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  • Comparison of forecasting methods for solving problems of managing the stability of asphalt concrete mixture

    Prompt adjustment of the composition of the asphalt concrete mixture is key to achieving high quality asphalt concrete. To enable easy and rapid adjustment of the asphalt concrete mixture formulation, predicting the properties of asphalt concrete (Marshall stability) is critically important. There are many methods for predicting the properties of asphalt concrete, but the choice of one method or another is a very pressing problem. This article proposes two methods for forecasting Marshall stability: forecasting using a multiple linear regression model and forecasting using an autoregressive model. To evaluate the forecasting accuracy of models, we use two metrics: average absolute error (MAE) and average absolute percentage error (MAPE). The results of the study show that the autoregressive model exhibits better forecasting results, especially the second-order autoregressive model.

    Keywords: asphalt concrete, control, composition adjustment, forecasting, multiple linear regression model, autoregression model, Marshall stability, forecast accuracy, mean absolute error, mean absolute percentage error

  • To the question of contour recognition

    The article discusses the method of recognizing contours in the primary image. An algorithm has been developed for finding the absolute minimum of functionality in an image.

    Keywords: contour, algorithm, defect, recognition, cut, reference frame, minimum search

  • Crossarm reliability control system at nuclear power facilities by ultrasonic flaw detection

    This article discusses the problem of ensuring the control of the state and strength of the device for handling radioactive materials at nuclear power facilities and proposes the development of a remote ultrasonic control system for continuous-periodic monitoring of the state of critical structural elements of the service traverse operating in a radiation hazardous environment. The basic principles of processing the results of ultrasonic flaw detection and obtaining characteristics are given.

    Keywords: ultrasonic testing, piezoelectric transducer, defect, strength, monitoring

  • Orthogonal signal processing using mathematical models of discrete wavelet transformations implemented in modular residue classes codes

    To improve the efficiency of low-orbit satellite Internet systems (LOSIS) and ensure high apeed of data exchange, systems supporting orthogonal frequency-division multiplexing (OFDM) technology are widely used. The use of OFDM methods makes it possible to expand the bandwidth of the radio channel based on the increase in spectral efficiency. In order to do this, OFDM systems use orthogonal signal transformation based on fast Fourier transformation (FFT). To reduce the time spent on signal processing, the article proposes to use discrete wavelet transformations of signals (DWT) implemented in modular residue classes codes (MRCC). The scientific novelty of the work lies in the fact that based on the integration of methods for constructing discrete wavelet transforms and methods for developing modular codes, mathematical models of DWT implemented in the MRCC will be created, the use of which will reduce the execution time of orthogonal signal processing in OFDM systems. This result will be achieved by parallelizing arithmetic operations on the modules of the modular code. At the same time, the use of low-bit operands makes it possible to switch from performing multiplication, addition, and subtraction operations in the MRCC to retrieving data from LUT tables. Thus, the development of mathematical models of discrete wavelet transformations implemented in modular codes of residue classes is an urgent task.

    Keywords: OFDM systems, discrete wavelet transformation, parallel coding, modular residue classes code

  • Algorithm of formation of volumetric model of pathological focus of the retina on the basis of optical coherence tomography scans

    The most informative methods in diagnostics of retinal pathological conditions are ophthalmoscopy, fluorescence angiography (FAG), optical coherence tomography (OCT) and optical coherence tomography with angiography (OCT-angiography, angio-OCT, OCT-A). This paper describes an algorithm of retinal pathologic focus formation based on optical coherence tomography (OCT) scans. The algorithm allows to create a volumetric model of the pathological focus within clinically significant boundaries by separate segmentation of each of the macular cube scans, extraction of the pathological focus point cloud and its reconstruction into a polygonal 3D model. Certain morphometric parameters extracted from such a model are important for better analysis of retinal pathology. This will allow the ophthalmologist to prescribe the appropriate type and amount of treatment to stabilize and improve visual functions.

