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  • Application of machine learning models to predict the performance of government contracts

    The work analyzes existing approaches to forecasting contract execution, including traditional statistical models and modern methods based on machine learning. A comparative analysis of various machine learning algorithms, such as logistic regression, decision trees, random forest and neural networks, was carried out to identify the most effective forecasting models.An extensive database of information on government contracts was used as initial data, including information about contractors, contract terms, deadlines and other significant factors. A prototype of an intelligent forecasting system was developed, testing was carried out on real data, as well as an assessment of the accuracy and reliability of the resulting forecasts. The results of the study show that the use of machine learning methods can significantly improve the quality of forecasting the execution of government contracts compared to traditional approaches

    Keywords: intelligent system, mathematical modeling, government procurement, government contracts, software package, forecasting, machine learning

  • Intelligent forecasting of supply reliability as a key factor in ensuring information security of the critical infrastructure of financial sector organizations

    The article proposes the use of intelligent methods for predicting the reliability of contract execution as a key element of the system for ensuring information security of the critical infrastructure of financial sector organizations. Based on the analysis of historical data and the use of machine learning methods, a comprehensive model for assessing and predicting the risks of failure or poor performance of contracts by suppliers has been developed. It is shown how the use of predictive analytics can improve the efficiency of information security risk management, optimize planning and resource allocation, and make informed decisions when interacting with suppliers of critical services and equipment.

    Keywords: intelligent system, predictive analytics, information security, critical infrastructure, financial sector, contract execution, machine learning

  • Analysis of the relevance and state of modern phishing attacks on critical information infrastructure facilities

    The article analyzes the relevance and state of modern phishing attacks on critical information infrastructure (CII) facilities. Phishing, as one of the most common types of cyber attacks, poses a serious threat to the security of information systems and data. The purpose of the study is to identify the main characteristics and tactics of phishing attacks, as well as to assess the level of protection of the OKII from this type of threat. The research uses data on the latest phishing trends and methods collected from various sources, including cybersecurity reports, incident statistics and analysis of successful attacks. The main focus is on analyzing the targets of phishing attacks in the context of their importance for ensuring the continuous operation of critical information infrastructure. Based on the analysis, recommendations are formulated to improve protection systems against phishing attacks for critical information infrastructure facilities. The purpose of this study is to raise awareness among cybersecurity professionals and security policy makers about the emerging risks of phishing. In addition, the main task is to ensure effective protection of information resources, which are an integral part of the functioning of critical infrastructure.

    Keywords: information security, phishing attacks, information infrastructure, mathematical modeling, software package

  • Analysis of foreign experience in the application of intelligent methods in the tasks of protecting objects of critical information infrastructure of the financial sector

    The constant growth of cyber attacks on the financial sector requires the construction of a modern protection system based on the use of artificial intelligence or machine learning. The paper provides an analysis of specific products and solutions of the global market based on artificial intelligence technologies that can be used to protect critical information infrastructure.

    Keywords: cyber attacks, critical infrastructure, artificial intelligence, information security, machine learning

  • Development of the concept of securing the critical infrastructure of the financial sector

    The paper is devoted to the development of a security concept for the protection of critical information infrastructure of the financial sector. The critical information infrastructure of the financial sector is analyzed, and the main types of cyberattacks are considered in relation to the objects in this area. The concept of security is proposed, including access control, multilevel protection, data encryption, continuous monitoring and other measures. Models of the main threats to the security of information infrastructure objects of the financial sector are given. The question of the importance of cooperation and information exchange between financial institutions, regulators and law enforcement agencies to ensure collective security of the financial sector is raised. The article will be useful for specialists in the field of information security, financial sector and managers of organizations interested in developing and improving the security system of information infrastructure of the enterprise.

    Keywords: information security, information infrastructure, financial sector, mathematical modeling, software package

  • Modeling of nonlinear electrical conductivity of a biological cell with electropores in the membrane using equivalent circuits

    The article considers modeling of nonlinear electrical conductivity of a biological cell using the equivalent circuit method. The paper proposes a nonlinear model of the electrical conductivity of a biological cell based on the use of nonlinear active and passive elements. The main mechanisms that determine the nonlinear nature of the electrical characteristics of a cell, including the phenomena of cell membrane polarization, are considered. To verify the model, a comparison of calculated and experimental data on the electrical parameters of biological cells is carried out. It is shown that the use of a nonlinear equivalent circuit allows more accurately reproducing the real behavior of cells in a wide range of applied voltages. The presented modeling technique can be applied to study the electrical properties of various types of biological cells, as well as to develop new electronic devices interacting with living systems. The article considers a complex nonlinear dependence of the electrical conductivity of a biological cell on voltage, which is caused by the interaction of two ion channels with different characteristics and resonance effects created by a series circuit. The method of equivalent circuits made it possible to create a single model that combines components responsible for ionic conductivity, capacitive properties of the membrane and resonance phenomena associated with the presence of electropores.

