in air conditioners of office buildings

    Data on the effect on human health of dust from office air conditioners are presented. The microbial and dispersion composition of dust has been studied. Studies have shown that the microbial number in the rooms depends on the floor on which the air conditioner is installed. Also, the presence of large fractions of dust decreases with increasing height at which the air conditioner is installed.

    Keywords: air pollution, dispersion analysis, air conditioning systems, human health,bacteria, mukor, aspergillus, penicillium

  • About some features of the layout of dust cleaning systems with vortex inertial devices with counter-swirling flows

    Based on the results of theoretical and experimental studies, the necessity of taking into account the “overshoot effect of large particles” in inertial devices with small diameters is justified when assembling dust collection systems with devices of different sizes.

    Keywords: vortex inertial dust collector with counter-swirling flows (CTF), suction from the bunker, differently polluted flows, aerodynamic resistance, overshoot

  • On the study of the aerodynamic characteristics of the dust emitted during the of prepacking chemicals

    The article describes the study of fine dust at the stage of packing and packaging of particulate material. Attention is given to fine particles, which is PM10 and PM 2.5, that have a negative impact on human health in the process of packaging chemicals.The object of the study is the sodium salt of naphthalene-2-sulfonic acid, which is the starting crude in the chemical industry and organic synthesis.As a result of the sedimentation analysis, the sizes of the particles deposited in the experimental setup were determined and, based on the data obtained, the particle size of dust was formulated depending on the settling time.The results obtained are used in the engineering of aspiration systems in industrial plants.

    Keywords: fine particles, chemical dust, sedimentometry, PM10, PM2.5, particle size distribution, naphthalene-2-sulfonic acid sodium salt

  • On the improvement of the algorithm of the computer program for analyzing the dispersion of dust in the air

    The paper describes a microscopic method for determining the dispersed composition of particles, a scheme for analyzing the dispersed composition of particles of various materials, the fundamentals of algorithms used in computer programs for the processing of particulate dispersion and the development of recommendations for their improvement.

    Keywords: computer data analysis, technique, dispersion, particle diameter, dust, dispersed materials, ecology

  • Influence of organizational and technological solutions of construction in cramped urban conditions on the environment

    Article considers the fundamentals of the organization of construction works in cramped conditions of the current town-planning situation, the impact of construction works on the environment, and a brief description of the negative impact factors is provided. The expediency of a systematic approach to improving the quality of construction is shown, including taking into account the assessment of the state of the environment and the need to reduce the negative impact of construction and installation works on nearby built-up areas. The necessity of taking into account measures to reduce the levels of negative impact on the environment during the project development of the production of works is substantiated, and a number of recommendations are given on the organization of construction works.

    Keywords: construction, cramped urban conditions, organizational and technological design, technological processes, environment, organization of construction, construction technologies, construction and installation works, means of mechanization, environmental safe

  • Organizational and technological solutions for construction in cramped urban conditions

    The article presents the results and outlines the prospects of scientific research of technological processes in cramped urban conditions. The expediency of a systematic approach to improving the quality of construction is shown, including taking into account the assessment of the state of the environment and the need to reduce the negative impact of construction works on nearby built-up areas. The necessity of taking into account the above factors in the development of the project for the production of works is substantiated.

    Keywords: construction, cramped urban conditions, organizational and technological design, technological processes, environment, organization of construction, construction technologies, construction and installation works, means of mechanization, environmental safe

  • Assessment of air quality of the urban environment on the basis of the average balance of the integral criterion of atmospheric pollution

    The article is devoted to the calculation and assessment of background pollution of the atmosphere srednebalansovogo integral criterion for the studied regions of Volgograd for the years 2010-2013. Assessing the background air pollution, and creating a map of alternative sites for new industrial construction, is determined srednebalansovy integral criterion of pollution of the atmosphere of the study area. This requires calculation of the average concentration of harmful substances in each group summation of polluting the area. The data obtained were built integral and differential distribution function srednebalansovogo integral criterion of atmospheric pollution for Volgograd regions. According to the analysis the greatest volume of air pollution falls on Central and Traktorozavodskiy districts, which corresponds to the results of the calculations of the specific pollution load on the atmosphere of the city.

    Keywords: biospheric compatibility, balance method, the biosphere, the technosphere, the atmosphere, the average balance integral criterion

  • On the study of air pollution fine dust using the apparatus of random functions

    The article reviews questions about description disperse composition and concentration of dust using the theory of stationary random functions. This approach allows us not only to obtain the characteristics of disperse composition of dust in the air, but also determine the number of additional parameters, namely, the average residence time fractional concentration above a predetermined level, the average number of outputs fractional concentration per unit time for a fixed level. Examples of correlation functions that can be used to approximate empirical data in the case of stationary процесс are submitted.

