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  • Flame retardant gypsum solutions on expanded vermiculite using volcanic ash

    Fire-retardant gypsum solutions on exfoliated vermiculite were studied using volcanic ash and the multi-functional additive D – 5. It was revealed that the introduction of the D-5 additive by weight from the binder significantly speeds up the setting time of the composite gypsum solution on the expanded vermiculite. gypsum-vermiculite solutions with additives of Portland cement and D – 5 have a higher water resistance.The compositions of composite gypsum solution on exfoliated vermiculite and ash have been developed. It has been established that volcanic ash of a fraction of 0.0–0.315 mm can be replaced by expanded vermiculite without a noticeable increase in average density. Additives of Portland cement and D – 5 increase the strength of the gypsum composite vermiculite solution with ash, the softening coefficient of the composite increases to 0.75.

    Keywords: gypsum, portland cement, expanded vermiculite, volcanic ash, additive D-5, fire protection, gypsum vermiculite solution, tensile strength at bending and compression, average density, softening coefficient

  • Determination of the geoseismic parameters of soil thickness giving seismic characteristic of soil

    In article the method of network seismic fields which allows to determine the geoseismic parameters of soil thickness giving seismic characteristic of soil is considered. The average values of speeds of longitudinal and cross waves characterizing the generalized geoseismic section are defined. On the basis of high-speed and density characteristics of soil calculations of increments of seismic intensity concerning parameters of reference soil are executed

    Keywords: seismic characteristic of soil, speed of longitudinal waves, speed of cross waves geoseismic section, spatial borders of a geological object

  • Improvement of transportation of building structures

    The question of improvement of transportation of building structures and products is considered. The possibility of reducing losses is studied. Measures to prevent the destruction of semi-finished products during their transportation are proposed

    Keywords: organization of construction; economy of construction; organization of production

  • Some current trends in research of processes of drying from organic solvents

    The existing and promising methods of drying of coatings from organic solvents presented. The important role of the temperature of the drying kinetics, which determines the rate of chemical and rheological processes. Shown the crucial role of design and technology solutions. The main problem of experimental research, calculation and simulation, energy resource and environment in the development of processes and equipment for the evaporation of solvents and coating treatment is determined.

    Keywords: kinetics, drying, solvent, mode, experiment, modeling, coating

  • On the issue of optimization of marketing costs in the cost of a construction project

    The article is devoted to the issues of marketing costs evaluation in the construction project cost's management. The methods of determining the marketing cost in the construction sector within the specifics of the industry are issued.

    Keywords: marketing costs, project cost management, methods of marketing costs estimation

  • Evaluation of transportation risks of non-standard cargoes on the example materials handling equipment

    The problem of reduction of costs associated with the performance of work in remote areas, which should be delivered to special funds for the execution of works, is relevant in view of the ever-increasing one-hundred-imosti special technique, bulkiness of many of its types and problem-sti move its modern road and other routes. Hod them from directions to reduce these losses is to find the best options to transfer credits on the basis of building a formal model describing the process of moving. It is this problem, and in is devoted to this work. In the formalized problem of minimizing the risks caused by losses and costs associated with the delivery of the Ad Hoc technology to remote-ly located sites working on co-toryh can be carried out construction, installation, repair, supply of-malarial and other works. The classification of the problems associated with the movement of special equipment and, above all, Conveyor as the most cumbersome and capacious types of such equipment. We write the expression for the losses and expenses associated with the pro-cess of transportation. These expressions include four of subsidiary function, which in turn depend on a number of constants and pro-simplest functions. The first of these auxiliary functions Inves-vestigated for the most important field of application of the developed model - for the construction sector. An analytical expression for the function.

    Keywords: transportation of special equipment, mathematical model, construction zone, lifting vehicles, minimization-tion risks, losses and expenses, estimate model parameters

  • The study of the nature of the fluidized bed in the dryer with inert particles

    The article presents a description of the nature of the behavior of the fluidized bed consisting of heterogeneous particles, in the apparatus used for drying the dispersed liquid products. Given a description of the features of the experimental setup and methods of processing of obtained results. Describes the characteristic of the observed inhomogeneities of the layer. Shown types formed in the layer of gas bubbles, and describes their coalescence in the layer. Describes the basic mechanisms of coalescence bubbles in a fluidized bed of heterogeneous particles.

