A study of acidic impurities in the atmospheric air of the Orthodox settlement of Otrada (Volgograd) in March-October 2024 was conducted based on the preparation of aerosol suspensions by washing particles from plant leaves with distilled water. The leaves of elm (Ulmus pumila L.) with aerosol particles were used as the research material. In the settlement of Otrada, we took samples of elm leaves (Ulmus pumila L.) at 10 study points. Sampling, including the preparation of aerosol suspensions, was correlated with well-known proven international methods. The value of the acidity index was measured on electrochemical equipment (S220-Kit pH meter complete with InLab Expert Pro-ISM electrode, China). Statistical analyses of the data obtained were performed in the R program (version 3.6.1, R Core Team 2020), statistical hypotheses were tested at a=0.05. The average values of the acidity index, where the pH value is.= 5.39+0.01, which indicates the presence of acidic impurities in the atmospheric air during the specified period in the settlement of Otrada and indicates the acidity of precipitation in the study area as a crisis zone ((pH=5.0-4.5), according to Svistov P.F. et al., 2012).
Keywords: dispersion, aerosols; surface density of particles; PM2.5; PM10; green infrastructure; natural pollution
The subject of the research in the article is the collection system of municipal solid waste (MSW) from the population of cities and towns to ensure the environmental safety of the population. The current state of the waste management system in the world and in Russia is analyzed, and recommendations for regulating the management of solid household waste are being developed. The purpose of the research is to estimate the number of containers needed to collect waste from the public. The assessment was based on regulatory documents developed in the Russian Federation. The basic requirements for the organization of sites for the installation of containers for the collection of MSW are also given. The Russian Federation already has experience in implementing a waste management system. Currently, infrastructure facilities have been created and operate in the territories of many cities of the Russian Federation that organize the collection, disposal or burial of waste. Laws and regulations have been developed and implemented, and a system of regional operators responsible for waste collection, transportation, processing, and storage has been implemented. In this paper, we consider only household waste, called municipal solid waste (MSW).When implementing a waste management system, at the first stage it is necessary to create conditions for waste collection from the population, and, in the future, to develop this system in the direction of separate waste collection. Waste categorization can be carried out at special installations, in production conditions. The next step is the reuse of waste for the production of new household goods.
Keywords: system approach, municipal solid waste (MSW), housing stock, waste collection, container, site, environmental safety
This article presents a study of the dependence of the deflation of fine grain dust on the air flow rate, as well as other factors affecting it. This study is important for the summary calculation of the dispersion of emissions of harmful substances from unorganized sources of enterprises into the atmospheric urban air, as well as for the selection of dust suppression measures and a better understanding of the processes of dust propagation.
Keywords: grain dust, dispersed composition, aerodynamic characteristics, specific deflation, dust propagation, atmospheric air
Ferrous metallurgy enterprises emit a significant amount of fine dust into the atmosphere every year. The article presents the results of a study performed to determine the dispersed composition of the dust of the ingredients in the emissions of the furnaces of the chipboard steelmaking workshop. The combined use of energy dispersive spectroscopy (EDS) and energy dispersive X-ray spectroscopy of the analysis made it possible to obtain the fractional composition of the ingredients, the values of equivalent dust particle sizes and the integral dependences of the distribution density for equivalent sizes (diameters) were obtained D ingredients containing dust from chipboard furnaces in the samples. Based on the conducted research, it was concluded that it is possible to use certain types of dust collectors in dedusting systems to achieve an acceptable value of their effectiveness to improve the environmental safety of the steelmaking shop.
Keywords: metallurgy, aerosol, dust, ingredient, particle, dust collector, electric steelmaking shop, dispersion analysis, distribution density,average median diameter, dh 50
The article analyzes the wind directions and speeds typical for compact and linear cities over 5 years using the example of Stavropol and Volgograd, respectively. The results of the analysis allowed us to state that the wind direction and speed can be considered as random variables. Based on this approach, the regularities of the repeatability of wind speeds depending on the direction and time of day are investigated.
