The article is devoted to modelling of process of decision-making in difficult systems in the conditions of total uncertainty. The problem is formulated on the basis of synthesis of concepts of the control theory and decision-making, the theory of fuzzy sets and the fuzzy logic, the theory of hierarchical multilevel systems, the utility theory and the theory of games. The given concept expands possibilities of the account uncertainty the various nature, typical to mathematical description of the surrounding validity. Problems of search of decisions in an fuzzy hierarchical control system are designated. The way of the description and finding of alternative decisions in multilevel difficult systems is offered in given article. The algorithm is based on information processing in the form of fuzzy intervals taking into account two kinds the politician conservative and aggressive on the basis of criteria «maxmin» and «minmax». The method of projection on individual interval is used for comparison of the fuzzy intervals presented on various dimension scales. The example showing work of algorithm of a choice of two groups of alternatives is resulted: optimistic and pessimistic on a level of hierarchies of the purposes in the conditions of total uncertainty.
Keywords: Difficult system; decision making, fuzzy interval, the control decision; total uncertainty
This article discusses current issues of modern use of the benchmarking system on the example of the clothing companies. Benchmarking is able to dramatically affect the economic and marketing activities of enterprises, as well as foster a constructive dialogue between business structures. Research results revealed the garment industry in the Rostov region, related to the type Brand Non-Recognition and Brand Recognition.
Keywords: benchmarking, comparative analysis, marketing environment, competitiveness, market conditions, the image.
This article describes a method for producing two-component nonisocyanate insulating foams and technology of its spraying on the insulated surface. It describes the device, which, along with standard equipment, includes principally new design of components pre-mixing chamber. Constructive solutions described in the article will allow using the compositions which have different time and temperature of curing than conventional PU foams.
Keywords: Keywords: spray foams, insulating foams, nonisocyanate urethanes, pre-mixing chamber.
The basic virtue of the sowing apparatus of an overpressure is possibility of conducting of sowing on the big speeds and with high uniformity of dispensing of seeds. But the processes occurring in the sowing apparatus of an overpressure at dispensing of seeds, are insufficiently studied. In the article one of stages of process of dispensing by the overpressure sowing apparatus - transportation of a unit seed by dosing elements of a seed disc is observed. The forces acting on a seed in the course of transportation with a dosing element of a seed disc are defined. The gravity, centrifugal force, force of air drag and pressure force of air refers to to them. The scheme of forces is presented. As a consequence of theoretical research dependence of magnitude of an overpressure in the seed vessel from key parameters of work of the sowing apparatus of an overpressure has been defined. Graphs of theoretical dependence of pressure in the seed vessel from diameter of holes and a seed disc angle of rotation are built. The analysis of the gained results allows to draw following conclusions. The increase in diameter of holes of dosing elements of a seed disc leads to considerable decrease of the pressure necessary for transportation of a seed. At increase in an angular velocity of a seed disc pressure necessary for the secured transportation of a seed is augmented. The increase in an angle of rotation of a seed disc puts insignificant agency on pressure in the apparatus seed vessel.
Keywords: seeds, transportation, dispensing, forces, an overpressure, a dosing element, a nominal diameter, dependence.
In the article results of theoretical researches of the rotor scatterer of fertilizers are resulted. For elimination of adverse conditions shock interactings of particles of fertilizers with rotor vanes, possibility of application of curvilinear vanes is observed. The forces acting on a particle which moves on a curvilinear vane are justified. Schemes of act of forces and the scheme of interacting of particles of fertilizers with a curvilinear vane taking into account width of a torrent are presented. The transcendental equation numerical solution on a method the Runge-Kutty is resulted. The analysis of dependences of the kinematic operating modes of the scattering apparatus from design parametres of a curvilinear vane is carried out. The time of interacting of a particle of fertilizer with a surface of a vane taking into account its curvature and a slope is defined. Conclusions are drawn on possibility of lowering of crushing of particles of fertilizers at the expense of blow decrease in a normal direction.
Keywords: fertilizer, vane, rotor, curvature, angle of slope, speed, crushing
To improve the quality of developed software for the controller is proposed to take into account the principles of programming in FBD and CFC. Gives practical recommendations for the use application of. Especially, this approach is acquitted for complex systems of automatic control and regulation of high risk. The proposed method reduces the requirements for qualification of personnel, increases productivity in extreme situations, reduces the possibility of errors in the adjustment programs.
Keywords: Programming principles, identity numbering algoblocks similar algorithms, the in-between software cleat, the principle of non-rigid numbering, quality and reliability of software.
A problem of signal estimation (or estimation of some parameters of the signal) based on measurement results obtained by means of distributed sensor network is considered. The system formed by spaced sensors called nodes (or motes) obtains information about a stochastic process. It is supposed that there is a single source of the information and the distortions are linear.
