Principle of operation of a Turing machine and its variations, including finite automata, is to read the data tape; such an organization is a direct analogy with the coding information biopolimers, wich in turm served as the basis for the creation of several DNA-based computers. Computer input device in the form of O-DNA created before, however, the input and output demanded difficult reactions, each of which require human supervision.
Keywords: hardware basis cascade limitations hybridization ligativny cycle, coding information, computer DNA, enzymes, molecular software
In the model aeration tank and pilot conditions, there are shown the effectiveness of ceramic aerators made of Artik tufa which is mined in the Republic of Armenia and determined technological parameters of biological and oxidative purification of waste water in the continuous and discontinuous mode of aeration.
Keywords: aerators tuff, continuous and discontinuous mode of aeration, Artik field, biological and oxidative purification, waste water, process parameters.
In the article consideres aspects of ground resources rational usage and estimation. There are unique properties of ground resources, division of ground fund on categories. Schematically shown control system of lands rational usage.
Keywords: Settlement, ground resources, estimation, ecological-economic aspects
In article the analysis of a condition of production of cement concretes with use nano-technologies is carried out. A production technique of cement concretes with introduction nanoparticles and simultaneous levigating of a cementing agent is offered.
Keywords: nanodispersible modificators, nanotechnology, re-crushing portland cement parts, a strength improvement of cement concretes, vortex band apparatuses, activity of cement, activation, apparatuses of a vortex band
Information about authors of issue №3 (2012)
Keywords: authors
Information about authors of issue №2 (2007)
Keywords: authors