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  • Features of transport modeling in assessing greenhouse gas emissions from motor vehicles

    The transport strategy of the Russian Federation, taking into account the specific features of the country's transport system, requires the use of transport modeling when solving problems of carbon neutrality. The transport model solves multifaceted problems, including the forecast and assessment of greenhouse gas emissions. The main principles of developing transport models are considered. A comparison is made of the NIIAT and EEA/COPERT methods most often used in calculating greenhouse gas emissions using transport models. The main requirements for the results of calculations using a mathematical model of transport flows are formulated.

    Keywords: carbon neutrality, transport modeling, carbon neutrality, greenhouse gases, specific emissions, calculation scenario

  • Analiz of hardware diagrams of design of inertial louver separators

    The intensification of technological processes in modern industries is accompanied by an increase in the volume of ventilation and technological emissions, which have an extremely adverse effect on the environment. As is known, wet dust and gas cleaning devices are widely and successfully used to solve this problem. However, the presence of a droplet dispersion of the working fluid in the purified air flow, which can pollute the atmosphere with components captured during the cleaning process, does not allow achieving the required degree of purification. The article presents designs of radial-inertial droplet eliminators, optimized for functional and energy characteristics, proposed for installation in intensive wet dust and gas purification devices for effective separation of droplet moisture.

    Keywords: gas-liquid flow, inertial louver separators, separation of droplet moisture, separating elements

  • The use of cluster analysis in the formation of a statistical sample of objects of a stationary trade network in the establishment of standards for the accumulation of municipal solid waste

    The reliability of assessing the amount of accumulated waste in the context of an imperfect scientific and methodological base for standardizing MSW, in the absence of generally accepted calculation methods, is not high enough. The possibility of using cluster analysis in the formation of a statistical sample of objects of a stationary trade network in setting standards for the accumulation of municipal solid waste is shown. A methodology for the formation of a representative statistical sample of objects of a stationary trading network has been developed when setting standards for the accumulation of solid municipal waste based on cluster analysis.

    Keywords: waste accumulation, municipal solid waste, MSW generation standard, stationary trade network object, cluster analysis, representative sample

  • Characteristics of the process of accumulation of municipal solid waste at retail facilities of a stationary trading network

    The problem of developing an optimal waste management system is very relevant in many countries. To solve it, it is necessary to study the processes of waste accumulation, to systematize the factors and conditions that affect the generation of waste, to determine the features of establishing waste accumulation standards for various objects. The article discusses the features of the accumulation of municipal solid waste and the establishment of standards for their accumulation for stationary objects of the distribution network.The volume and mass values ​​of daily indicators of accumulation of MSW from a trading area of ​​a certain type and the total value of accumulation indicators (over the entire trading area) are found. The formats of retail facilities with the maximum average daily indicators of MSW accumulation have been established. Standards for the accumulation of MSW for the category under consideration have been established for 1m2 of retail space with food products, 1m2 of retail space with non-food products.

    Keywords: waste accumulation, municipal solid waste, MSW generation standard, stationary trade network object, volume indicator, mass indicators

  • On the issue of regulatory and legal regulation in the field of fire safety of shopping and entertainment complexes and centers

    This article discusses various aspects of the design, construction and operation of shopping centers and shopping and entertainment complexes from the point of view of fire safety. Examples of existing structural and space-planning solutions that do not fall under the regulations governing fire safety, but pose a danger to visitors and staff of the shopping center and shopping mall in the event of a fire. Ways to eliminate these shortcomings are proposed.

    Keywords: fire safety, children's play area, shopping-entertainment area, normative legal acts

  • Full-scale investigation of emissions from the installations for plasma arc cutting and welding of pipes at the pipe electric-welding shop of Volzhsky Pipe Plant

    The purpose of the full-scale investigations under the conditions of a pipe electric-welding production in operation was to obtain the necessary amount of actual data characterizing the features of the formation of aerosol emissions, their localization and treatment. During the investigation, the three main groups of factors were considered: the technological factors specifying the features of the technological process of pipe production, the technological conditions factors reflecting the power, frequency and composition of aerosol emissions, the operational aerodynamics of the ventilation systems for localization, removal and treatment of emissions.

    Keywords: installations for plasma arc cutting and welding of pipes, gas-air mixture, dust particles size distribution, measuring section, dust density, concentrations of gaseous impurities

  • Analysis of information flows in the operational communication channels of the Fire Service of the Russian Emergencies Ministry

    This article discusses the issues of collecting, processing and analyzing information flows in the operational communication channels of the fire service of the Ministry of Emergency Situations of Russia on the example of the territorial fire and rescue garrison of the Volgograd region.