Every node gets incomplete and distorted knowledge about the observed process and operates on the low sampling rate. Combined processing of the information obtained from the different sensors makes possible to perform the integrated estimation which is usually much more accurate.
The application of the information performance criterion provides high robustness in the presence of the noise and the measurement uncertainty and, theoretically, gives the most complete information, while the measurements have severe constraints.
Due to the multirate signal processing it is possible to decrease requirements on sensor’s sampling frequencies, to reduce the channel loading and the current consumption of sensors. Furthermore, the computational load falls in real-time applications.
Keywords: multirate signal processing, sensor, node, mote, information, stochastic process
The analysis of electromagnetic processes of thyristor controlled voltage regulator consisting of triple-wound transformer with thyristor units is possible only by means of computer modeling. The synthesis of triple-wound transformer by means of block diagram method is concerned here. As a platform for modeling use visual simulation package Simulink. Key assumptions in the development of nonlinear mathematical model of the transformer are generally accepted.
Keywords: three-phase transformer, thyristor voltage regulator, simulation, Simulink
The article concludes data about the technique of carrying out and results of a small-sized energy saving grain flattening farm machine of researches on the firm inclusions admission, on productivity and thickness of a cereal product. Practical recommendations for the most effective operation of an offered grain flattening machine are provided.
Keywords: flattening, grain flattening machine, breast, private farming, feed nutrients
This paper proposes criteria for the optimal choice of a database management system (DBMS), based on the requirements to this system. Empirically assessed criteria and method of analytic hierarchy process for decision making were used to carry out the comparative analysis of several DBMSs, implementing relation data model and having similar functionalities. The obtained matrixes of pair-wise comparison are examined for concurrence by calculating indices described in the article. As a result, the database management system for the own project is rationally chosen.
Keywords: DBMS, method of analytic hierarchy process, criteria, matrixes of pair-wise
The article gives IT-companies and their software products review in the field of engineer analysis and calculation. The importance and intensive development of this sphere IT-companies through their works and service refining, that facilitates their new market segments introduction, is shown.
Keywords: CAE, engineering, intellectual property, IT-technology, software products, CAD
The article shows the necessity of the research effort results state registration in the form of intellectual property objects – databases and software products. The Petrozavodsk State University’s experience in this field is shown
Keywords: Database, intellectual property, software products, intellectual activity result
This paper offers an improvement for machine vision based tracking algorithm using NARX neural network. This is achieved by predicting the next position of a mobile agent based on previous movement described by time-series functions. The algorithm remains passive and does not interfere with the quadrotr flight path until detection of multiple agent-candidates, when the tracking algorithm is not able to identify or locate the assigned agent. Meanwhile the NARX training set are updated in parallel with each successful tracking cycle. This process is done to eliminate the overfitting problem of BPTT training.
Keywords: NARX, quadrotor, agent tracking, local minimum problem, machine vision
The paper studies the possibility of interaction of acrylamide with aliphatic di-, tri-, tetra- and pentaamines using quantum chemical ab initio modeling. The interest to the preparation of these compounds can only increase since they may serve as feedstock for the production of other useful materials which may find adequate application. The choice of reaction conditions depends on the thermodynamic principles of the process, and for that reason, the paper determines thermodynamic parameters and the logarithms of the equilibrium constants of acrylamide reaction with aliphatic amines in ratio of 1:1 and 2:1 in the gas phase by quantum-chemical method based on density functional theory using a hybrid exchange-correlation of B3LYP functions in the basis of 3 -21G* within 273 ÷ 450 K temperature range and pressure of 0.1 MPa. These calculations served as a base for defining the conditions that must be followed when developing the technology for these compounds, and it was shown that the reaction of their synthesis with high probability of acrylamide - amine reactants ratio of 2:1 should be conducted under relatively mild conditions. Theoretical calculations comply with the experiment, because the interaction of acrylamide with amines at various ratios of reagents and temperatures within 325 ÷ 330 K leads predominantly to the transformation at acrylamide-amine 2:1 reagent ratio, as evidenced by the number of reactive reagents, and frequency analysis of FT-IR, NMR 1H and 13C spectra. Thus, the possibilities of mathematical modeling allow determining the highest probability of spontaneity for a particular reaction, using the method of computer simulation by changing the process temperature (within the model) without performing any technological experiments.
Keywords: Acrylamide, aliphatic amines, ethylenediamine, diethylenetriamine, triethylenetetramine, tetraethylenepenta-amine, thermodynamic parameters, Gibbs free energy, isobaric-isothermal potential, equilibrium constant.
On the basis of the conducted questionnaire survey of the inhabitants of the Kirov region identified determinants of consumption individuals of cultivated mushrooms. Built a factor model of the market of cultivated mushrooms Kirov region
Keywords: Market of cultivated mushrooms, discriminant analysis, factor analysis