In the article are considered the results of the researches of noncorrodibility of the concrete received with the use of industrial wastes and mineral-chemical additives of various structures in various combinations. Research has shown increase of noncorrodibility, durability and water resistance of the concrete obtained with the use of additives, and the most effective, at that, is the sharing of mineral-chemical additives.
Keywords: concrete, mineral-chemical additives, industrial wastes, noncorrodibility, decstrin, lignosulfonat, kinetic, durability
The problem of utilization of iron ore tailings . The prospects of iron ore mining in the Russian underground . A method for extracting iron from tailings to 9 % of the original content, by mechanochemical processing. The results of particle size distribution , chemical and mineralogical analyzes of samples collected waste ferruginous quartzites LGOK . Experiments were carried out using the methods of planning optimal experiments , Box-Behnken and included 24 experience. Obtained according to the content of metal recovery in the leach solution of sulfuric acid , sodium chloride , rotor speed and the ratio of disintegrant liquid and solid phases. This dependence allows to determine the optimal parameters of technology in terms of " metal recovery ." The resulting secondary processing of tailings to be used in the manufacture of hardening mixes for stowing as an inert filler and binder counterpart .
Keywords: tailings, mechano-chemical activation, iron ore, ferruginous quartzites, metal recovery
Tendencies of technological improvement of electronic chips led to reduction of their sizes, weight, development of functionality and decrease in power consumption. It allows us to discuss questions of developing renewable micro power sources which can provide power supply of autonomous microelectronic and micro circuitry systems for charge indication, paying attention to snow transfer, etc.
The purpose of the paper is researching a profile of electrostatic field potential in the mountain district which was estimated as a possible use as a renewable micro power source.
It is found out that on windward sides of snow relieves the potential of electrostatic field exceeds three times to a similar indicator for lee sides and is 80 V. The potential is 3,5kV on polymeric surfaces (Nylon, teflon).
Keywords: snow storming electricity, electrization, potential of electrostatic field, charge, the salting, the loaded particles of snow, innovation electronics, micro circuitry, renewable micro power sources.
The results of computational experiments to determine the characteristics of the porous piezoelectric ceramics based on the methodology, including the effective modules method, simulations of representative volumes on a simple random method and the method of Witten-Sander, finite element method to solve static piezoelectric problems for heterogeneous composite media and the accounting of inhomogeneous polarization near the pores are presented. A comparison of the results of computer simulation with the known experimental data for the porous material PZT-4 and its analogs is realized. It is concluded that the accounting of inhomogeneous polarization in the vicinity of porous provide the better agreement between numerical results and large number of known experimental data. Thus, for most effective constants the smallest errors are obtained for a representative volume of the porous piezoelectric material, constructed by Witten-Sander method.
Keywords: piezocomposite, porous piezoelectric ceramics, inhomogeneous polarization, mathematical modelling, models of representative volumes, finite element method, effective moduli
The problem of the engineering of servo-driver of control of the fuel pump of autonomous diesel generator characterized by alternating frequency rotation of shaft, which can be applied to power supply of remote areas and autonomous objects, is urgent in science because of the lack of studying. The urgency of the engineering of such servo-driver is defined by means of the fact, that their application as a part of autonomous diesel generator allows to receive essential economy of fuel and to prolong motor potential of electric power station.The engineering of the flow sheets of diesel generator based on a synchro generator and characterized by alternating frequency rotation of shaft. The engineering of the flow sheet and algorithm of operation for intellectual servo-driver of control of the fuel pump of autonomous electric power station characterized by the lowered fuel consumption. In article materials of the state contract № 16.526.12.6016 on 11.10.2011 are used
Keywords: electric power station, diesel generator, synchrogenerator, converter.
The question of the diagnosis of the state of building structures using non-destructive testing. These methods allow to predict the condition of structures to prevent accidents and, therefore, increase the service life of structures. The main objective of the study - assessment of changes in the vibration mode shapes method for the detection of structural damage , in the absence of forced uploading. The article describes the implementation of a mathematical method of vibration identification and localization of lesions of metal trusses . The results of the calculation for fault location triangular steel truss.
Keywords: Vibration diagnostics, fault detection, diagnosis, construction construction spans, trusses, trusses, defect, damage, vibration, localization, identification
The description of the flow sheet of unified electric power station of ship based on a combustion engine by alternating frequency rotation of shaft. The assessment of fuel profitability of such electric power station is given. In article materials of the state contract № 16.526.12.6016 on 11.10.2011 are used.
Keywords: unified electric power station, explosion engine, synchro generator, synchro motor, converter
This article deals with the unification of the elements of wood as on the principle of similarity with the material counterpart. Also estimated the economic benefits of the technical parameters of Glulam. As a result of optimizing the size of these elements. Unification is held on the main criterion of similarity bearing members with the solution graphically. Resulting in optimal size sections are then calculated the opportunity cost of production.
