A hydroacoustic waveguide is considered as a linear system with parameters distributed over dis-tance. A method is proposed for modeling the impulse response of a waveguide. The fields of indi-vidual normal modes at fixed frequencies are calculated so that discretization theorems are satisfied. By performing the inverse Fourier transform of the fields of all modes separately, the time realiza-tions are restored. Then, summing the mode fields, the impulse response of the waveguide is calcu-lated. This approach allows you to "turn off" the fields of individual modes, add, if necessary, the fields of higher modes, or to study all fields separately, simulating the operation of mode selection. The impulse response is considered as a tool for solving the problems of inverting the acoustic characteristics of the seabed and modeling the propagation of signals in waveguides. The impulse response of the first mode of the Pekeris waveguide with the bottom in the form of an intermediate layer and half-space is restored, its wave attributes are revealed: ground wave, water wave, Airy wave. The frequency dependences of the group velocity of normal modes and the multimode im-pulse response are restored. Low-pass filtering of the impulse response makes it possible to reveal the Airy phase of the first mode.
Keywords: normal modes, seabed, attenuation coefficient, group velocity, impulse response, intramode dispersion, intermode dispersion
The paper explores the opportunity to use tower cranes with a large boom length for installation of space frames configured as prefabricated units. The opportunity to modify the already existing technology by using new tower cranes with a large boom length allows cutting the cost of construction of industrial buildings with flat structural plates. Cost cuts are realized by reducing the scope of works pertaining to installation and dismantling of crane runway as well as crane relocation toward other spans of the building.
Keywords: space frames, nodal connections, installation, technology, modification, crane
A survey of the frame-panel building was carried out, in which ecowool was used as the heat-insulating material. A study was made of the moisture state of wooden frame walls and attic floors. Ecowool samples were taken from various sections of the wall. No mold was detected on material samples. In this case, the sorption humidity was not more than 16%. The results of laboratory tests of ecowool showed high persistence of density and coefficient of thermal conductivity during long-term operation. Tests were conducted to determine the effect of moisture on the change in the physical and technical properties of ecowool. The research results were processed by statistical methods. As a result of the study, it was found that moisture does not accumulate in the ecowool layer of the examined frame walls and attic flooring, but goes out through the insulation and elements of the building envelope. The conducted studies allow us to predict the preservation of the heat-shielding properties of ecowool during operation for a long time
Keywords: ecowool, durability, sorption humidity, density, coefficient of thermal conductivity
The granulation process of ammophos in a drum granulator-dryer (DGD) is considered. The main factors affecting the granulation process are considered. The inputs and outputs of the mathematical model of the granulation process are determined. A dynamic mathematical model has been developed for the formation of the equivalent diameter of ammophos granules depending on the flow rate and particle size distribution of the external recycle. Graphs of comparison of simulation results with actual data of normal operation are presented. A graph of the dependence of the equivalent diameter of the granules on the flow rate of external recycling is presented. The model is intended to create a system for stabilizing the granulation mode.
Keywords: ammophos, recycle, granulation, particle size distribution, drum granulator-dryer, modelling, mathematical model
In the view of most people, the criterion "high-rise buildings" is very blurred. Five or seven storey buildings were considered one or two centuries ago to be tall, but now you will not surprise anyone with a number of storeys over fifty. Russian law sets the maximum possible 75-meter height for residential buildings and 50-meter - for public buildings. The construction of higher facilities is subject to special requirements. The article discusses the development of high-rise buildings of a megalopolis using the example of the city of Rostov-on-Don, presenting famous high-rise buildings in Rostov at present. Along with increasing the number of storeys of buildings, their design features are also changing. The types of structural schemes of high-rise buildings, the materials of the supporting structures of high-rise buildings, their advantages and applications are described. The problems that arise in high-rise construction are described.
Keywords: Rostov-on-Don city, high-rise construction, number of storeys, development, urban planning, zoning, architecture, design, high-strength concrete, high-strength reinforcement
This paper presents the results of the development of a heat-insulating coating based on a polymer binder for thermal insulation of hot metal surfaces of industrial equipment, process plants, pipeline surfaces, operating at temperatures up to 100 0C. The heat-insulating coating is based on a polymer composition containing a mixture of acrylic polymer and styrene-butadiene rubber, hollow phenol-formaldehyde microspheres, pigment and water as a binder. The use of phenol-formaldehyde hollow microspheres in this composition in an amount of 20.0 to 40.0 wt. % as a filler, it allows to reduce the thermal conductivity of the developed coating and increase its strength characteristics, in comparison with a similar coating containing carbon microspheres. The use of this composition allows to obtain a polymer coating with high thermal insulation and mechanical properties.
