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  • Concreting at low temperatures

    Winter concreting is considered. Problems and the reasons of a tverdeniye of concrete at negative temperatures and their possible decision. Introduction of additives for frost resistance increase. Thermos method. Concrete warming up. And as sharing of several methods for economy of resources and improvement of quality of winter concreting.

    Keywords: concreting at low temperatures, a thermos method, concrete warming up, concrete concealment by a film and Temami, sharing of all methods

  • Forecasting and diagnostikatehnicheskogo state of municipal infrastructure

    In the article an estimate is given of the state of housing-and-municipal complex of Russia. Considered the primary objectives of the rapid assessment of the technical condition of objects of communal infrastructure. Considered the importance of forecasting the technical status of the site in order to enhance its operational reliability.

    Keywords: municipal infrastructure, prediction, diagnosis, maintenance, methods of diagnosis.

  • Application information technologies at the increase mobility and providing a transport safety

    Information technologies play an important role in the increase mobility and providing a transport safety. The examples of the effective use information technologies are resulted for passenger transportations. The analysis possibilities programmatic complex Pikas is conducted. Possibilities and advantages modern information technologies are considered in the field providing a transport safety.

    Keywords: mobility, transport safety, passenger transportations, information technologies

  • Ecological and economic aspects of environmental risk factors in urban areas

      Analysis and evaluation of geological and hydrogeological risks is a special kind of design and survey activities aimed to provide public safety, economyfacilities and the environment within the areas exposed to dangerous geological and engineering-geological processes. The article deals withreduce environmental risksmeasures in case of dangerous geological processes. A variant of engineering-geological zoning of the urban area, depending on the state and properties of the geological environment.

    Keywords: ecology, geology, risk

      Analysis and evaluation of geological and hydrogeological risks is a special kind of design and survey activities aimed to provide public safety, economyfacilities and the environment within the areas exposed to dangerous geological and engineering-geological processes. The article deals withreduce environmental risksmeasures in case of dangerous geological processes. A variant of engineering-geological zoning of the urban area, depending on the state and properties of the geological environment.

    Keywords: ecology, geology, risk.

  • Abstracts



  • Modeling system of controlling in industrial enterprise

      The article suggests a structural model of the system and process of controlling an industrial enterprise. In this article the method of six levels of hierarchy - six levels of detail building model controlling system. We describe the elements of the system controlling an industrial enterprise, a model is made up of decision-making, identifies the criteria for raising the efficiency of the process of enterprise management.

    Keywords: controlling, planning, modeling, stability organization, system analysis.