The report discusses the methods to improve the performance of the server software dispatch center. Asynchronous operations are considered in detail, as the most effective method of increasing the performance of the dispatch center, which is most of the time working with input-output operations. The results were tested on a real project of the dispatch center of high-precision positioning of objects.
Keywords: software dispatch center, methods to improve the productivity, asynchronous operations
We consider two different manufacturing techniques developed screw piles ACSYS. The order of devices of this type of piles. Describes the advantages of the pile ACSYS in comparison to other existing precast, vibrodent and rammed piles. Marked features of work in a structurally unstable soils.
Keywords: screw pile, AXIS, subsiding soils, screw, load capacity, screw skvazhinoobrazovatel, besklinkernom binder, vent soil liner