" The article discusses organizational and technological solutions for the installation of hinged ventilated facades, which are aimed at: ensuring the efficiency of work; increasing labor safety and productivity, reducing the cost of installation work, eliminating wasteful consumption of all types of resources used, using progressive methods of organizing work; use of modern means of mechaniza-tion and automation. Organizational and technological solutions in the design of ventilated curtain walls were optimized in three stages. The main problem identified in this article is that in modern construction, with a wide variety of structures available, facade systems are selected without appropriate organizational, technologi-cal, and economic justification, mainly relying on the experience of previous construction projects. Therefore, the problem of lacking reliable tools for determining the effectiveness of various organi-zational and technological solutions for facade work production at the planning stage of the object's life cycle can be formulated."
Keywords: hinged ventilated facades, organizational and technological solutions, organiza-tional and technological documentation, technological map, thermal insulation