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  • The loosely coupled algorithm of integrated INS-GPS navigation system of the vehicle

    The existing approaches to the integration of relatively cheap strapdown inertial navigation system (SINS) based on MEMS-based technology and satellite navigation systems (SNS) are ineffective in relation to motor vehicles. We consider the iterative algorithm for the loosely coupled mode of integration of heterogeneous navigation systems do not intend to use the optimal estimation. The solution is obtained on the basis of the fully nonlinear model of the navigation system of the vehicle and the, therefore, is valid for arbitrary and unknown in advance nature of his movements, and, in the most general assumptions about the level of disturbances acting upon him.

    Keywords: vehicle, integrated inertial navigation satellite system, loosely coupled iterative algorithm

  • Application of the system of voluntary certification of works on labour safety at the enterprise, as a factor of improvement of OSH

    In this article showed the data about the system of voluntary certification of works on labour protection. The certification process involves the confirmation of compliance of the enterprise (organization) on security and labour protection, to the established state normative requirements. Implementation of the procedure of certification of the state of labour protection works is the main condition for the improvement of the OSH management system in the organization.

    Keywords: certification of works on labour protection, assessment of the state of labour protection in the organization, improvement of OSH

  • Simulation of failures and their elimination on financial markets with the events flow generated by a binary tree

    A financial market on a stochastic basis with a filtration generated by the binary tree is considered. A plugin simulating failures on this market is constructed. We mean by a failure the following situation on the financial market: when passing from a time moment  to the next one new events arise but discounted price of the fixed type stock does not change. A failure generates the incompleteness of the market (the set of martingale measures of this market is infinite). By modelling of a weak deformation it is possible to reduce the set of martingale measures to a unique measure. Thereby the price of every contingent claim is uniquely determined. This price may be considered as "fair price".

    Keywords: Stochastic basis, probability measure, financial market, binary tree, arbitrage free, completeness, weak deformation, martingale measure, plugin.

  • Computing intelligence method based on the molecular interaction model in the cell

    The authours is viewed the new method formalization of computing intelligence, which use molecular interaction model  in the cell. The method parametr adjustment is described. The technological reseach of  marketing verbal proposal  marketing strategies example influence on  the number of potential cliens is introduced.

    Keywords: Computing intelligence, molecular interaction model in the cell, bad formalizable management strategies, business planning

  • Health keeping models of professional socialization of student’s youth in uncertain social conditions.

    The article considers opportunities of model’s approach to practice of health keeping in the context of professional socialization of student’s youth in the modern uncertain social conditions. The author also suggests the health keeping factors model of professional socialization of student’s youth having a personal-focused direction.

    Keywords: health keeping models, professional socialization, student’s youth, conditions of uncertain social, factor’s model, personal-focused direction

  • Modeling of electrodynamic parameters of a multi-mode double-gap cavity for using in miniaturized multi-beam klystron’s devices

    For miniaturized vacuum klystron type devices utilization of a double- gap strip-line cavity with suspended ceramic substrate is very promising. 
    The two-mode operating mode of such cavities practically isn't studied enough; so there is the great scientific and practical interest for research of electrodynamic characteristics of cavities during multi-mode operation that correspond to simultaneous excitement of anti-phase and co-phase modes in a double gap.  
    In this article results of the 3-D numerical modeling by means of the Ansoft HFSS code are presented, and also the experimental results of the electrodynamic properties of the half-wave double- gap cavity with the suspended ceramic substrate are submitted. Optimum parameters of this design, allowing to carry out simultaneous excitement at multiple frequencies with frequency rate (K=2) are determined.
    In such cavity high values of unloaded Q factors isn’t need because dielectric losses and conductor losses can be compensated at the expense of  the negative electronic conductivity that brought by modulated electronic beam. The operating mode with frequency rate   can be used for increasing of efficiency of generating and amplifying micro devices with filament cathode and matrix field emission cathodes.  

    Keywords: double-gap cavity, electrodynamic parameters, mathematical simulation, resonance frequency, characteristic impedance, method of planned experiment

  • The algorithm for constructing the trajectories of moving objects in a video based on optical flow

    At present, the development of algorithms is particularly relevant high-level analysis of video sequences, including tracking of objects in a video stream and their implementation in information and communication systems. In the proposed approach the pretreatment step uses optical flow calculation for each frame video sequence, as well as low-level features (such as a representation of each pixel in the color space YIU). For moving objects optical flow is more important than for a stationary background and allows you to find the foreground objects in video sequences and adjust the weighting function in determining the histogram similar to the adjacent frames, taking into account the motion of objects.

    Keywords: computer vision, tracker, tracking of object, optical flow, motion tracking

  • State of the environment and the incidence of the city's population Konstantinovsk Rostov region

    The state pitevoy water, air and soil in the period 2010-2012. Konstantinovsk in the city of Rostov region. The basic sources of contamination and priority pollutants. Results The analysis of water samples for the study of centralized and decentralized water consumption for sanitary-chemical, microbiological and parasitic parameters. The role of industry and transport in air pollution. Data on the chemical contamination of soils. Provides information about infectious, parasitic and diseases of the population. Shows their dynamics, and the main reason for the change indicators.

    Keywords: Environment, drinking water, air, soil, industry, transport, pollution, morbidity

  • The algorithm of Image reconstruction based on analysis of local binary patterns

    The paper presents a method of detecting distortions in the archival photo documents by texture analysis based on local binary patternss. The proposed approach consists of the following stages: pre-treatment and detection of scratches. Pre-treatment is used to reduce the effects of noise and small defects in the image. To recognize the class of defects using a support vector machine. The effectiveness of the new approach on several examples in the detection of defects.