Keywords: linear city, cities of compact configuration, wind speed and direction, wind rose, distribution laws, atmospheric air, climatic parameters, Weibull's law, logarithmically normal law, mixed Gaussian distribution
The article deals with the distribution of air flow velocities for cities of compact configuration on the example of the city of Stavropol. The verification of the implementation of Weibull's law for different wind flow velocities in its various directions has been carried out.
Keywords: wind flow direction and velocity, atmospheric air, distribution law, Weibull's law, mixed Gaussian distribution, change in air flow velocities, time of day, compact city
Model multiparameter distributions used in science and technology are analyzed and systematized. Particular attention is paid to the Rozin-Rammler-Weibull-Gnedenko and Kolmogorov-Gauss distributions, which adequately describe single and multiple crushing. The suitability of these distributions for modeling the granulometric composition of industrial waste from mechanical processing is confirmed by physical and computer experiments.
Keywords: distribution function, mathematical model, generalized hyperbolic distributions, crushing, bulk medium, mechanical processing
Samples of metal dust generated during milling of gray cast iron were collected experimentally. The machine operating mode, dust collection points, and blowing conditions were varied in the experiments. To ensure the reliability of the result, the physical stage of the analysis of the dimensional characteristics of the dust was performed using two methods: sieving and direct optical measurements. Significant discrepancies in the statistical parameters obtained by different methods were revealed. A hypothesis explaining the differences was proposed and confirmed. An integrated approach to the physical stage of dispersion analysis of bulk media is recommended.
Keywords: wood dust, parametric identification, sieve analysis, laser diffraction, micrographs, mathematical modeling, digital twin
Within the framework of the urban environment, the laws of distribution of the concentration of fine dust PM2.5, PM10 along road sections have been obtained. These data are necessary to assess the probability of exceeding the maximum permissible concentrations and to improve monitoring and control systems for atmospheric air. The analysis of the key factors influencing the content of PM2.5 and PM10 particles in the air of the territories adjacent to the roads has been carried out. Regression equations for total dust, PM2.5 and PM10 dust were obtained, allowing us to conclude that the concentration of PM2.5 and PM10 depends on total dust. The analysis showed that the mass content of PM10 in total dust pollution ranges from 73 to 81%, and the concentration of fine dust PM2.5 varies within two narrow ranges of about 11.6 and about 7 microns. A study of the proportion of PM2.5 of the total concentration showed that it is on average about 20%.
Keywords: dust, emissions, concentration, atmospheric air, roadway, climate, linear city, correlation coefficient, influencing factors
The paper proposes a method for identifying patterns of the relative positions of buildings, which can be used to analyze the dispersion of air pollutants in urban areas. The impact of building configuration on pollutant dispersion in the urban environment is investigated. Patterns of building arrangements are identified. The methods and techniques for recognizing buildings are examined. The outcomes of applying the proposed method to identify building alignments are discussed.
Keywords: patterns of building location, geoinformation technologies, GIS, geoinformation systems, atmospheric air
The transport strategy of the Russian Federation, taking into account the specific features of the country's transport system, requires the use of transport modeling when solving problems of carbon neutrality. The transport model solves multifaceted problems, including the forecast and assessment of greenhouse gas emissions. The main principles of developing transport models are considered. A comparison is made of the NIIAT and EEA/COPERT methods most often used in calculating greenhouse gas emissions using transport models. The main requirements for the results of calculations using a mathematical model of transport flows are formulated.
Keywords: carbon neutrality, transport modeling, carbon neutrality, greenhouse gases, specific emissions, calculation scenario
The article presents a comparative characteristic of the cities of Izhevsk and Khabarovsk according to different criteria, an assessment of atmospheric air quality according to the atmospheric pollution index (ISA) and its dynamics, and an improved atmospheric dispersion index (UMP) is calculated. According to most indicators, the cities are very similar and comparable, with the exception of emissions from stationary sources, which are 3-4 times higher in Khabarovsk. The UMP of the city of Izhevsk corresponds to a zone with favorable conditions for the dispersion of impurities, however, the indicators are close to the boundary of this criterion (UMP ≥ 3.5), in the city of Khabarovsk favorable conditions for the dispersion of impurities. This explains why, with emissions many times higher, the emissions in both cities are at comparable levels.