    Keywords: AMD, OCT, macula, retinal pathology, dot cloud, medicine, computer vision, wet AMD

  • Method of comparison of low-informative images

    The article considers the well-known methods for comparing graphic images. To improve the accuracy of comparison of low-informative images, which are used as formalized symbols of elements on topographic maps, the paper proposes a method for comparing low-informative graphic images, consisting of a set of image comparison methods - the root mean square deviation of the pixels of one image from another and the method of pixel-by-pixel comparison of images. The definition of a formalized graphic document is given. A detailed description of the proposed methodology is presented. By way of example of two data sets, consisting of graphic elements distributed by classes depending on their style, the operation of the technique was tested and the optimal parameters were experimentally selected in the context of solving the problem. The results of the computational experiments carried out in the paper showed the effectiveness of its application in comparison with known methods for solving the problem.

    Keywords: image comparison, technique, formalized graphic document, root mean square deviation, pixel-by-pixel comparison, experiment, low-informative image, class, topographic map, image size

  • Overview of modern veterinary diagnostic software

    The article presents an overview of modern veterinary diagnostic software used both in Russia and abroad. The purpose of this study is to formulate the requirements for the diagnostic information system being developed. During the review process, the software, guided by its purpose and functionality, was divided into several groups. The most famous and characteristic examples are presented and described in each group. This review of existing systems made it possible to formulate user requirements more fully and take into account current trends in the field of veterinary medicine accumulated in various information systems when developing the concept of an expert system.

    Keywords: expert system, information system, database, diagnostic software

  • The development of a chatbot in the social network "VKontakte"for an educational organization

    It is reported that recently, in many sectors of human activity, there has been an increasing interest in involving chatbots in company, organization or firm websites and in various applications to provide necessary assistance. This article deals with the current definitions of a chatbot and artificial intelligence. A chatbot is a computer program that imitates human speech using artificial intelligence. Artificial intelligence is a science and technology based on such disciplines as computer science, biology, psychology, linguistics, mathematics, and engineering. In the educational field, chatbots are useful for providing guidance and information about courses, admission processes and procedures, academic programs and academic services. However, these virtual assistants have limited mechanisms that could help the teaching and learning process. Attention is drawn to the fact that these mechanisms should be beneficial to all people involved. For this reason, the Voronezh State Industrial and Humanitarian College (GBPOU VO «VGPGK») was identified as the subject area in the development of a chatbot in the social network "VKontakte" for the page of an educational organization.The article considers the possibilities of using chatbots in the social network "VKontakte" for an educational organization focused on students and their parents. The article gives information about the development of the client part of the chatbot, namely the possibility of launching an electronic assistant using the page of the social network, the description of the data storage system for the chatbot and the server part. It is specially noted the variants of solutions for realization of a chatbot and the functioning of a chatbot.

    Keywords: chatbot, website, server, client part, applications, social network, "VKontakte", mobile devices, artificial intelligence, computer program, information, educational sphere, message, training, data storage, electronic assistant

  • On the issue of using the Room library from the Android Jetpack suite and simplifying the development of mobile applications for Android

    Mobile applications today are a necessary tool for work, study, entertainment and communication with the entire information world. Every year, the requirements for applications are increasing, as well as the need for stable and multifunctional software tools that will be able to quickly perform the tasks assigned to them. Although most applications require Internet access to provide access to services, it is also necessary to ensure that data is stored on the device itself in order to allow offline access to data. To solve this problem when developing mobile applications, there are many different tools, but the most common is the Room library, which is included in the "Android Jetpack" package. The article provides a brief description of the functionality of this library. The work of all the main components with basic annotations is considered. The interaction of the main components of the library is also schematically presented and an example of implementation in a mobile application for the Android operating system is shown.

    Keywords: database, sqlite, Android Jetpack, Room, android

  • Approach to the design of technical means of technological processes

    The paper presents a study of the problems of organizing the process of designing technical means that are involved in the technological process of production by enterprises. Under the technical means it is proposed to understand both software, hardware, and software and hardware solutions. The main problem is identified - the discrepancy between the functionality of technical means and the technological process. In this regard, a study is being made of the processes of linking the technological process of output of enterprises with the processes of designing and developing technical means. From the results of the study, it was determined that the models of the functional of technical means are constructed by developers, and not by actors. Such models are formally presented not as a description of the procedures for performing the functions of a technological process by actors, but as a model of how the functions of future technical means will be used by actors. The necessity is substantiated and a hypothesis is put forward about the possibility of solving the indicated problem.

