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  • Electrical treatment of process water to prevent biological fouling of process equipment

    This work relates to the field of chemical technology and information can be used in the industry to protect against biofouling water recycling systems of energy and petrochemical enterprises.

    Keywords: treatment, processes, water, corrosion, fouling, reagents, methods, coolant, electrical treatment, bioculture

  • The use of elements of management theory in the organization of express delivery of goods to consumers

    The article discusses the possibility of applying the control theory algorithm when organizing express delivery of goods, in order to reduce transport costs of enterprises engaged in transportation of small-lot cargoes

    Keywords: express delivery, forwarding services, transport company, control theory, mathematical method, transport network, sum method, block diagram

  • Development of a model of the process of internal corrosion of pipelines of heating networks

    A dynamic model of the process of internal corrosion of pipelines of heating networks is considered. Model include five level: the level of the wall thickness of the pipeline, the level of slowing down of thinning of the wall of the pipeline from pH, the level of accelerating of thinning of the wall of the pipeline from temperature, the level of accelerating of thinning of the wall of the pipeline from the oxygen concentration, the level of slowing down of thinning of the wall the pipeline from the carbonate index. The composition of variables includes one level of state, thar characterize the process of thinning the wall of the pipeline due to internal corrosion, and four levels, that characterize the performance of network water. Six rates of changing of the physical indicators, that characterize the growth (dynamics) of the ongoing process, are taken into account. Four dependencies of influence are connect the subsystems of the complex into a single whole. The results of the evaluation of the dynamics of the pipe wall thinning process in the process of internal corrosion for a period of 1 year and 5 years presented. The software implementation in the Mathcad environment is considered.

    Keywords: dynamic model, internal corrosion of pipelines, corrosion of the heat network, corrosion factor

  • Remote diagnostics of the car from the maintenance center equipped with a diagnostic complex

    The technique of improving the quality of remote diagnostics of cars is proposed. This method makes it possible to learn real-time and real-time information about the status of the functional units of the car, thereby assessing its technical condition.

    Keywords: remote diagnostics, car service, car

  • Review of modern methods of non-destructive testing of building structures

    Today non-destructive methods are widely spread due to its mobility and accuracy. This article describes the main types of nondestructive testing commonly used in manufacturing and at the construction site, namely magnetic, eddy current, ultrasonic and visual. Describe the principle of each method and its key features.

    Keywords: Non-destructive testing, mechanical characteristics, strength, hardness

  • Thermal insulation materials ensuring energy efficiency of facade systems

    The paper discusses certain thermal insulation materials, which, according to national and foreign researchers, are capable of ensuring the utmost energy efficiency of vertical enclosures of buildings and works. Based on the comparative analysis of some of the main thermal insulation properties and performance characteristics, the most energy efficient materials were identified among the materials offered for consideration. The key benefits and drawbacks of these materials are further provided in tabular form. The point is made that the optimal selection of energy efficient materials shall be arranged as a comprehensive computer-aided process, because the market of modern thermal insulation materials is huge. The selection process shall include the ranking of materials based on specific criteria.

    Keywords: energy saving, thermal performance, thermal insulators, liquid ceramic thermal insulators, composite foam, environmental performance

  • The evaluations of the complex analysis’ results of dispersed dust particles using hydrodynamic criteria for decreasing dust leakage out from decreasing dust systems of aspiration’ emissions in the production of building industry

    The article is devoted to the issue of improving the environmental safety of the construction industry by improving the systems of decreasing dust emissions by aspiration systems using a comprehensive dispersive analysis. There was proposed to develop a promising approach using the criteria of hydrodynamic similarity in the output functions of the complex analysis of variance to increase the efficiency of aspiration decreasing dust systems in this article. The article focuses on the environmental problems of building construction industry. The volume and different kinds of mixtures of bulk building materials and cements to produce various types of concrete construction units and materials are in stable demand every year. It means that average amount of dust particles substances in emissions at the manufacturing production of building materials every year too. The results of studies show that a significant content of fine particles, for example, 10 microns or less is concern in dust emissions systems of aspiration at the building construction enterprises. One of ways to increase the environmental safety is reduction of dust emissions to design dust capturing devices that have low values of slippage out from aspirations’ decreasing dust systems. It was achieved by special complex integrated analysis’ method of variance dust that applies hydrodynamic sedimentation of particles. It is the way to obtain distribution of dimensionless numerical complexes — the hydrodynamic similarity criteria for the dust studied samples. There presented results of experiment that gave more reliable approach to get evaluations of the complex analysis of particles sedimentation velocity’s distributions.

