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  • The technique and framework of language models construction for real-time Internet monitoring

    The highest dynamics of the processes of online extremism bring more importance to the development of methodology and software tools capable to produce real-time tracking of the dissemination of information, including social networks, to analyze posts meaning and promise and to build predictive models. The article presents the technique of designing a smart linguistic models that are able to take into account the context and allows flexible adaptation to the subject area for natural language processing in the social networks within the field of real-time warning cyber-threats based on Data Mining. We describe the basic disadvantages of using a simple feature engineering and the bag of words method for the purposes of text classification. We show programming interface and features of the generalized framework in which our technique is applied, and also show how this framework can be used to meet the challenges of business and government during the process of collection and analysis of publications on the Internet.

    Keywords: natural language processing, linguistic models, machine learning, feature engineering, text mining framework, text classification, language models constructor, morphology analysis

  • Applications of graph theory in the intellectual techniques of social media analysis for monitoring of candidates popularity during elections period.

    We analyze social network graph to identify popularity distribution between ukrainian presidential candidates during elections period. In the first part of the paper we descibe 2 graph layouts: candidates in-degree and bloggers in-degree. It is stated, that with the help of such data mining one can answer community-centric questions: community clusters, that mention same candidates, structure of such mentions, particular bloggers, that mention particular candidates.

    Keywords: social network graph, data mining, big data, opinions graph, presidential candidates, graph theory, social network analysis

  • The structure of group installations the politically active part of the population of the Rostov region (according to 2014).

    Work represents research of structure of group installations in relation to a political order. The studied audience - politically active part of the population of the Rostov region. Measurement is carried out using questionnaires. The survey involved 402 respondents. Age from 19 to 73 years. It is measured an activity relation to the political life of society, there is assessment of relations to the political authority, the current political situation and the level of relative deprivation. It is received, among the interrogated group there are pro-government moods, with support of work in the government, for the purpose of support to the existing regime – 44,8%. It is revealed, the majority of respondents have a negative attitude to the protest actions. Thus the increased level of an emotional involvement and participation in political processes is observed.

    Keywords: a political tension, deprivation, group installation, cognitive component, behavioral component, questionnaire, the descriptive statistics

  • Scientific heritage Y.A Zhdanov and modern problems of modeling of complex socio systems

    On the results of the reports shows that experts and scholars model studies of social systems has received a new professional forum in the framework of the annual scientific readings dedicated to the memory Y.A Zhdanov. The report contains the results of theoretical and applied research of complex socio systems using model-based approach.

    Keywords: convergence, simulation, methodology, social simulation, information set of instruments, agent base modeling, system dynamics, the discrete- event-related models

  • Technologies of modeling socio-cultural interactions in multi-ethnic regions

    Presents materials of the reports presented at the section "Technologies of modeling socio-cultural interactions in multi-ethnic regions" international scientific conference of young scientists "Actual problems of modeling, designing and forecasting of social and political processes in multicultural space of modern society". The organizer of the specified partition conference was organized by the North-Caucasian scientific center of higher school and the Department of modeling of social processes of the southern Federal University. The materials reflect the results of research of young scientists, postgraduates and undergraduates, obtained with the use of various aspects of model-based approach.

    Keywords: Technology, modeling, social modeling, socio-cultural interaction,multi-ethnic region

  • RGSU students relation to political life at the end of 2013

    The work is aimed at studying the relationship of young people to the political sphere of society. Research was carried out the end of 2013 using questionnaires. In the survey of 185 people attended. There is a low level of participation in the political process, and the average level of emotional involvement. It is received, the low level of political activity of young people: weak electoral activity and indifference to social movements. Assessment of the political situation on the value of the average in the Region - 2.39 and Russia - 2.04.

    Keywords: a political tension, deprivation, group installation, cognitive component, behavioral component, questionnaire, the descriptive statistics

  • Cognitive and behavioural components of the relations to the political order of students of DGTU (according to 2013)

    The article examines the cognitive and behavioral components of group attitudes toward political order of students of DGTU.  Pilot study took place in 2013 and was carried out using questionnaires, which was attended by 52 people. The analysis represents a hierarchical clustering on the basis of consecutive factorization. It is received, group level of a relative deprivation – 0,46. In assessing deprivation group decomposed into two subgroups, with average values in each - 0.3 and 0.6. Perceptions of political order at the cognitive level:  -0,174 for local government and-0,139 for Russia. In perception of local government the group broke into two subgroups: -0,3 and 0,2. Behavioral component perception of political order defined by two subfactor: active behavioral level - 0.39, and the estimated level of oppositional behavior - 0.57.

    Keywords: group settings, the affective component, a behavioral component, cognitive component, relative deprivation, questioning, political attitudes, factor analysis

  • Modeling the emotional perception of the political order by students of DGTU

    In the autumn of 2013 a pilot survey was conducted among students DSTU, which was attended by 52 respondents. Purpose - to reveal emotional perception of the students of local and central political government by the method of semantic differential. The paper presents a psychosemantic phenomenological model processing of survey results by the method of semantic differential. On average semantic portraits are calculated relative distances between the group images of real political order and the images of the ideal constructs. Phenomenological parameters are determined by them and calculated the required level of group emotional perception of a political order. Calculations group levels of emotional perception of the political order showed similar results as the linear approximation: -0.015 for Region and for Russia as a whole -0.033. Shown, the model allows to determine not only the group levels of perception, but also to build the surface of the stationary states. This surface describes the behavior the level of perception associated with a quasistatic change of phenomenological parameters caused by external conditions. Images of perception of real political orders are in quiet area. At quasistatic variations of external conditions it is necessary to expect little smooth changes of level of perception.