    Keywords: technological process, actor, developer, functions of the technological process, procedures for performing functions, a model for the formation of a need for a technical means, a model for the use of technical means

  • Analysis of existing tools for solving the problem of monitoring the network infrastructure of an enterprise

    This article presents an overview of the tools for solving the problem of monitoring the network infrastructure. Foreign solutions are considered, their characteristics are presented, key features are described, as well as their shortcomings. The problem of import substitution in the Russian Federation is emphasized. The results were summed up, and the relevance of developing a domestic IT infrastructure monitoring system with additional functionality was developed.

    Keywords: monitoring, IT infrastructure, network infrastructure, negios, zabbix, cacti, import substitution, information security, Linux, Windows

  • Application of Agile methodology when working together on UI/UX projects in a specialized layout editor

    For prototyping virtual resources, there are modern UI/UX development applications that have the means to build highly productive interaction algorithms, for example, Figma or its promising new competitor Pixso. These programs support the joint redating of projects, and also allow planning and discussion of ideas and stages of work here, in the environment. The correctly chosen method of interaction leads to a multiple increase in productivity. One of the recognized approaches to project planning and management is the Agile design methodology.

    Keywords: team, layout, prototype, website, methodology, formal language, brainstorming, frame, project, interface, plugin, editor

  • About Nikolai Orem's Wayfarer and the zeta function

    The purpose of the work is to show the influence of the works of Nikolai Orem on the formation of the science of dynamics. Methods. The paper shows that the study of motion led N. Omer to the conclusion that the sum of the harmonic series, which gives an estimate of the traveled path of a uniformly tired traveler, diverges. This proved that the traveler would walk any arbitrarily long distance. The connection of the model proposed by N. Orem with the zeta function and similar paradoxical models in which the path turns out to be finite, despite the slowdown or acceleration of movement, is considered. Result. The trajectory of the wayfarer Orem is demonstrated according to the Riemann formula. Links to training servers with dynamic models animated in 3D graphics and built using the ""live book"" technology are provided.

    Keywords: Orem's wayfarer, zeta function, zeros of the function, Riemann problem

  • Decision support for choosing a strategy in the digital technology market

    The work is devoted to the problems of strategic planning in the digital technology market. The aim of the work is to build a decision support procedure for choosing a strategy, based on internal (related to the characteristics of the firm choosing the strategy) and external (conditioned by the state of the market) factors. It is assumed that the elementary strategy is described by the type, direction and applied area of activity. In this case, the possibility of combining several elementary strategies is considered. The main result of the work is a procedure for choosing a combined strategy based on the application of a genetic algorithm. The use of the methodological apparatus of evolutionary calculations is due to the large number of possible options for combined strategies and the complexity of their evaluation, which makes a complete enumeration of options impractical. The final choice is made by the decision maker based on their own preferences.

    Keywords: IT market, decision support, genetic algorithm

  • Tools for solving problems of recognition and clustering of data from documents using machine learning methods

    The article describes the possibilities, advantages and differences of machine learning systems without a teacher from template learning. The definition of clustering is also given, indicating the main methods and tasks solved by this machine learning algorithm. The algorithm for recognizing data from documents using OCR technology is described in detail, the goals and objectives of using OCR technology in the business processes of IT companies are formed. The following are tools for solving the problem of recognizing and clustering data from PDF document scans using the Nanonets and Tesseract machine learning libraries. In conclusion, this article describes the advantages and disadvantages of using these libraries in solving the problem of recognizing and clustering data from document scans.

    Keywords: machine learning, clustering, data recognition, library Nanonets, library Tesseract

  • Development of a self-learning companion bot with the ability to calculate an arithmetic expression

    The algorithm and code listing of the developed self-learning chatbot are presented. Able to maintain a conversation with the user, switch to training mode in the absence of the necessary information, analyze the context of the conversation for "forbidden" words. The Trim function is used, which removes extraneous characters represented in the tr property. And also an additional option "Solve arithmetic problems" is implemented in case of a request from the user. When implementing the latter option, a recursive descent algorithm based on three nested recursive functions was used, while the binary tree is filled in. A function has been developed to divide the incoming string into tokens. The chatbot code is developed in C++/C# based on the principles of object-oriented programming with the development of classes.