    Keywords: air medium cities, disperse composition of dust, stochastic process, random function, the fractional composition of the dust, the integral concentration, correlation function, stationary process, normal distribution formula Rice, the function passes

  • Experimental evaluation effectiveness of wet dust separator in the cutting dusting aspiration system of kiln expanded clay oven

    This article describes a way of reducing dust emissions of pollutions exhausted in the atmosphere in the manufacture of building construction materials (expanded clay aggregates, asbestos cement, etc.) applying by approach of desire and the development of precipitators. This promising method based on the results of analysis of variance expanded clay dust, and other building materials proposed generalized approach to the definition of the hydraulic size (effective size' diameter) of dust particles. Proposed method was tested and applied in practice to determining the functional dependence of the integral (cumulative) distribution of dust particles on the equivalent size (effective size). It was mentioned to need to make rationing (norm of containing) dust РМ2.5 и РМ10 fractions in exhausting emissions of pollutions of building construction materials in atmosphere based on the results of analysis of variance volume' data fractions of dust РМ2.5 и РМ10. It is reasonable to use the results of analysis of variance for determination and evaluate equivalent size of dust particles for modeling dispersion and stratification in atmosphere. There described a practical way to determine the critical (minimum) is equivalent to the size of dust particles, maximal potential degree of dust separation in trapped dust cleaners (cyclones, inertial collectors and etc.) from powder and gases flows in decreasing dust aspiration and ventilation schemes in this paper. It were presented some principles of the development of new designs and highly efficient dust different kinds of precipitators (cyclones, inertial collectors) with significant meaning' of separation' degree using the results of analysis of variance of captured dust.

    Keywords: Dust, dust collector, the degree's separation, analysis of variance, expanded clay, building material, hydraulic size, equivalent diameter, system, aspiration, dust removal, emissions, atmosphere.

  • Determination of the actual size of the particles of dust emission building industry and construction

    This article describes a way of reducing dust emissions of pollutions exhausted in the atmosphere in the manufacture of expanded clay aggregates and building construction industry, production of building materials using high effective dust cleaners. There described a promising approach to determining the actual size of the particles of dust emission building industry and construction in this article. It was proposed a common generalized approach to determine the actual effective or hydraulic sized dust particles. It could be done based on the on the results of analysis of variance (ANOVA) for expanded clay dust and bulk building construction materials. The development of new dust collectors with a high degree of separation, as a method to reduce dust emissions decreasing dust separation systems of aspiration scheme in the production of construction materials exhausted in the atmosphere. It was shown so that the hydraulic size of dust particles should be taken into consideration for design and account of dust separation devices. It was disclosed a practical method of estimating the effective value of horizontal cross-sectional area of projection of the dust particles. There presented one of the ways for numerical determination of hydraulic equivalent of particle size particle’s size in this paper. The results of this research should be considered when developing new designs of highly effective precipitators using ANOVA results of captured dust.

    Keywords: dust, dust collector, degree, separation, dispersive analysis, expanded clay, construction material, hydraulic size, equivalent diameter, system, aspiration, dust removal, emissions, atmosphere

  • Wet dust separator in the cutting dusting aspiration system of kiln expanded clay gravel oven

    This article describes a way of reducing dust emissions of pollutions exhausted in the atmosphere in the manufacture of expanded clay aggregates applying high effective wet dust cleaners with a combined scheme of separation of dust from the gas flow within systems cutting dusting aspiration. It was observed a brief description of main technological processes and devices and related major sources of emissions and discharges of pollutants into the atmosphere in the expanded clay’s producing in this article. It was described an industrial survey of a representative sample of aspiration systems and of enterprises of granular clay pellets using dust precipitator’s within those system. There concern the main results of the dispersed analysis of variance dimension’s particle of expanded clay dust stemming and exhausting from the kilns in this article. It was made the expediency for the development of new, more efficient construction of precipitators for de-dusting of dust and gas flows aspiration system in the production of expanded clay. There is describe a new wet dust cleaner cut emissions of dust pollution aspiration from kiln expanded clay gravel oven into atmosphere It was observed a brief description of main technological processes and devices and related major sources of emissions and discharges of pollutants into the atmosphere in the expanded clay’s producing in this article. It was fulfill experimental research and was obtain evaluation of the leakage’s degree of dust particles mean as outlet exhaust’s coefficient for the elaborated wet dust cleaner

    Keywords: Dust clay, dust, cleaning apparatus, wet dust, dispersed analysis of variance, emissions of pollutions, an atmosphere, schemes of dust separation

  • Simulation of the design activity diversification of innovative enterprise

    The article presents the results of a comparative analysis of the authors of the main indicators in the calculation of asbestos dust emissions in the atmosphere air, in accordance with standard procedures and their impact on quality of life.

    Keywords: diversification of management, production diversification, financial and economic purposes of a diversification, technological purposes of ensuring flexibility of production