Keywords: unification, glued wooden structures
In article the safety mechanism in construction is shown. Main types of monitoring of unique buildings and constructions are opened
Keywords: risk, construction, monitoring, labor protection, safety
Results of the theoretical analysis and applied development of the system of communications and sale of production and services of a restaurant network with use of modern IT technologies are given. Results of modeling and design of the multipurpose website which allows to expand production and economic capabilities of a restaurant network are described. SWOT analysis is executed and the main results of design of the multipurpose website and its integration into a control system and business processes of a network of restaurants are briefly presented. Work is performed with financial support of the Ministry of Education and Science of the Russian Federation within the Federal target program "Researches and Development in the Priority Directions of Development of a Scientific and Technological Complex of Russia for 2007 - 2013".
Keywords: communications, organization of advance and sale of production and services, IT technologies, models, modeling, multipurpose website, network of restaurants, organization and management of restaurant, instrument complex
The coloration centres (CC) in crystals of rear earth gallium garnets (REGG): Gd3Ga5O12 (GGG), Gd3Sc1,6Ga3,4O12 (GSGG) и Nd3Ga5O12 (NGG) obtained by Chohraljskiy method, were investigated by methods of optical spectroscopy and spectral analysis in the wavelength range of 0,2-0,87 microns. In the case of keeping the samples under dark conditions, unstable CC were formed in the crystals of GGG and GSGG. The absorption maxima are at λmax1 = 0,243 m and λmax2 = 0,275 m at concentration of N ~ 1018 cm-3. It is suggested that the observed enlightenment is caused by the recharging of growth defects and occurring the energy levels in the band gap of garnets. It appears that these CC correspond to centres of O- holes, originated from gallium vacancies V3-Ga 3+ in tetrahedral and octahedral nots which form near clusters of [V3-Ga 3+ - V2+O2- ]
Keywords: color centers, rare earth gallium garnets, kristylly, Czochralski method, the crystal lattice
Re-equipment of existing enterprises is comprehensive intensification of production, increase production capacity, production and improvement of its quality while ensuring productivity growth and job cuts to reduce material capacity and cost of production, saving of material and energy resources, improvement of other technical and economic performance of the company in General
Keywords: Modernization, технологическоя line, production, ceramic brick, operating enterprise
Results of research and design of system of communications and sale of production and services of a restaurant network with use of IT technologies and the multipurpose website providing favorable prospects of preservation of business, its steady growth, diversification, differentiation and customization of products and services are given. The complex of design actions and results of modeling of risk management are described at development and deployment of Internet technologies and the multipurpose website in production and administrative activity of a network of restaurants, design, advance and site operation. Work is performed with financial support of the Ministry of Education and Science of the Russian Federation within the Federal target program "Researches and Development in the Priority Directions of Development of a Scientific and Technological Complex of Russia for 2007 - 2013".
Keywords: organization and management of the project, communications, IT technologies, models, modeling, multipurpose website, network of restaurants, organization and management of restaurant, site advance, instrument complex
The solution of vibration problem for multilayered half plane with cavity of arbitrary shape is constructed using boundary element method. For the case of relatively much sunken cavity an asymptotic representations for fundamental solutions is used. The results of problem simulation for displacement and stress fields close to cavity surface are given using boundary element method
Keywords: multilayered environment, cavity of arbitrary shape, asymptotic analysis, boundary element method
The article is devoted to the formation of scientific and methodological base management of natural and man-made risks that arise in urban areas in the realization of investment and construction projects for the development of the urban environment. The article indicated the essence of the mutual influence of economic , social and environmental processes that occur in the realization of investment and construction projects for the development of an urban environment , the purpose and objectives of risk management of urban areas are determined , the necessity of applying the relevant scientific and methodological apparatus that takes into account the main socio - and environmental factors including economic and mathematical methods and models of assessment and prediction of the level of risk is based . As a result of proposed scheme is described in detail and the strategic management of natural and technological risks of investment and construction projects of development of urban territories , which includes five elements : 1) determining the level of acceptable risk and the list of measures of regulation security development based on the socio -economic factors , and 2 ) the organization of a permanent monitoring natural and built environment conditions and the level risk of livelihoods of the population , and 3) formation of a rational allocation of resources for preventive measures and reduce the risk and the negative impactof , and 4) implementation of a complex program of measures to reduce risk , and 5) carrying out of repair work and / or reconstruction . The proposed scheme improves the efficiency and rationality of strategic urban planning of urban environment .
Keywords: natural and man-made risks, investment and construction projects, sustainable development, urban territories, strategic management