    Keywords: Dust, building material, dust collector, cleaning, overshoot, analysis of variance, velocity, sedimentation, criterion, emission, atmosphere, dust removal, aspiration

  • Effective design and technological solutions to combat mudflow in mountain transit areas of dangerous rivers

    The paper describes the sele-dangerous zones of the North Caucasus and Kabardino-Balkaria. More detail marked selevye problems of the river Gerhozhansu - the most dangerous river in the regions of SK. The results of the descent of powerful mudflows along the gerhozhansu river in 2000-2017, which had disastrous consequences for the city of Tyrnyauz, are presented. Made a study of the results of years of research the authors conducted in mudflow dangerous rivers of the CBD. Based on field field field studies in the river basin. Gerhozhansu revealed a self-regulating natural mechanism that forms naturally when the mudflow converges the most suitable profile of the transit section of the channel, which ensures the passage of the maximum possible mudflow at minimum energy costs. According to the results of analytical studies of the causes of destruction and the reliability of the work of existing structures and saleprovides antimud slide protection facilities. Developed and proposed more efficient design and technological solutions in designing mud and saleprovides structures combined structures that are protected by patents for inventions and useful models. In conclusion, the main results of the research carried out in the work are noted.

    Keywords: mudflow dangerous areas; debris flows; transit station; cone-removal; mud dam; saleprovides tray; conveying ability; antimud slide protection facilities; effective design

  • Eliminating odors of malodorous pollutants in water treatment systems

    The paper reveals the problem and causes of the formation of fetid compounds in the systems of transportation and wastewater treatment. Various methods used at the moment to eliminate and neutralize unpleasant odors, as well as a number of measures to clean the air from fetid compounds are considered. A new method is described to prevent the formation of odors of fetid compounds in wastewater transportation and treatment systems and a device for its implementation using low-intensity cavitation. The scheme of the device for sewage treatment from smells of fetid compounds. The principle of operation of this installation is described.

    Keywords: fetid compounds , air purification, biological purification, low-intensity cavitation.

  • Technical and technological features of fixing the soil grounds of the cultural heritage of the Rostov region

    The methods of injection fixing the soils of the base under the foundations of cultural heritage are considered. The specific examples show the features of soil consolidation by cementation and silicatization methods. The technological features of soil consolidation, taking into account the material of the foundations and the technical condition of cultural heritage sites are given

    Keywords: cementation, silicatization, injector, soil, consolidation, foundation, object of cultural heritage, sediment, subsidence, deformation

  • Solution of the traveling salesman problem using a two-stage genetic algorithm

    The article considers the application of a modified two-stage genetic algorithm to solve the traveling salesman problem. The traveling salesman problem is a classical combinatorial optimization problem known since 1930. The traveling salesman problem is NP-complex. With the number of cities 66 or more, it is impossible to solve it by exhaustive search. To test the proposed approach to the solution, we consider a graph with 51 vertices from the package TSP_LIB. At the first stage, a modified Goldberg model with small parameter values works to obtain the first generation of the second stage with better performance than the random formation of individuals. The second stage works with increased values of genetic algorithm parameters. These values vary from experiment to experiment, the results of which are presented in diagrams. Also, the results of the two-stage algorithm are compared with the results of the one-stage algorithm. A modified Goldberg model of the genetic algorithm is used. The genetic algorithm uses a waypoint representation of a traveling salesman's route with a two-point ordered crossover and a "greedy" mutation. The experimental results showed the effectiveness of the proposed approach. The modified two-stage algorithm allows to obtain a solution close to the optimal one.

    Keywords: traveling salesman problem, genetic algorithm, Goldberg model, crossover, mutation, individual, route, Hamiltonian cycle, distance matrix

  • Trend development construction and technical expertise

    The purpose of the article is the possibility of scientific, methodological and technical justification for the need to develop and conduct construction and technical expertise at the current stage of the construction industry in the design and construction of different types, types, specifics and technical characteristics of the housing facility. The concept of legislative regulation of this area of production in the aspect of mandatory standards and regulations applicable to all construction companies (organizations) is given.

