It was found that increasing the temperature of thermochemical activation of up to 750 °C and increasing the dosage of potassium hydroxide to 2.1 g / g of activated carbon (AC) synthesis of hydrolytic lignin has a positive influence on the formation of adsorption and structural properties of the AC.
Keywords: thermochemical activation .potassium hydroxide , activated carbon, synthesis, hydrolytic lignin, formation, adsorption and structural properties
Intensification of agricultural production involves a large – scale use of fertilizers, plant protection means against pests, diseases and weeds, all those are used within various modern agro-technologies, which leads to soil intoxication with residual amounts of pesticides and agrochemicals. Therefore, a comprehensive approach is necessary for preparing the soil for further sowing. We have carried out the research using activated carbons obtained from agricultural residues.
Keywords: detoxication, pesticide, toxic substance,active carbon, nanomaterials, (nano)chips, pre-sowing seed treatment;growth, development, the incidence of plants, the quantity and quality of their crop