    Keywords: operational communications, fire and rescue garrison, crisis management center, dispatcher, information load, special line "01", information and telecommunication technologies, FPS detachment, fire protection units

  • Development of a universal mobile application "Signal "H"" for people with disabilities

    This article discusses the development of a universal mobile application "Signal "H"" for people with hearing and speech disabilities based on the analysis of existing mobile applications.

    Keywords: fire, mobile application, communication, fire protection units, type of fire, people with disabilities

  • Factors determining the conditions of the separation process realization in inertial louver separators

    The article considers the issues of the enhancement of the reliability of highly efficient cleaning of ventilation and technological dust-and-gas emissions in intensive apparatuses for wet gas cleaning by means of the investigation of the process of drop liquid separation from the cleaned gas flow and through the development of suggestions for design and technological improvements of inertial louver mist eliminators which are a part of gas cleaning equipment and are believed to have the highest potential.

    Keywords: intensive apparatuses for wet gas cleaning, inertial louver separators, drop dispersion, critical speed, efficiency of mist elimination

  • Economic assessment of managerial decisions aimed at reducing the dose rate

    In modern buildings constructed of mineral raw materials, the role of various components of natural sources of ionizing radiation, which form the radiation exposure levels of people, has changed significantly. The article considers the cost estimation of replacing construction materials with an enhanced effective specific activity (Aeff) with alternative materials with a lower Aeff. It has been revealed that the monetary equivalent taking into account the radiation safety depends mainly on the difference between the specific activity values of natural radionuclides (NRN) in construction materials and on the number of inhabitants. With a reduction in the difference between the Aeff values, the cost of the replacement (Ruble/t) of the materials decreases and the monetary equivalent grows.

    Keywords: ionizing radiation, effective specific activity, monetary equivalent, collective effective equivalent doses

  • Investigation of hazardous and harmful factors of the technological process of calcium silicate brick manufacturing

    The technological process of coloured calcium silicate brick differs from the usual manufacturing of white calcium silicate brick by additional emissions of harmful substances in the form of dust of colour pigments. The given article considers the properties of dust particles emitted into the working zone air in the manufacturing shops of coloured bricks, the harmful properties of the dust that negatively affect human health, as well as the potentially hazardous properties of these substances that may lead to tragic consequences caused by explosions or fires.

    Keywords: coloured calcium silicate brick, fine dust, explosion, source of ignition, colour pigments

  • Analysis of experimental investigations of polystyrene foam flammability and its combustion products' toxicity

    The study and the analysis of the data about a high flammability (class KM5), combustibility (В3), inflammability (class G3-G4), velocity of burning velocity speed (РП3), smoke generation capacity (D3), toxicity of combustion products of the polystyrene foam which have an over-cumulative action (carbon oxide, hydrocyanic acid, benzyl, phenyl ethylene) (Т3 – Т4) were carried out. It was suggested to reduce the use of the polystyrene foam in construction by means of replacing it with inflammable materials.

    Keywords: polystyrene foam, flammability, toxicity, maximal allowable concentration (MAC), carbon oxide, carbon dioxide, hydrocyanic acid, benzyl, phenyl ethylene, thermal destruction, smoke formation.

  • Analysis of the negative environmental impact of aluminum production enterprises

    The number of the main factors negatively impact on the lives and health of people working staff, the environment of the enterprise in aluminum production. It is found that the most dangerous are harmful dust and aerosols, sewage sludge and red, an industrial accident. Based on the analysis of proposed measures to ensure the hygienic safety of the aluminum industry.The first factor in the adverse effects on the environment are emissions into atmosferu.Vtoroy factor -education waste, consisting mainly of a variety of useful metals, such as iron oxide, aluminum and titanium. These finely divided residues are referred to as "red mud" .Tretim important factor is the negative impact of accidents and disasters at these facilities. It is possible to present an analysis of accidents for 2014-2015g.g.mozhno conclude that for the normal functioning of enterprises for the production of aluminum products, requires careful adherence to basic security arrangements discussed above, as it will lead to an increase in productivity and quality finished products, reduce injuries among staff and factories workers, improve the environment and to minimize accidents involving the emission of harmful substances into the atmosphere and hydrosphere.

    Keywords: aluminum, alumina, aerosols, pollutants, emission, occupational health, waste, red mud, waste water, galvanic production, accident, disaster, security