In article possibility of reception of an artificial foodstuff, in particular, artificial black caviar, both in laboratory, and in a life with a view of creation of is minimum necessary conditions for preservation of a life and health of people in extreme situations is considered. Initial products is foodstuff with application of the harmless components applied in the food-processing industry, as dyes.
Keywords: Caviar black, gelatin, cod-liver oil, a herring brine, , silver nitrate
The possibility of carrying out the repair work intumescent fire retardant coating of cable type, end-of-life and Regulated lost their fire-resistance rating, with modern high-performance flame retardant formulations vspuchichvayuschihsya
Keywords: Retardant cable coating, fire-retardant efficiency, lifetime, maintenance and rehabilitation
The article highlights the issues of fire safety in buildings. The author believes that increasing the fire resistance of bearing structures at the design stage of the building, is the primary criterion for the safety of people in fires. Feature of the paper is to develop methods for rapid assessment of fire resistance of steel structures based computing system Structure CAD for Windows (SCAD), and use the results of computer simulation, instead of alternative experimental methods.
Keywords: structural engineering, fire building structures, fire protection, fire safety in buildings, fire, temperature calculation methods
The algorithm of construction of reflections from the screens of complex shape. Geometric modeling based on the proposed algorithm makes it possible to conduct a rapid assessment of the distances between the fire building complex geometry, and between the process equipment, which is characterized by heat. Analytical dependences describing the process of building reflections, software algorithms and examples of calculations.
Keywords: geometric modeling, geometrical optics, geometrical acoustics, the laws of reflection
The article deals with the calculation and justification of fire distances (gaps) between the buildings in built up areas on the basis of the model. The automated system can be run in automated preparation of design documentation AutoCAD programming language Visual C + +, the technology ObjectARX.
Keywords: fire breaks, modeling, system AutoCAD, ObjectARX technology