    Keywords: political order, semantic differential, questioning, catastrophe theory, psychosemantic phenomenological modeling

  • Comparative analysis of the syntactic parsers organization

    The article describes peculiarities of modern syntax parser systems and problems originating in text analysis. As a result of comparative analysis the authors propose a unified approach to processing of unstructured texts in Russian and English which combines morphology and syntax processing. The developed syntax analysis system, using verbs’ valency dictionary, samples of minimal structural schemes of sentences and samples of conjunctions, allows choosing predicative structures of sentences in the text, realizing initial semantic analysis due to semantic content of predicate’s actants and building trees of syntactical subordination of sentences. The derived trees hold elements of tree of constitutives and tree of dependences. The proposed samples and rules organization allows resolving some of the problems of modern parsers. And the use of verbs’ valency dictionary allows reducing the number of sentences syntax analysis variants.

    Keywords: automatic text processing; syntax parser; morphological analysis; structural text elements

  • Process Dynamics Modeling on the Base of Text Corpus Sequence Analysis

    The represented approach of dynamic process modeling is based on the technology of automatical semantic text analysis. An associative network is forming during text processing. Its key notions, including  lexical and psycholinguistic markers of the analyzed process, are ranked by theirs semantic weight. The weight being multiplied by marker status value at the scale of “good-bad” gives its contribution to the process stage characteristic. Transformation of the accumulated for all of the markers process characteristic from one period of time to another one is characterize a direction of the process.

    Keywords: automatical text processing, associative (homogenous semantic) network, process dynamic modeling, social processes, lexical and psycholinguistic markers

  • Capabilities of multi-agent modelling toolset Repast Simphony.

    The article discusses a tool for development, simulation and analysis of multi-agent models - Repast Simphony. The research of both: the instrument and development process. Briefly describes the most interesting additional features of the runtime environment in Repast.

    Keywords: agent base modeling, agent-based model, Repast, open source

  • Group political attitudes of students in Grozny in 2013

    В работе приведен анализ групповых установок по отношению к политическому порядку молодежи г. Грозного в 2013 году. Мониторинг политических установок осуществлялся методом анкетирования. В пилотажном исследовании приняли участие 120 человек. Выявлены и изучены компоненты политических установок. Уровни найденных восприятий рассчитывались в линейном приближении с использованием факторного анализа, и являются значениями средних, которые строились при помощи описательных статистик.  Уровни когнитивного восприятия политического порядка для Республики: 0,265, и для России: 0,271. Найденные значения являются схожими и  положительными, но следует отметить, что имеют противоположную величину, по сравнению со значениями, полученными в исследовании среди студентов Ростова-на-Дону.  Уровень относительной депривации за 2013 год равен 0,333. Это свидетельствует о том, что руководство Республики сумело закрепить и повысить уровни социальной и экономической защищенности среди студенчества. Поведенческий компонент имеет два уровня: оценка и активность. Оценочный уровень поведения составил -0,275, и уровень поведенческой активности 0,517. Оценочный фактор поведения студенческой группы выявил низкое значение (молодые люди могут не обсуждать новости политики с друзьями, семьей и т.д.),  однако действительное поведение находится на высоком уровне (активное участие в выборах и общественных движениях). Далее, по полученным факторам осуществлялась вторичная факторизация и расчет уже итогового поведенческого компонента. Для 2013 года общий уровень поведенческой составляющей равен 0,352. 

    Keywords: group settings, the affective component, a behavioral component, cognitive component, relative deprivation, questioning, political attitudes, factor analysis

  • Information platform of the dynamically formed measures of the effectiveness

    A detailed description of the platform is provided. We describe key features of the university's indices database including secureness, structure flexibility, access abilities. We demonstrate how user interfaces can be used to fill in database. Also we suggest platform's filling algorithm.

    Keywords: information platform, effectiveness indices, relational database

  • The practice of database formation for live monitoring university's development activity indices and it's rating growth

    We examine database formation that reflects university's development activity indices and it's rating improvement - for this we use the system developed for the Southern Federal University. The task of choosing a multiparametric DBMS is described. Entity-relationship model as a tool for database conceptual design is built. The database of formation and processing process is also modelled, for this we use the UML notation activity diagram.

    Keywords: development activity indices, rating impovement, DBMS (database management system), Entity-relationship model, UML, activity diagram

  • The analysis of the relation of young people to the political life in Rostov-on-Don in 2012

    The paper deals with the analysis of of the relation to the political life among young people in Rostov-on-Don. It is measured an activity relation to the political life of society, there is assessment of relations to  the political authority, the current political situation and the level of relative deprivation. It is revealed, students possess low electoral and social activity: "don't take part in elections" – 47,4%. In the relation to protest actions the group was stratified on two subgroups: one has a positive attitude towards the antigovernment actions, the second - is negative. The relative deprivation is at the average level, but 1\4 of the group have the high level of deprivation, which may cause a political tensions in the future.

    Keywords: a political tension, deprivation, group installation in relation to a political order, cognitive component, questionnaire, the descriptive statistics