    Keywords: fluidization, layer, inert, drying, bubble, channel, mode, heterogeneity

  • Improving the investment and construction project management system

    The article describes how to maximize the value of investment and construction of housing projects on the basis of stakeholder approach. The proposed model of value-oriented management, based on stakeholder-approach allows you to set goals not only on financial performance, but also to balance the interests of all stakeholders of the project

    Keywords: projects; housing; value-based management

  • A formalized risk assessment model of operation materials handling equipment

    The problem of reducing the costs associated with the performance of work at the construction site, is relevant in view of the ever increasing cost of special equipment and materials used in con-ment, the tightening competition in the construction market. One of the ways to reduce these losses is the search of an optimal variants of the organization of the construction process, in particular for road construction equipment and above all Conveyor (TCP). That this problem is devoted to this work. In the formalized problem of minimizing the losses and costs associated with the delivery with the implementation of various support accompanying PTS use processes. Accounted for a large set of facts which could have a negative impact on the process uses the TCP-tion. These expressions include seven support functions, which in turn depends on a number of constants and simple functions. We studied two of the seven auxiliary functions on demand-built bathrooms in models obtained analytical expressions for calculating the values ​​of these functions.

    Keywords: lifting the vehicle, a mathematical model, the construction area, risks, losses and expenses, minimization, auxiliary functions, the evaluation of the model parameters.

  • To a question of an efficiency assessment of the enterprise's logistic activity

    Article is devoted to the questions of an efficiency assessment of the company's logistic activity . Possible indicators of an efficiency assessment of logistic activity of firm are considered. The system of indicators of an efficiency assessment of logistic activity is offered.

    Keywords: logistic activity, efficiency of logistic activity, indicators of an assessment of logistic activity

  • About features of ensuring efficiency of marketing communications in the construction sphere

    Article is devoted to questions of features of providing effective communication policy of the construction enterprises. Questions of the organization of marketing communications in the construction sphere through the specifics of branch are considered.

    Keywords: marketing communications, efficiency of marketing communications, features of marketing communications in the construction sphere

  • Analisys of Aleksandrovskiy water-inlet with fish-biological characteristic of river Don

    The article is devoted to highlighting the problems of fish protection identified in the inspection process intake of Rostov-on-Don in pos.Aleksandrovka. Based on studies graphs of velocities in different alignments ladle water intake.

    Keywords: water intake, hydro-morphological study of fish protection, water intake scoop, slush, freezing, water inlet filter is applied, siltation of the reservoir

  • Study of channel processes in the area of the River Don Alexander's intake structures

    The article is devoted to the results of morphological studies in the area of the Don river water intake facilities of Rostov-on-Don. Investigations of ice phenomena, water-level regime, built hydrographers.

    Keywords: water intake, hydro-morphological study of fish protection, water intake scoop, slush, freezing, water inlet filter is applied, siltation of the reservoir

  • Issledovanie temperaturnyh zon absorbcionnoj kolonny v processe ochistki serougleroda

    Stat'ja posvjashhena issledovaniju temperaturnyh zon absorbcionnoj kolonny v processe ochistki serougleroda. Issledovanie provoditsja na osnovanii rasschitannyh linii regressii dlja kazhdoj iz 3 temperaturnyh zon absorbcionnoj kolonny. Ishodja iz poluchennyh dannyh, delaetsja vyvod o stepeni vlijanija kazhdoj iz issledovannyh temperaturnyh zon na kachestvo regulirovanija dannogo processa v celom.

    Keywords: Serouglerod, absorbcija, regressija, absorbent, shkala Cheddoka, temperaturnaja zona, avtomatizacija, temperatura, matematicheskoe ozhidanie, dispersija

  • Optimization laboratory workshop on electrical engineering with MatLab Simulink

    Article is devoted to the optimization of laboratory workshop on electrical engineering with MatLab Simulink system. Questions of introduction of batch Simulink simulation in electrical engineering. The characteristic of educational-methodic manuals on how to use this package for the simulation of processes.

    Keywords: the introduction of information technology in learning, simulation, Simulink.