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  • Assessment of the condition of culverted corrugated metal pipes

    The article considers the causes of the formation of defects to be evaluated. The methods of obtaining information about the condition of metal corrugated pipes are presented. The main defects arising during the operation of metal corrugated pipes are shown. The most effective methods of assessing the condition of metal corrugated pipes have been determined.

    Keywords: corrugated metal pipes, wear, durability, defects, factors, evaluation

  • Improving road safety on the highways of the Republic of Iraq

    Highways are a fairly significant part of the Iraqi transport system, characterized by increased accidents on the roads. Analysis of the causes of accidents showed their main cause – speeding cars in conditions of increased slipperiness and destruction of the road surface. The influence of the coefficient of adhesion and the degree of destruction of the roadway on the risk of an accident is investigated. Measures to reduce accidents on the roads of the republic are proposed.

    Keywords: road safety, the risk of an accident, the coefficient of adhesion, the destruction of the coating, accident analysis, road repairs, the causes of increased accidents

  • Organization of repair of urban roads in conditions of dense traffic flows

    The article analyzes the peculiarities of the organization and technology of repair of urban roads in conditions of dense traffic. The technological parameters of pavement repair, considering uneven temperature and peculiarities of compaction of hot asphalt-concrete mixtures, have been substantiated.

    Keywords: Urban roads, multi-lane highways, pavement repair, roadway, asphalt pavement, defects

  • Instrumental parking on the street road network

    The problem of parking of cars on the street-road network of the city of Volgograd is considered. The methods of parking at different angles in the winter season have been studied, and the most optimal one has been selected and justified. Dense building does not allow to solve this problem by searching for other parking places, since each driver has a desire to be within walking distance of the car to the object he needs. In residential areas of the city with the existing buildings, this problem is difficult to solve, therefore, it is necessary to improve the existing schemes for parking in the instrument areas

    Keywords: parking, circuit, intensity, traffic jam, delay, angle, speed, curb, driver, car, strip