    Keywords: Construction, construction objects, forecasts, projects, design, quality management, standards, regulations, legislation, judicial construction and technical expertise, expert

  • The Influence of the non-uniformity of sensitivity of the photodetector in evaluating the detection characteristics of optoelectronic systems

    In optical-electronic systems (OES) of visual observation, the non-uniformity of the output signal is compensated quite well. At the same time, the non-uniformity of the sensitivity of the photodetector (NUSP) degrades the threshold sensitivity of the photodetector devices. At the same time, compensation does not lead to an increase in the characteristics of the OES. Thus, assessing the impact of NUSP on the characteristics of detection of the OES is an urgent task. The calculation of the estimation of the mathematical expectation of the signal shows that it is biased and the displacement is proportional to the sensitivity of the corresponding element. Compensation for NUSP eliminates this bias, but the effectiveness of the assessment changes and the NUSP is transferred from the mathematical expectation to the variance. The presence of NUSP results in a corresponding the non-uniformity of the probability of correct detection and a threshold signal. Performing compensation does not change the probability of correct detection and the threshold signal. It is shown that for each element of the photodetector the detection range is determined by its sensitivity. The ratio of the maximum range to the minimum is related to the ratio of the maximum sensitivity of the photodetector element to the minimum. The presence of NUSP leads to a corresponding uneven detection range. It is shown that the compensation of NUSP does not change the value of the detection limit. At NUSP of 40%, the minimum detection range will be 1.5 times less than the maximum detection range.

    Keywords: optoelectronic system, non-uniformity of sensitivity of the detector, detection range

  • On the assessment of the particles’ shape factor using results a complex analysis of variance of dispersed dust particles to reduce dust leakage throw out emissions in the dust removal devices of the aspiration schemes at the building construction industr

    The article is devoted to the approach to the development and design of effective dust collectors for the aspiration systems of the construction industry. It was proposed and implemented the study of the particle shape factors that determine the hydrodynamic features of gas flow around dust particles, for example, in the aspiration schemes, which are most spread and applied in the construction industry using the results of complex analysis of variance it this article. It was presented results of implementation hydrodynamic criteria in the output function of the analysis. The values’ meanings of the particle shape factors of the dusts’ particles were gained and obtained at the final stage of experiment. It was obtained regressions for particle shape factors as functions of hydrodynamic criteria. It was proposed dependences to clarify the particle sedimentation-growth velocities taking into account the influence of the particle shape factors of the studied dust samples. It was allowed possibility to assess and obtain ranges of changes in the values’ meanings of particle shape factors. It was obtained more reliable results for determining the sedimentation values’ velocities of dust particle as a determining result of complex analysis of variance of particles also. The research results allow the development and design of dust collecting devices for cleaning emissions in dust removal systems of the aspiration schemes of the construction industry. These dust kinds of collector provides a significant reduction in dust leakage out from dust removal systems of the aspiration. This way become one of the highly effective prevents polluting ways that allows to improve environmental safety of the construction industry.

    Keywords: Dust, building material, dust collector, cleaning, leakage, analysis of variance, velocity, sedimentation, criterion, emission, atmosphere, dust removal, aspiration

  • Reduction of the minimum fixed gas volume for the counting mechanism of the diaphragm metering device for natural gas consumption

    The development of modern electronics has led to the improvement and modernization of natural gas meters. Mechanical devices increasingly began to be replaced by electronic ones, which allow to provide higher accuracy, resolution of the device and have a number of additional features, for example, allow to register events and monitor readings. The task of such devices is to provide completely autonomous operation from the battery element in the period from 5 to 10 years. The battery life is determined by the number of consumers of electricity included in the meter and can be reduced to very small values ​​due to the use of modern electronic components with low power consumption. In addition, it is possible to reduce power consumption by implementing certain algorithms of the device. In this paper, we consider the options for constructing a measuring target, and the algorithms for operating the digital part, which allow us to reduce power consumption.

    Keywords: measuring circuits, natural gas meters, energy consumption, measuring target, energy efficiency