    Keywords: mathematical modeling, equivalent circuit method, software, biological cell, computational research, electrical conductivity

  • Development of a mathematical model and a software package for automating scientific research in the field of financial industry news analysis

    The article is devoted to the development of a mathematical model and a software package designed to automate scientific research in the field of financial industry news analysis. The authors propose an approach based on the use of graph theory methods to identify the most significant scientific hypotheses, the methods used, as well as the obtained qualitative and quantitative results of the scientific community in this field. The proposed model and software package make it possible to automate the process of scientific research, which contributes to a more effective analysis of it. The research results can be useful both for professional participants in financial markets and for the academic community, since the identification of the most cited and fundamental works serves as the starting point of any scientific work.

    Keywords: software package, modeling, graph theory, news streams, Russian stock market, stocks, citation graph

  • Mathematical modeling of the electrical conductivity of a nanocomposite based on carbon nanotubes, taking into account the waviness effect and dispersion index

    The paper proposes mathematical models that make it possible to describe the electrical conductivity of a nanocomposite based on carbon nanotubes, taking into account the waviness effect and the dispersion index. The model takes into account the contribution of various parameters, such as the concentration of nanotubes, the length, diameter and orientation of the tubes, as well as the electrical properties of the nanocomposite matrix. Using the proposed model, numerical experiments were carried out to evaluate the effects of waviness and dispersion index on the electrical conductivity of the nanocomposite. Comparisons of model data with experimental data are presented, confirming the adequacy and accuracy of the model. The results obtained can be used to optimize the process of creating nanocomposites based on carbon nanoturbines, as well as to increase the efficiency of their use in various fields, including electronics and energy.

    Keywords: mathematical modeling, software package, nanocomposites, electrical conductivity, carbon nanotubes, computational experiment

  • Mathematical modeling of the effect of electrical pulses on cisplatin transport across the plasma membrane

    The work is devoted to the study of the effect of electrical pulses on the processes of cisplatin transport through the plasma membrane. Technical devices based on the application of this technology are used to increase cellular uptake of cytotoxic agents within certain cancer treatment strategies. This article presents the results of mathematical modeling performed using computer methods that allow us to study the influence of different pulse parameters (amplitude, duration, frequency) on the efficiency of cisplatin transport. Numerical experiments using various difference schemes and mathematical models that take into account the physical properties of the plasma membrane have been performed. The results obtained allow us to better understand the mechanisms of the impact of electrical impulses on the processes of cisplatin transport, which may be of practical importance for the development of new methods of drug delivery and cancer treatment.

    Keywords: mathematical modeling, software package, electroporation, cisplastin transport, plasma membrane, computational experiment

  • Automated system for issuing bank guarantees based on forecasting the execution of government contracts

    In order to provide information support for decision-making on the issuance of bank guarantees for the execution of a contract in the field of public procurement, it is important for banks to obtain historically accumulated information on the execution of government contracts. This is necessary to assess the possibility of the supplier's performance of his future contract. This can be done by collecting and aggregating information about contracts from the Unified Information System in the field of procurement. The paper proposes to use IT technologies and data analysis to predict the performance of the contract and identify bona fide suppliers. In the work, a selection of primary data on contracts was formed for modeling using the parsing of the FTP server of the Unified Information System in the field of procurement, and the parsed data was preprocessed for use in machine learning models.

    Keywords: information system, data analysis, government contract, data parsing, machine learning

  • Modernization of physical laboratories on the example of the development of a digital complex for the study of metal corrosion processes

    An integrated information-measuring system is presented, which includes: a personal computer, special software, a set of sensors, an analog-to-digital and digital-to-analog converter, which makes it possible to investigate corrosion processes. Some possibilities of using modern information technologies in the workshop on physics and electrochemistry are shown. An experiment was carried out to study metal corrosion and its suppression using a traditional installation and a modified one using modern information technologies.

    Keywords: software package, metal corrosion, natural experiment, integrated system, information technology