    Keywords: artificial intelligence, machine learning, voice assistant chatbot, learning mode, tokens, recursive descent, binary tree

  • Method of before-cutting calculating of the parameters of slab cutting based on the model of slab length linear shrinkage

    The technological instructions of most converter steel casting shops of modern metallurgical enterprises contain instructions for cutting slabs into to length using a fixed length increase factor that is directly dependent on shrinkage. This does not take into account the chemical composition of steel and the temperature of cutting slabs into exact lengths. At the same time, experience shows that for steels of different grades there is a discrepancy between the planned and actual values of the slab length. This problem required the creation of a mathematical model that makes it possible to determine the values of the linear shrinkage of the slab from cutting to complete cooling. On the basis of this model, a method for calculating the coefficient of increase in the measured length (cutting coefficient) of a slab during cooling from a cutting temperature to 30°C was developed. With the help of the proposed technique, the reduction in the length of slabs of grades 09G2S, 08PS, 22GU was studied. The paper also shows that the dependence of the cutting coefficient on the carbon concentration and temperature before cutting is linear. It was found that the effect of carbon concentration on shrinkage is significantly manifested only at high cutting temperatures (1000-1100°C). On the basis of the dependence obtained, a technical solution is proposed for automating the workplace of the operator of a gas cutting machine (CCT) of the shop for casting converter steel of a modern metallurgical enterprise.

    Keywords: shrinkage, slab, mathematical model, cutting coefficient, cutting, thermophysical properties

  • Methods of optimal resource management when carrying out work to improve the reliability of the departmental information infrastructure

    The paper considers the process of repair and maintenance of server equipment used for the formation of departmental information infrastructure. The process of performing repair work on multiple servers is described using the theory of queuing. The problem of optimal reliability management of server equipment is formulated, taking into account the limitations on the resources used. The necessary optimality conditions for the problem in the form of the Pontryagin maximum principle are obtained. The boundary value problem of the maximum principle is given. In order to obtain an algorithm for constructing an approximate solution by gradient methods, the problem is reduced to a discrete optimal control problem, for which a wide range of numerical methods is available.

    Keywords: information infrastructure, server equipment, reliability, optimal management, necessary conditions of optimality, the principle of maximum

  • Application of neural network approaches for segmentation of geospatial images in solving problems of managing territorial districts

    Background. The solution of design problems in the field of territorial systems management is based on the need for automated analysis of large arrays of geospatial data, including space imagery materials. The purpose of the article is to study and develop effective methods for the semantic segmentation of images containing geospatial data. Methods and materials. The paper studies and uses methods and algorithms for increasing the accuracy and speed of the neural network of the U-Net architecture. Results. Comprehensive studies have been carried out on configuring the U-Net convolutional neural network, in particular, image restoration by nearest neighbor interpolation, adding thinning layers to the architecture. Conclusions. The presented approaches for configuring the U-Net neural network made it possible to increase the accuracy of recognition by the Jaccard metric by 2-3% and increase the speed by 2 times.

    Keywords: artificial neural networks, machine learning, deep learning, convolutional neural networks, u-net, semantic segmentation, pattern recognition, geospatial data

  • A new approach to security model construction of electronic document management

    The article confirms the need for a systematic approach to the scientific justification of the electronic document management systems security(EDMS) and the relevance of the study, presents the results of the analysis of guidance documents regarding the development of mathematical models and existing experience, summarizes the procedure for the scientific justification of EDMS security, highlights the main trends in modeling today, a new approach to the construction of EDMS security models is proposed, defines its role and place in the existing theory and practice.