    Keywords: digital image processing, detection of defects, archival photographs, local binary patterns

  • Quality control of the production work on the consolidation of soil foundation using the GPR subsurface sensing

    The paper proposes to perform quality control of the production work on the consolidation of soil foundation with the use of the method. Application of geo-radiolocation sensing allows to specify and complement the results of engineering and geological surveys, as well as capture the changes taking place in the grounds of foundations after work on fixing them. This will provide a comprehensive picture of the grouting in the underlying foundation of the building and provide a reliable and simple quality control work.

    Keywords: Geophysical methods,monitoring of the geological environment, landslide hazard.

  • To questions of construction of integrated operators with осциллирующими in factors in space L2(Bn)

    Article is devoted multidimensional integrated operators with homogeneous kernels and oscillating in factors of a special kind. The operators representing the sum of the composed are studied: the initial integrated operator with a homogeneous kernel, the operator with осциллирующим in factor and a homogeneous kernel. For the given operators the concept of a symbol, of which terms is defined the criterion neterovosti and the formula of calculation of an index is received. The task in view decision is based on a reduction of the multidimensional integrated equation to infinite diagonal system of the one-dimensional equations.

    Keywords: Integral operators with homogeneous kernels,integral operators with oscillating factors, multidimensional integral equations

  • Hybrid reverberation algorithm

    The technique of space-time processing of acoustic signals with the use a convolution algorithm the purpose of application of which is the spatial positioning of the virtual soun sourse (auralization) is com=nsidered in this article. Also the reverberation chatacteristics of a modeled acoustic environment are take into consideration.

    Keywords: auralization, HRTF, artificial reverb, room simulation, convolution algorithm, impulse response convolution, impulse response synthesis, dynamic convolution, complex filtering

  • Improving the accuracy of extrinsic camera parameters calibration

    The model of the ideal video camera is described, the form of the intrinsic and extrinsic camera parameters is showed. The relations between coordinates of a point in the world coordinate system with coordinates of this point on the image plane are given. The problem of finding extrinsic camera parameters from corresponded world and image points is posed. The error of found extrinsic parameters is estimated by simulation for several configurations of calibration objects consisting of a variable number of points on different distances from the camera and with different angles between them. On the basis of simulation results recommendations are given for the choice of the calibration object in order to improve the accuracy of the extrinsic camera parameters. The best results may be obtained with a configuration consisting of points that have a large angular distance between them and are posed on different distance from camera.

    Keywords: camera calibration, extrinsic camera parameters, position and orientation estimation, calibration object

  • Development simulator of wireless sensor network

    "This research focuses on the development of wireless sensor network simulator. The simulator is designed using multiagent model approach. For the software implementation the multi-agent simulation library MASON and the graph modeling, analysis and visualization library JUNG are used. The experimental research of simulator directed at the efficiency and precision estimation were carried out. The experiments were performed on networks of various sizes. The latest wireless technology and progress in chip manufacturing in the past few years allowed to move to the practical development and implementation of a new class of distributed communication systems - wireless sensor networks (WSN). The aim of this work is the creation of a wireless sensor network simulator, which makes it possible to simulate its operation in different modes, including using various routing protocols. This simulator is considered as the basis tool for analysis and optimization of wireless sensor networks. One of the objectives of the developed simulator is to analyze the impact of different routing protocols on the separate/overload nodes, involved in retransmission packets, sourced from other network nodes. The need to develop a simulator is due to the fact that the choice of many technical solutions arising in the design of information systems with the WSN can not be only based on laboratory tests conducted on a small network. Real information systems, such as environmental monitoring system, consist of a large number of nodes, which is impossible to reproduce in the laboratory . Therefore, the task of developing simulator WSN is relevant. Currently, there are several approaches and appropriate tools for simulation of wireless sensor networks. So, for the development of simulator, you can use the package modeling networks ns-2/ns-3 . This package is a general-purpose simulation system, strength of which is the possibility of a realistic simulation of the physical propagation of signals. However, the use of this system for simulation WSN requires writing extensions. Other than that ns--2/ns-3 allows only to simulate network, but can not stimulate the work of software nodes. Simulator TOSSIM is deprived of this deficiency . It allows to simulate the work as separate nodes, and large networks, consisting of hundreds or even thousands of nodes; and gives the developer the ability to analyze and test the code, which is designed for the real hardware. The compiler, included in TOSSIM, replaces the low-level application components that interact with hardware resources of the node with the components interacting with the implementations of these devices in the simulator. With this the simulator executes the same code as the real network nodes. However, the simulator has a relatively low productivity and is not suitable for multiple simulation of large sensor networks, which is essential in the development of tools to optimize WSN. Therefore, along with the use of this simulator , we decided to develop a simpler, but at the same time, more rapid and scalable simulator."

    Keywords: Wireless sensor networks, multi-agent simulation, simulation model, MASON, JUNG

  • Q optimization of mm-wave LC circuits

    Сollector mm-wave load circuit of differential stages, as well as the optimization of Q-factor are considered. Optimization of the form of microstrip line in order to increase quality factor is shown. Differential line shorted at one end, at the resonant frequency in the operating mode of the standing wave. At the shorted end of the line voltage is at minimum level, while the current at the maximum, so losses are mainly due to the series resistance of the microstrip line. On the other side of the line, the current is minimized, and the voltage - maximum, so the parasitic losses associated with shunt conductance between the differential lines. This effect use for reducing line losses and increasing the Q-factor. To this end, at the shorted end of the line is necessary to increase the line width and the gap between them, and at the other end to reduce the width and gap.

    Keywords: resonant circuit, SiGe, mm-wave, BiCMOS, monolithic integrated circuit