The question on the scientifically-grounded choice of protection of building designs at the enterprises with excited environments which mechanism on materials of designs is insufficiently investigated is considered. (aggressive technological environments of the medical enterprises)
Keywords: Corrosion destructions, building designs, excited environments, protection against corrosion
The article is devoted steps for the development technical support for crane operator training complex. An important component of technical support is a wireless terminals. Formulated a list of requirements for a wireless terminals: correct operation of the program crane simulator, reliability, compactness, wired and wireless communications to PC, flexible configuration, self-diagnostics, low price. Mobile Remote includes terminals and host. The host is connected to PC via USB interface, as USB HID device. Terminals transmits the information to a host by Bluetooth. Selected hardware base for the terminals and host (microcontrollers, wireless modules, batteries) and designed printed circuit boards. Investigations of the different batteries and the battery life time of terminals. The description of the design decisions, especially this development.
Keywords: Computer simulator, wireless terminals, microcontroller, battery, USB HID device
Construction lending risks define a special operations procedure for lender. The most important measure to construction lending risk minimization are the covenants (information and financial). The information covenants are used for minimization the hidden information (pre-contractual opportunism), and financial covenants (positive and negative) – for minimization the hidden action (post-contractual opportunism). Institutionalization of covenants as a relevant control and supervision procedure allow to reduce information asymmetry and make the construction lending process less risky and more predictable for concerned parties (agent and principal).
Keywords: real estate financing, default risk, construction loans, credit capacity, debt, financial covenant
In work the scheme of regulation of a dynamic level of a liquid which can be used in systems of oil extracting with the purpose of increase of efficiency of their work is offered. The scheme of a regulator of the level consisting of proportional and integrated discrete elements that has allowed to reduce a static mistake is described and on the basis of to raise efficiency of regulation of a dynamic level. Modelling process of work of the offered scheme of regulation is lead, results are analysed and recommendations on parameters of a regulator are developed. Procedure of use of the offered scheme also for the control of a degree not fillings the pump is described.
Keywords: The scheme of regulation of a dynamic level of a liquid, is proportional-integrated regulator of a level, regulation of a dynamic level of a liquid in a chink, not filling the pump.
Combined method which allows analyzing parameters of the nanoscale atomic and electronic structure of materials relying on three different methods (x-ray absorption spectroscopy (XAFS), x-ray diffraction (XRD) and Raman spectroscopy) was developed. The method was applied for the study of nickel oxide nanoparticles, which serve as an efficient catalyst for the artificial photosynthesis process.
Keywords: solar energy, artificial photosynthesis, NiO, Raman, x-ray diffraction, XAFS
We have carried out the analysis on the scientific and technological literature on methods of calculation and analysis of the x-ray diffraction, x-ray absorption and Raman spectra used to analyse the structure of the materials for hydrogen storage under realistic operating conditions. The simulations were carried out for the series of small palladium nanoclusters with embedded hydrogen. Multiscale computer modelling was used to simulate the dynamics of structure of the materials during charge/discharge phases.
Keywords: hydrogen storage, XANES, x-ray diffraction, Raman scattering, fuel cell
The importance of domestic competitive machinery market entry is shown in the paper. It is shown that the domestic competitive machinery, which provides complex harvesting of round and fuel wood, market entry is the important direction in solving the problem of wood consumers market development in the capacity of biological fuel.
Keywords: wood fuel, preparation, consumers, market
One of the priorities of socio-economic development of the municipality is the effective work aimed at improving the efficiency of territorial resources’ using, quality development, reconstruction and modernization of the network of agency of health care. In this article the problem of placement for agency of health care considers at reconstruction of urban areas. There is an environmental condition in focus, when choosing a site location of the agency of health care.
Keywords: agency of health care planning, GIS-technologies, Sustainable development, reconstruction of urban areas, environmental condition
The proposed approach to the study of social engineering systems to meet all their basic features. Blurred structure of social engineering system reflects the fuzzy cognitive model; Fuzzy connection effectively evaluated using weights Fishburne; "blur" element values system and its functioning is overcome by introducing linguistic variables and their term-set fuzzy classifiers.
Keywords: system analysis, poorly structured and poorly formalizable processes, sociotechnical systems, fuzzy cognitive modeling
The article presents the results of experimental research of the re-entrainment reduction in the electrocyclone. The authors shows an increase in the collection efficiency of ash up to 99.5% and reduction of entrainment in 4 times when profiled elements was install on collection electrode surface
Keywords: gas dust cleaning, electrocyclone, re-entrainment, collection efficiency, ash from thermal power plants
This article analyzes the condition of the vehicle driver by methods using data RR-interval time series implementing wavelet-transform. The results of the discrete Wavelet-transform with the Daubechies wavelet of the fourth order are considered.
Keywords: wavelet-transform, RR-interval series, interval diagram
In article possibility of reception of an artificial foodstuff, in particular, artificial black caviar, both in laboratory, and in a life with a view of creation of is minimum necessary conditions for preservation of a life and health of people in extreme situations is considered. Initial products is foodstuff with application of the harmless components applied in the food-processing industry, as dyes.
Keywords: Caviar black, gelatin, cod-liver oil, a herring brine, , silver nitrate
The current work considers the problem of arrangement optimization of non-convex polyhedrons into a minimal height parallelepiped container. The no-fit polyhedron based algorithm is proposed to solve described task. The no-fit polyhedrons are used not only for providing conditions of the polyhedrons mutual non-intersection but also for finding the placement points. The current paper provides the block diagrams and the pseudo code of the algorithm. Some examples and computational results are also given for public input data.
Keywords: packing, no-fit polyhedron, non-intersection, optimization, arrangement
Strengthening of processes of eutrophication and toxification reservoirs examined in the aspect of emergency. Shows the negative effects of "bloom" of blue-green mikrvodorosley and proposed approaches to localization and liquidation of emergency situations caused by their massive development.
Keywords: emergencies, water, cyanobacteria, "bloom" of blue-green algae, toxification, eutrophication
This paper considers the problem of constructing the architecture of the mobile training complex of the loading/unloading machine, which includes a crane and crane control. The work was supported by the Russian Ministry of Education (contract № 13.G25.31.0093) as part of the RF Government Regulation № 218 "On measures of state support for the development of cooperation of Russian higher education institutions and organizations implementing complex projects on high-tech production"
Keywords: Computer training complex, architecture, control, crane