Keywords: heat-insulating coating, acrylic polymer, styrene-butadiene rubber, hollow phenol-formaldehyde microspheres, tensile strength, thermal conductivity
The article presents theoretical calculations and studies of the possibility of parametric oscillations and parametric resonance arising in a polymer self-supporting thermoplastic pipe "Furanflex". Тheoretical calculations of the possibility of asymmetric parametric oscillations and parametric resonance are considered.The Furanflex thermoplastic, polymer liner is offered as a variant of a separate gas exhaust trunk during the reconstruction of boiler rooms and thermal power plants by heat generating companies.The description and calculation of resonant phenomena for asymmetric parametric oscillations are described in detail.Detailed mathematical transformations of differential equations of parametric oscillations are given.The article provides a detailed description and analysis of the occurrence of parametric oscillations. Examples of symmetric and asymmetric parametric oscillations are considered.Information and conclusions of the presented work are intended for a different range of readers, teachers, designers, students of construction specialties.This article should be of interest to utility managers and heat generating companies .
Keywords: chimney, ventilation duct, repair, restoration of the chimney,protection of the chimney, lining, furanflex, thermoplastic liner,perimetric oscillation
the article describes a variant of setting sequential algorithms in the form of bipartite graphs by further defining them, which makes it possible to work with algorithms using graph theory methods in the future. Two forms of the task are considered: modular and functional-predicative. The possibility of setting the algorithm in table-predicate form is shown. It is concluded that in addition to the generally accepted methods of setting the algorithm, it can be set in matrix-predicate or table-predicate form, which allows using methods of matrix theory and methods of predicate theory when working with algorithms. setting the algorithm in matrix-predicate form avoids isomorphism when performing algebraic and set-theoretic operations on it.; setting algorithms in matrix-predicate form allows you to perform almost any operations on them
Keywords: graph-algorithm scheme, sequential algorithm, predicative block, functional block, pre-definition, bipartite graph, table-predicative form, graph theory, isomorphism
There is an analysis of the urban development location and the capacity of public spaces for cultural and educational purposes was carried out using the example of cultural centres for Volgograd. The normative and actual material security is determined separately for each administrative district and whole sity. There are suggestions on the advisability of erecting new cultural objects.Dynamics of modern cities is taking into account.
Keywords: planning, cultural centre, cultural and social structure, standard of material security, actual material security
The article is devoted to the study of the adequacy of the model of a waveguide with a bottom in the form of half-space in broadband calculations of sound fields. Two bottom models are considered: liquid and porous. Two depths of the water layer are considered - units of meters and tens of meters. In the case of a liquid bottom, the speed of sound and the loss tangent in the bottom are considered to be frequency independent (model with a bottom with constant quality factor). In the case of a porous bottom, the frequency dependence of the speed of sound and the loss tangent is extracted from experimental data published in open sourses. The frequency dependences of the group velocities of the modes and modal attenuation coefficients are calculated. The frequency dependences of the group velocity of the first mode for the two waveguide models coincide, and the critical frequency of the normal modes changes in proportion to the depth of the water layer. The frequency dependences of the attenuation coefficient of normal modes turn out to be significantly different. The impulse response of shallow and deep-water waveguides are simulated. It is shown that in the case of a waveguide with a water layer depth of a few meters, the temporal structure of the impulsive field is indistinguishable - the bottom model without dispersion is adequate. In the case of a water layer depth of tens of meters, the temporal structure of the pulsed field for two bottom models is different - the waveguide model with a bottom without dispersion is inadequate.
Keywords: liquid bottom, porous bottom, marine sediments, dispersion of phase velocity, group velocity, intramode dispersion, intermode dispersion
One of the most pressing problems in the oil and gas industry is numerous pipeline accidents that require innovative solutions. This article analyzes a promising method of repair using composite couplings, which include many advantages compared to steel structures. The strength characteristics of the couplings are also given and their installation process is described.
Keywords: Oil pipeline, overhaul, reinforcing composite coupling, composite materials
This article analyzes the existing sources of power supply of oil and gas industry facilities, as well as the study of the possible use of alternative energy sources in industrial enterprises; The advantages and disadvantages of using this type of power supply for remote infrastructure are considered.
Keywords: energy, power supply, power plant, industrial facility, wind, solar radiation, power, power plant, wind energy, source
the article presents a comparison of methods for modeling the Foundation of the span structure of the technological transition on permafrost soils in the LIRA-CAD 2015 software package.Numerical simulations using methods such as pinching (linking) and modeling of pile Foundation and soil Foundation showed a significant difference in the calculated values. The conducted research confirms the need to calculate this type of building structures taking into account the influence of the soil base.
Keywords: span structure, technological transition, pile, base, foundation, frozen ground, LIRA-CAD 2015, strength, stiffness, stability, soil model
The article deals with the issues of regulating the stress-strain state of the design scheme of the coating of the demonstration center by combining the geometry of the interface of the crossbar and the cross frame post. The dependence of the distribution of forces on the solutions of the eaves of the roof truss is established.
Keywords: Arched constructions, finite element method, stress-strain state regulation, optimal design
The calculation algorithm is given and various options for solving the problem are considered when changing the parameters of the design scheme of the rod system on the example of a beam in the MS Excel software environment together with the MathCAD package. The proposed approach allows you to combine formulas, graphics, and calculation results on a single sheet, which is especially useful in the educational process. It contributes to a more conscious perception of the calculation process by students, allows them to implement various forms of distance learning in information technologies.
Keywords: the core of the system, algorithm, modelling, integration, information technology