The guarantee of ensuring the safety of people and material assets in the event of a fire requires a careful approach to the design and installation of smoke ventilation. In order to evacuate people from the smoke zone in a timely manner, technical devices with a normalized limit of resistance to fire are installed – smoke valves. To determine the distribution of the pressure of the air flow in the smoke control valve over its cross-sectional area, the method of mathematical modeling is used. With the help of a mathematical model, visual modeling of the distribution of the gas-air mixture flow is carried out, a detailed analysis of hazardous factors is carried out, an assessment of the possible temperature and time of flame propagation, determination of the probable degree of smoke in the interior space and the ways of smoke movement.
Keywords: smoke, fire, ventilation system, smoke protection, smoke valve, mathematical model
Refrigerating machines are designed to cover peak heat generation in public buildings. At the same time, peak loads are often short-term and most of the time the refrigerating machines operate at 40-60% of their maximum capacity. The article deals with the issues of uneven cold consumption on the example of a sports complex located in Volgograd. When designing the air conditioning system of the games hall, a cooling system with the use of "chiller-fan coils"is used. An effective solution to reduce costs is to include a cold storage battery in the cooling station circuit. The use of a cold storage battery allows you to reduce operating costs.
Keywords: cooling system, air conditioning system, refrigeration machine, cold storage, energy consumption, peak loads, variable energy consumption
The article discusses several types of wood frame house construction technology, primarily "Canadian technology". The rate of increase in construction in Russia is estimated. The structural materials of external enclosing structures used in frame housing construction are compared with the most commonly used components for construction. A comparative assessment of heat losses in percentage ratio during the operation of wooden frame houses and traditional ones is given. The pros and cons of frame housing construction are considered. A detailed analysis of the costs of construction and operation of wooden frame houses was made.
Keywords: frame house construction; Canadian technology; building materials; dynamics of price changes