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  • UV photodetector based on nanorods and zinc oxide films

    With the use of pulsed laser deposition and carbothermal synthesis а photosensitive structure on the basis of the Schottky barrier Au/ZnO(nanorods)/ZnO(film)/ZnO(nanorods)/Au was obtained. The parameters of the carbothermal method of synthesis of nanorods ZnO were optimized. Under directly applied bias of 7V current sensitivity of luminous flux for this photodetector is observed in the UV and visible regions of the spectrum, and is 0.14 A/W - for 325 nm and 0.18 A/W - to 405 nm, which means that this structure has the ability of potential applications in various fields for the control of UV radiation (for example, for the monitoring of solar UV radiation, control of UV radiation in air and disinfecting water devices).

    Keywords: ZnO nanorods, Schottky barrier, photodetector, photosensitivity

  • Catalyst-free thermal synthesis of ZNO nanocrystals from zinc vapor by low temperature

    ZnO nanorod arrays have been synthesized on silicon wafers by chemical vapor deposition (CVD) technique with different  temperature modes, without metal catalyst.  With this method   vertically aligned ZnO nanostructures  were grown at the quite low temperatures.  Modification of the method allowed to place silicon substrates in areas with different  ratios of concentrations of the molecules in the vapor phase. Photoluminescence spectroscopy and electron microscopy studies have shown that morphologies and optical properties of nanorods depends on different ratios of concentrations of the molecules in the vapor phase.

    Keywords: ZnO nanorods,chemical vapor deposition (CVD), photoluminescence

  • Being self-compacting concrete of the lowered density with application of a volcanic tufa

    Advantages of being self-сщьзсештп concrete of the lowered density (LSUB) before heavy and light concrete are shined, characteristics of components ЛСУБа and influence of their quantitative contents are provided in a mix on properties of the fresh and hardened concrete. The optimum mode of warmly moist processing is offered.

    Keywords: Self-compacting concrete, the supersoftener, knitting, filler, a volcanic tufa.

  • Modification of a design of maple shutoff valves for the nuclear power plant, thermal power plant and the main pipeline transport

    The original modified design of maple shutoff valves for the nuclear power plant, thermal power plant and the main pipeline transport is considered. The new design increases reliability of functioning of a maple latch by pressure self-regulation in a cavity over a maple lock.

    Keywords: shutoff valves, main pipeline transport, modification, nuclear power plant, thermal power plant.

  • Technique of microinjection in axons of nerve cells, surrounded by dense glial sheath, using ultrasound vibration of microcapillary

    Intracellular microinjection - a method of direct introduction of cellular organelles and solutions of substances into living cells. The technique of microinjection into nerve cells by puncturing their processes - axons , which are often surrounded by a dense glial sheath, are described. To puncture the sheath a special injector transmitting microvibrations of ultrasonic frequency on the injection capillary was designed. The results of using the proposed microinjection technique for introducing fluorescent marker in large axons of model object - crayfish ventral nerve cord, to visualize the morphology of axons, were shown.

    Keywords: intracellular microinjection, neuron, axon, glial sheath, ultrasound vibration, piezoelectric transducer

  • Development of elements for "smart clothes" based on the electrochemical charge storage system for microsystems technique

    In this paper we propose basic geometric, mass and electrical parameters of the element for collection of static electricity from the surface of the textile. This element is a reversible electrochemical charge storage system based on nanostructured nickel oxide and carbon cloth. Element has a planar structure, it is flexible, lightweight, safety and ergonomic. Proposed element can be used as a power source for the Microsystems technique in "smart clothes".

    Keywords: "smart clothes", microsystems technique, static electricity, supercapacitor, composite material NiO/C

  • The influence of basic chemical composition on the properties nickel-zinc ferrites, received by radiothermic sintering

    To date, the main method of mass production of advanced functional materials for various purposes is the ceramic technology. In the manufacture of multi-component oxide compounds using of ceramic technology is difficult to achieve high uniformity of chemical composition. For activation of the raw ingredients and make it more uniform use of chemical-tions (co-precipitation of salts or hydroxides, spray drying, Cryochemistry) and physical-tions (mechano-chemical, microwave, ultrasonic) methods. The paper presents the results of work on obtaining Ni-Zn-ferrite 2000NN radiation-thermal sintering. The influence of base composition and alloying additions on the electromagnetic properties of the ferrites. Confirmed the effectiveness of the use of surface-active additives To increase the density of the raw pieces and level parameters. We propose a model that explain schaya efficiency of dopants in the radiation-thermal sintering.

    Keywords: Nickel-zinc ferrite, radiation thermal sintering, base composition, alloying additives, permeability

  • Panoramic image stitching with handling the parallax effect for the known world model

    The short review of existing panoramic systems are given. The limits of such systems doesn't allow to form a panoramic video with dealing the parallax effect in real-time systems. The presented algorithm for forming a panoramic video is free of these disadvantages. An algorithm based on mathematical model of the round-view system that takes into account the location of cameras, their intrinsic parameters and model of the world. The algorithm includes following chain of coordinate transformation: from panoramic image coordinates to spherical coordinates and to Cartesian world coordinate system, from world coordinates to camera coordinate system and to input image coordinates. Geometric distortion of camera is dealt. Model of the world is represented as spherical and a hemispherical surfaces.

    Keywords: panoramic image, round-view video system, camera model, camera distortion, parallax

  • Flexible piezocomposites with mixed connectivity phases in the system

      Laboratory technology was developed to fabricate flexible piezocomposites with ferroelectric phase - polymers having signal reception factorv • gv 5000 • 10-15 m2 / N. The values of the given coefficient were achieved by switching from a probabilistic (spontaneous) percolation to a correlated one in the process of forming material. This made the production of 0-1–3 piezocomposites, in which a part of piezophase has 0 connectivity, and the other part – 1 connectivity possible. To improve the efficiency of piezocomposite polarization before their manufacturing the surface of piezophase particles, which were obtained by the partial destruction of the porous frameworks, was treated with coupling agent, which did not only improve the polymer adhesion to piezophase, but also allowed the removal of water from the particle surface. The latter effect reduced the value of interfacial conductivity, i.e. prevented the voltage drop of the polarizing field. Matching of polymer conductivity and piezoceramic particles by determining the optimal polarization temperature was carried out as well.  

    Keywords: piezocomposites, percolation, connectivity, electrophysical properties

  • Restructuring controlling in the integrated business groups of the construction industry

    The article examines problems of restructuring integrated business groups in the construction industry. The term «restructuring controlling» is defined. The model of restructuring controlling is proposed. The objectives, goals and the participation of controlling in the restructuring are defined.

    Keywords: restructuring, controlling, integration, disintegration, outsourcing, franchising

  • Problems and perspectives of semiconductor nanoelectronics industry

    The development of semiconductor nanoelectronics industry in the world in terms of globalization is reviewed. The main roadmaps of information technologies development are outlined. The primary method for the costs reduction is the global harmonization of technical solutions (e.g., an international standardization system) which can be achieved through the creation of global alliances. These global alliances lead to partition sectors of the market and the exchange of technological advances and by promoting national programs of information technology development, combining the efforts of public and private sectors. The forecast of the possible development of Nan electronics industry in Russia is given.

    Keywords: semiconductor scheme, chip manufacturing, globalization, nanoscale semiconductor devices, information networks, chip design, design methods.