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  • Numerical study of the performance of a layered reservoir based on the model of non-piston displacement of oil by water

    On the basis of the model of non-piston displacement of oil with water, a mathematical model, algorithm and software product are presented, which allows to conduct numerical studies of the indicators of the development of a layered layer, taking into account the method of flooding the field: reservoir water temperature or hot water.

    Keywords: continuity equation, heat transfer equation, non-piston displacement of oil by water, finite-difference scheme

  • Study of a sequential series of breakdown voltage values of the ignition system

    The authors conducted field studies of a sequential series of breakdown voltages of the ignition system of the engine ignition model F8CV of the Daewoo Matiz car idling at a minimum crankshaft speed (650 rpm). The experiments were conducted on the basis of a microprocessor system for studying the distribution of breakdown voltage values. In addition to the distribution over the ranges of breakdown voltages, the algorithm of this system allows you to record a series of breakdown voltages in the microprocessor RAM. It was revealed that a sequential series of voltage values ​​can: increase several cycles (no more than 3 cycles); several cycles to decrease (no more than 3 cycles); stay the same. It can be assumed that there is a correlation between the breakdown voltage and the maximum cycle pressure. A further research objective is to identify the patterns of change in breakdown voltage in a sequential series of breakdown voltage values.

    Keywords: ignition system, spark discharge, internal combustion engine, spark plugs, breakdown voltage, histogram

  • Representation of a finite state machine in matrix-predicate form

    Finite state machines, being a mathematical abstraction, allow you to perceive information from the control object, process it and give signals to control the object. The disadvantages of the representation of complex production systems by a set of finite state machines include the complexity of carrying out logical and set-theoretic operations on them and the complexity of describing the parallelism that occurs in the operation of complex production systems. When specifying a finite state machine in the matrix–predicate form, due to the information redundancy, it is possible to avoid these difficulties. Matrix–predicate method allows you to uniquely set the finite state machine square matrix, which makes it possible to use the methods of the theory of matrices during the set–theoretic operations on them and it is possible to avoid isomorphism. The paper presents the developed methods of representation of a finite state machine using a multi-place predicate, which greatly simplifies its task.

    Keywords: finite state machine, graph, matrix, predicate, algorithm, matrix–predicate method, graph incident, tuple, Cartesian product, complex production systems

  • Numerical study of the relations of the theory of finite rotations

    The paper deals with the derivation of the basic relations of the theory of finite rotations. A numerical study of the dependence of the guide cosine of the final rotation on the guide cosines of a fixed coordinate system and the coordinate system associated with a solid is carried out. The formulas for the cosines of the angle of final rotation are obtained. The developed program of calculation of the values of the guides of the cosines of the final turning of the quantities in the problem statement. A graph of the dependence of the guide cosine of the final turn on the sine of the angle of the final turn. This dependence is clearly displayed when the program is started.

    Keywords: vector orientation in space, spherical trigonometry, finite rotation angle, guiding cosine, Euler angles, finite rotation

  • Digital restoration and computer modeling of patterned fabrics by means of information technologies

    This work is a description of the method of restoration of patterned woven fabric by means of computer technology. The problem of computer reconstruction of a historical object is rarely addressed in scientific publications. However, now the question of the feasibility of prototyping and modeling in the digital space is significant, because it is a computer model that allows you to give an accurate idea of the task, of problem situations, helps to warn about possible or already occurred errors.

    Keywords: textiles, computer technology, raster editor, digital restoration, macro, processing, restoration, pattern, pattern, fabric

  • Development of a method for controlling miscella concentration

    The technology of oil production includes a large number of processes in its cycle; extraction is one of the most energy-intensive processes before distillation of miscella. Analysis of automated extraction control methods determines the optimal process control method, which allows to improve the quality of miscella and save product consumption.

