Improving the effectiveness of the bezobzhigovogo wall brick compression molding is achieved by using as a placeholder-Tripoli. Application of Tripoli helps improve brick group Thermo-technical characteristics of ineffective to conditionally effective. Provided with high marks on brick durability. A large amount of water absorption by weight and low coefficient of softening indicate low water resistance bricks. Bezobzhigovyj wall brick compression molding of the Tripoli-based can be regarded only as a private, secure personal brick or other waterproof material.
Keywords: brick, cement, Tripoli, water, pressing, pressure, hardening, density, strength, water absorption
Presents characteristics of extruded small travel goods. The influence of prescription and technological factors on the properties of the products. Defined rational parameters of the investigated factors. Acknowledged receipt of extruded composites for road construction with the necessary performance.
Keywords: cement, aggregate, water, pressing, pressure, composite, curing, density, strength, water absorption