Keywords: atmospheric Pollution Index (ISA), improved atmospheric dispersion index (UMP), pollution, atmosphere, sustainable development
Ferrous metallurgy enterprises annually emit into the atmosphere a significant amount of highly dispersed dust with a particle size of 10 microns or less. The article presents the results of a study performed to determine the dispersed composition of aerosols in dust and gas air flows coming from emission sources to unorganized sources of emissions into the atmosphere. Based on the results of microscopic analysis with determination of the fractional composition of the dust, integral dependences of the density of distribution over equivalent sizes (diameters) D for the ingredients accepted for the study were obtained. This made it possible to determine the average median values of the equivalent sizes of dust particles of harmful substances. An assessment of the power of dust emissions from unorganized sources of steelmaking enterprises into the atmosphere of cities has been carried out. In order to improve the environmental safety of the steelmaking shop, it was concluded that it is advisable to reconstruct existing aspiration systems using highly efficient wet dust collectors.
Keywords: metallurgy, aerosol, dust, ingredient, particle, dust collector, electric steelmaking shop, dispersion analysis, distribution density ,average median diameter, dh 50
The issues of atmospheric pollution, including noise pollution, are considered. The dependences of the concentration of carbon monoxide at distances from the roadway at different directions and speeds of the wind flow obtained according to MRR-2017 are presented. The influence of motor transport on the condition of the air basin and the health of the urban population is considered. The levels of noise pollution in the main-line territories of Volgograd, as well as the main pollutants in the atmospheric air of the main-line territories, are considered. The dispersion of CO concentration at different wind speeds at different angles of wind direction to the road and traffic noise levels depending on the days of the week, time of day, and traffic flow intensity are considered.
Keywords: wind flow direction and speed, roadway, atmospheric air, mainline territories, traffic noise levels, carbon monoxide concentration, vehicle fleet, cargo flow
The article considers the requirements of regulatory documents to ensure fire safety during construction and operation of gas distribution pipelines in Russia and China. The different approach to fire risk reduction in the two countries is revealed: more specific and stringent requirements in China and general requirements related to fire hazardous facilities in Russia.
Keywords: fire risks, fire regulations, natural gas combustion, causes of natural gas fires, natural gas transportation, fire safety
Results of field tests of mobile dust meters of the AirExpert series based on optical sensors (OPC-R1 / OPC-N3) at the stationary air monitoring station "Shabolovka" State Environmental Budgetary Institution (GPBU) "Mosekomonitoring", Moscow, equipped with a dust analyzer (TEOM) series 1405 , showed that the measurement accuracy meets the requirements for instruments for measuring the quality of atmospheric air in populated areas. Mapping of atmospheric air pollution in certain areas of the cities of Obninsk, Dubna, St. Petersburg, Kursk, Moscow, Volgograd (2019-2024) was carried out, which made it possible to quickly assess the environmental situation in the study area in real time, thereby detailing the data from stationary monitoring posts.
Keywords: mobile dust meters, monitoring, reference device, measurement accuracy, pollution mapping, hyperlocal monitoring
The capture and disposal of harmful emissions is an urgent task of our time. This article describes various methods of improving the environmental friendliness of industrial enterprises by cleaning flue gases. The most promising purification technology is adsorption. Therefore, the paper presents laboratory studies of the testing of some adsorption materials for the efficiency of carbon dioxide capture. The key formulas of sorption purification methods are displayed, and the results are presented. Based on experimental studies, an adsorption material was selected that has a potentially high absorption efficiency after activation and refinement of a composition that can be regenerated.
Keywords: flue gases, adsorption, absorption, carbon dioxide, greenhouse effect, sorption materials, absorption efficiency
Industrial enterprises place high demands on the quality of demineralized water, the economic feasibility of this process, as well as its environmental friendliness. The water treatment plant begins with pre-treatment, which allows the removal of dissolved suspensions, mechanical impurities and organic substances. Most often, the pre-cleaning process is organized using clarifiers. The type of clarifier used significantly affects both the efficiency of the process and its economic characteristics. The paper presents a comparative characteristic of the operation of vertical cylindrical clarifiers of the Central Research Institute, VTI and high-speed clarifiers with a pulsating column. The main operational characteristics are highlighted, and the cost of clarified water is calculated when using different types of clarifiers.
