Radio-absorbing coatings are becoming increasingly relevant in the context of the rapid evolution of radio communication technologies and the fight against electromagnetic interference. Modern methods of applying RPP, their advantages and disadvantages, as well as prospects for the development of technologies are considered.
Keywords: electromagnetic radiation, thin films, coating technology, radio-absorbing coating, radiation shielding
In the course of the conducted studies, the microhardness of both the base metal and the boundaries of the fusion and deposited protective coating were evaluated. Attention is paid to the factors influencing the microhardness level depending on the height of the protective coating of the sample. To visualize the collected data, diagrams were created illustrating the distribution of microhardness in the source material and the protective layer obtained using supersonic gas-powder surfacing.
Keywords: deposited layer, supersonic gas-powder surfacing, fusion boundaries, microhardness
The article is devoted to the study of the flow rate depending on the pressure in the gas supply system of the plasma head. The problem was solved by conducting a computer experiment with subsequent verification of the results by a full-scale experiment. The laboratory plasma installation MAK-10 assembled on the basis of the IMET UB RAS, used in the processes of coating, powder production and surface modification of parts, was simulated. The computer experiment was carried out using the SolidWorks Flow Simulation software package. As a result of the work performed, the distribution of the flow rate along its axis was demonstrated during the operation of the plasma installation with a pressure in the gas supply system of 0.1; 0.2 and 0.3 MPa. Recommendations for conducting coating, powder production and surface modification processes have been developed, which have practical benefits for consumers of process equipment.
Keywords: mathematical model, flow, velocity, pressure, plasma method, powder production, coating, surface modification
The bimetallic iron-bronze powder material obtained by wedge hot compaction is considered. A hypothesis is formulated, confirmed by the results of experimental studies, about the determining effect of volumetric deformation of the powder material of the iron base in the process of wedge hot compaction. The concept of an indicator is introduced and a 2D Impulse model of the quality of consolidation of heterogeneous powder layers is constructed from the absolute values of the volumetric deformation of the iron base. As a result of the analysis of the constructed 2D Impulse model for the transition zone of a bimetal obtained by technology including sintering, the absolute value of │0.21│ of the critical volumetric deformation was established, which ensures the transition from satisfactory to good quality of consolidation, taking into account the introduced quality scale. For technology that does not involve sintering, the absolute value of │0.171│ of critical volumetric strain, equal to the parameter "c" of the model, characterizes the transition from unsatisfactory to satisfactory quality of consolidation.
Keywords: diversification of management, production diversification, financial and economic purposes of a diversification, technological purposes of ensuring flexibility of production
This article discusses the solution to the problem of calculating the processes of crystallization of metal drops in the process of blowing the melt with gas in the production of powders. Calculations of the drop formation process and estimates of the phase transition time and until complete cooling are given depending on the particle size in the range of 50-500 µm with preheating of the gas flow to various temperatures from 0 to 500 degrees C. A technique has been developed for calculating the cooling time of a drop of molten metal in a gas flow during the production of metal powder by the sputtering method, and the ratio of the components of the total drop cooling time has been determined.
Keywords: metal powder, melt spraying, particle cooling, gas flows, heat transfer, additive technologies, technological process, gas dynamic process
As a result of the work done, the structural features of piezoceramic composites of connectivity 1-3 are determined. Of the various possible methods and materials for piezo-composite electrodes, the only one that is optimally suitable for use in directional ultrasound devices has been selected.
Keywords: piezoceramics, piezocomposite, composite 1-3, piezoelectricity, ultrasound