Methodology of integrated assessment of the energy efficiency level of non-industrial objects.
Methodology of integrated assessment of the energy efficiency level of non-industrial objects.
Incoming article date: 15.07.2014Federal Law 261-FZ dated November 23, 2009 introduces a list of organizations subject to mandatory energy audit including development of energy passports and energy efficiency programs. However, the fact of the audit (the presence of energy certificates and energy saving program) is not an indicator of energy efficiency of the organizations surveyed. Currently, the main criteria are the specific energy consumption per square meter of floor space, the presence of meters, the availability of energy service contracts (according to the order of Ministry of Economic Development of the Russian Federation dated October 24, 2011 #591). These criteria do not allow to assess comprehensively the efforts of the staff to improve energy efficiency of the object. The authors have developed methodology allowing to determine the level of energy efficiency of the object (building, group of buildings) based on objective and subjective factors. The proposed approach makes it possible to rank different objects according to their level of energy efficiency, it allows to develop investment programs aimed at energy efficiency improvement in more efficient manner. This method can be used to monitor the energy efficiency of facilities and to assess the quality of energy efficient measures implemented at these objects. Analysis of the indicators in certain areas can detect the most "weak" places for improvement.
Keywords: Energy efficiency, energy saving, specific energy consumption, energy audits, energy efficiency measures, indicators, methodology, monitoring.