    Keywords: Security models of computer systems, security policy, electronic document management system, systematic approach

  • Regionality as a Factor of Influence on the State Cadastral Valuation Methodology

    Despite the existing differentiation of the regions of the Russian Federation in terms of natural and climatic conditions and the level of socio-economic development, the main principle of the state cadastral valuation is aimed at the uniformity of its implementation. The study in this paper is aimed at revealing the concept of "regional features" as a factor leading to a discrepancy in the methodology for determining the cadastral value of real estate at the regional level. The article highlights the factors of regional specifics that form the features of the appraisal work to determine the cadastral value of land plots in 2022 on the territory of St. Petersburg and the Perm Territory, as well as recommendations for improving the existing unified methodology.

    Keywords: state cadastral valuation, mass valuation, taxation, cadastral value, market value, differentiation of regions, regional peculiarity, real estate object, land plot

  • Simplex optimization in the problem of determining the magnetic characteristics of high-coercive permanent magnets

    The paper is devoted to the application of the simplex optimization algorithm in the field of magnetic measurements, namely in measuring the demagnetization curve of highly coercive magnetic materials. The algorithm has found its place in the implementation of a new method based on the full-scale model approach and the Gills-Atterton hysteresis model, the essence of which is also described in the work. It is expected that the new method will make it possible to more accurately determine the demagnetization curve of permanent magnets by using voltage meters instead of classical induction sensors, which will avoid the accumulation of error. The simplex optimization algorithm makes it possible to optimize the parameters of the Gills-Atterton model in such a way that the simulated mathematical model of a highly coercive magnetic material best corresponds to the measured magnetic material. The method is tested on a multiphysical model built in the COMSOL Multiphysics software package and includes calculations of an inductor and a permanent high-coercive magnet.

    Keywords: permanent magnet, neodymium magnet, highly coercive material, magnetic material, Fourier-Bessel decomposition, approximation, momentum, optimization, simplex, Nelder-Mead algorithm, mathematical model, coercive force, hysteresis

  • Quality indexes and reduction of labor-intensive characteristics of researches for paint coatings by applying digital technology to surface analysis of coatings

    Annotation: The possibility of quality assessing of paint coatings by using the products surface conditions analysis through the use of digital technologies is shown. In the conditions of industrial enterprise, the comparative analysis of АК-1301 and Tikkurila Metallista coatings condition, exposed to aggressive environments: water, gasoline is carried out. From digital images of the surface, adhesive strength and the porosity of the coatings before-and-after the effects of the environments were assessed. It is shown that АК-1301 enamel has the highest adhesive strength and chemical resistance to water and gasoline.

    Keywords: paint coating, adhesion, surface porosity, corrosive environment, digital image, pixel

  • Method for determining the demagnetization curve of high-coercive permanent magnets

    The work is devoted to the development of a new method for determining the demagnetization curve of high-coercive permanent magnets, for example, magnets made of NeFeB alloy. It is expected that the new method will make it possible to more accurately determine the demagnetization curve of permanent magnets by using voltage and current meters instead of class induction sensors, which will avoid the accumulation of error that occurs when integrating a signal from induction sensors. The paper describes in detail the algorithm of the new method for determining the demagnetization curve, provides references to the methods and algorithms used in the development of the new method. The method was tested on a multiphysical model of a permanent magnet and a magnetizing installation built in the COMSOL Multiphysics software package.

    Keywords: permanent magnet, neodymium magnet, highly coercive material, magnetic material, Fourier-Bessel decomposition, approximation, momentum, optimization, simplex, Nelder-Mead algorithm, mathematical model, coercive force, hysteresis

  • A formalized data model of the software package for automating the accounting of the activities of the center for working with animals

    The article considers a formalized data model of a software package for automating the accounting of the activities of an animal care center, which includes two subsystems: "Subsystem of information support for the activities of a shelter for homeless animals" and "Subsystem of automation of accounting for the activities of a hotel for animals". The formalized model allows you to structure the subject area, highlight the main components, their properties and relationships between them (customers, pets, aviaries, booking requests, volunteers, tasks, etc.), which was later used for algorithmization of the solution and software implementation of complex tools on the 1C:Enterprise platform.

    Keywords: formalized model, animal shelter, homeless animals, hotel for animals, 1C:Enterprise, automation, activity accounting, animals, software package, information system