Keywords: clarifier, pre-cleaning, cleaning quality indicators, thermal power plants
The effect of organomodified silica particles on the extraction of dissolved diesel fuel from water was studied. The dependence of the efficiency of water purification on the concentration and type of solid particles, as well as the concentration and type of surfactant, is shown. When using a short-chain surfactant to modify the surface of silica particles, the minimum residual concentration of diesel fuel was 2.71 mg/l at a concentration of 4% Aerosil-380 and hexylamine 57 mmol/l. Replacing the short-chain surfactant hexylamine with the long-chain CTAMB led to an 8% improvement in the quality of water purification due to an increase in the surface activity of the organic cation. The use of modified clay particles to purify water from diesel fuel showed lower efficiency compared to Aerosil-380 particles at similar concentrations of the solid phase and surfactant modifier.
Keywords: Pickering foam, foam emulsion, diesel fuel, water purification, silica, cationic surfactant, hexylamine, cetyltrimethylammonium bromide
Reducing the loss of thermal energy in heating systems and increasing their reliability is an urgent task for the thermal power industry. The use of polyurethane foam insulation of pipelines is currently considered as the most promising solution to this problem. However, the construction of a durable and economical pipeline with PU insulation requires certain conditions. Despite the advantages of using PU insulation, the experience of implementing such pipelines has revealed problems arising from emergency situations that directly affect the reduction of energy efficiency. To solve these problems, an operational remote control system is being introduced to eliminate accidents and monitor insulation moisture. The paper presents an analysis of the implementation of LoRaWAN-based SDCs on heating networks in the Republic of Tatarstan. The study shows that in the first year of operation, the number of defects was higher due to the establishment of an information collection system and the installation of sensors. However, the second year of the experiment demonstrated a decrease in the number of defects and accidents, which indicates an increase in the efficiency of the system. It is recommended to introduce pipelines with PU insulation and SOD to increase the reliability and efficiency of heating networks.
Keywords: pipelines, heating networks, polyurethane foam insulation, reliability, durability, energy efficiency, operational remote control system
Main tacks of ecology are determine the safety margin of the planet; Identify the parameters that have the greatest impact on the state of the world; Predict the likely outcomes of current economic and industrial policies. Professor Gaia Herrington concludes that the “standard scenario” is most comparable to the current situation. This has led to the creation of numerous (over 1,500) inventions to reduce environmental threats. Chemists at the New Jersey Institute of Technology have created a new laboratory method to detect traces of PFAS in food packaging, water and soil sample. Most existing models of the terrestrial biosphere that are used to estimate carbon sequestration account only partially or not at all for the complex mechanisms associated with vegetation, and are at the lower end of the complexity spectrum.
Keywords: environmental threats, limits to growth, inventions on ecology
The subject of the research in the article is the system of solid municipal waste management, the choice of a method of sorting and recycling waste to obtain finished products based on the material balance method. For the analysis of production systems, the material balance method is proposed, which allows you to estimate the quantity (mass) waste involved in sorting, processing and receiving finished products and the amount of finished products received at each of the above stages of the waste management system. One of such indicators may be the coefficient of effective waste processing Ƞ (KEPO) in the production of new consumer goods (similar to the coefficient of efficiency), taking into account the economic cycle for the processing of MSW, including the collection, sorting, recycling of waste and the production of new goods in one economic cycle, and the coefficient of waste generation µ (KOO) in the same business cycle, determined by the method of material balance.
Keywords: municipal waste, sorting, recycling, products, material balance, coefficient of effective waste recycling, coefficient of waste generation
The article discusses the process of applying a radio-absorbing coating to the surface of plastic. Vacuum plasma methods make it possible to effectively apply thin films to various surfaces. The main parameters affecting the quality and effectiveness of the properties of the applied coatings are considered.The result of the studied coatings obtained by the vacuum-plasma method showed that a sample coated with aluminum nitride, the transmission coefficient through which has not changed compared to the case of free space, is not shielding, and a sample coated with titanium metal, introducing additional attenuation of the order of 5 dB indicates the presence of absorption.
Keywords: electromagnetic radiation, thin films, application technology, radio-absorbing coating, radiation protection, magnetron.