    Keywords: automated, miscella, extraction, control, system, analysis, method, flow, solvent, quality

  • Text fragment meaning search model

    The object of research is the consideration and analysis of such a field as information retrieval. Given the rapid growth in the number of electronic documents, the tasks of their clustering, classification and ordering become very relevant. The work also indicates the need for creating formal methods for the semantics of texts and their processing. In addition, a software product was created that implements such a functional of semantic analysis as context and contextual bundle. The scientific novelty is to teach the machine to disclose the physical meaning in the documentation of a technical nature, to optimize the search for the necessary data

    Keywords: semantics, contextual connective, reverse polish notation, clustering, context

  • Adaptation of work of the enterprise of car service to seasonal fluctuation of demand for THAT and repair of motor vehicles

    Features of functioning of the enterprises of car service at increase in seasonal demand for THAT and repair of motor vehicles are considered. For the analysis of their activity in the conditions of limited resources and a random flow of applications (requirements) the device of system of Queuing is applied

    Keywords: Enterprise car service, the flow of requirements probability, criteria, costs, efficiency

  • Algorithm of calculation of the main geometrical characteristics of section with defect

    The algorithm of calculation of the main geometrical characteristics of the section consisting of pair angles at a bend of both angles is made. The received results are applied to definition of a carrying capacity of an element of a farm.

    Keywords: a rafter farm, bend, a barycentre, a moment of inertia, a radius of inertia

  • Creating a favorable living environment for humans through the use of building materials containing essential oils

    The article presents the results of the development of wooden building blocks that allow to saturate the room air with phytoncides of Siberian and other species of wood and plants. Shows the fundamental design of the blocks, the features of its production and processing. An example of the positive effect of essential oils on the reduction of bacterial air pollution is given. Buildings and structures of the proposed unit are quickly built without the use of specialized equipment. The construction and reconstruction of such a structure can be more effective in terms of both labor costs and terms of work, in comparison with traditional construction practices. Production of buildings from the offered blocks opens prospects of low-cost construction of low-rise constructions, both residential, and industrial use.

    Keywords: wood building material, environmental friendly, wood processing, resin, essential oil, extract

  • Mathematic modeling of a thin rotating solid disk being heat and force affected

    Mathematic modeling of the state of a thin round disk being heat and force affected is performed. In the central part of the disk the homogeneous field of temperatures is formed. Within the deformation theory of a perfect elasto-plastic solid the quadratic plasticity condition is chosen. The relationships between the radius of the disk, the temperature of the central part of the disk and the external pressure which defines the appearance of plastic zones have been established. For different values of external parameters of the model the stress vector hodograph and the plots of stresses and equivalent stresses have been introduced.

    Keywords: mathematic modeling, an elastic-plastic solid, the plane-stress state, the deformation theory, thermo-elasto-plasticity, a high-speed rotating disk

  • Mathematical model of the formation of cavitation bubbles in a centrifugal pump

    The process of cavitation is one of the reasons for the premature wear of pumping equipment components. Elements of a pumping wheel are subject to the greatest wear. In addition, cavitation causes undesirable effects such as vibration and noise. In order to reduce cavitational damage and increase the service life of pumping equipment, the authors of this article propose to install a special-shaped flow divider at the pump inlet that breaks the flow entering the pump into separate jets of a certain shape and structure.

    Keywords: fluid, centrifugal pump, regulation, cavitation, flow, bubble, flow divider

  • Constructive solutions to strengthen the Foundation of a 24-storey residential building in Rostov-on-Don

    The article provides a technical solution to increase the bearing capacity and reduce the deformability of the subsiding base of a house. The design features of the fixed base and enclosing rows of bored piles are described. The article was published in the framework of the program of the International Forum "Victorious may 1945".

    Keywords: row, anchoring grounds, reinforcement, soil, cement, cementation, directional hydraulic fracturing

  • Software for multivariate analysis of variance

    The object of research in this article has become a rather important topic of describing such a statistical method as analysis of variance. The fact is that many software products consider, basically, a case when the number of factors is not more than two. With the exception of such a powerful product as a SPSS Statistica. The same can be attributed to scientific works, where the method of analysis of variance with a large number of factors is very rarely considered and described (often, when it comes to multifactorial analysis of variance, two factors are also considered). Therefore, an analysis was made of the existing mathematical apparatus, a proprietary idea was proposed for the implementation of this statistical method, and was created a software product to demonstrate how its work.

    Keywords: variance analysis, general case, software implementation

  • The use of expanded perlite sand for the production of thermoplastic elastomers for construction purposes

    In this paper, research on the development of methods for the production of thermoplastic elastomers for construction purposes based on styrene-butadiene-styrene rubber filled with expanded perlite, studied the performance characteristics of these materials. Various methods for the modification of thermoplastic elastomers, their processing modes and methods of controlling their properties are considered.

    Keywords: thermoplastic elastomers, expanded perlite, production methods, material characteristics, density, physical and mechanical properties