The effectiveness of methods for determining the parameters of hardening cement-gears is taken in consideration. Cyclic experiments were carried out on samples of 10 mm diameter and cogwheels experienced module 6 mm. According to tests constructed fatigue curves expressed in stress level depending on the number of cycles to failure. To determine the hardening effect and hardening parameters calculation method, it is necessary to construct diagrams of the distribution on the dangerous section details microhardness, residual and operating stresses. Study conducted microhardness distribution on the microsections using ПMT-3 microhardness. Scan-ID technology residual stresses СИТОН or method of Turovskogo M.L. can be used to investigate the distribution of residential of stresses. Values of operating stresses are defined by finite element method using a special program Femap and NX Nastran. Calculation methods defined values of the effect of hardening the samples and experimental teeth of wheels, which are respectively 1,6 and 1,66. These values are close to the values of the hardening effect, obtained by the experimental method. This confirms the feasibility of using the calculation method to study the effect of hardening parameters and other factors on the fatigue resistance of parts. Application of the proposed method has the prospect of strengthening the development of technology in engineering mechanical manufacturing sectors.
Keywords: hardening parameters, cement-gears, stress, microhardness, СИТОН, finite element, fatigue resistance.